Hello, I am new! Anyone here with hypothyroidism?


I am new to the site. My sister actually introduced me. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and gained 20 lbs. It's been a struggle to lose the weight. I have been on meds for a while now but still can't seem to lose weight. Just wondering if anyone here has the same issue and has found something that works along with regular exercise.


  • Minoasin
    Minoasin Posts: 9 Member
    I have a suspected thyroid condition that goes up and down depending on what is going on hormonally ....argh...you too? Have you spoke with your doctor about the trouble of weight loss (endocrinologist )?
  • I have had hypotyroidism for 20 years and cantell you it is a struggle. I had to switch from taking my meds in the evening instead of morning and that helped TREMENDOUSLY
  • Minoasin
    Minoasin Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not on medications yet but I am watching everyone who has it to see what they suggest...thanks for the tip for when I need the meds...that will come eventually the doctor said...
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I have had hypothyroidism since I was 11 years old. I had recently had some personal issues and gained at least 35-40 pounds back. Since I have been regulated so long on synthyroid as long as I watch calories and move my butt I can lose. I have lost 38 pounds since February by sticking to 1200-1400 calories a day and was walking 5 miles a day. For the last month I have had a problem with my foot and not moving much and the losing has stalled. This is where I think the hypothyroidism plays a role. It takes more for me than the average person to lose. It takes a long time to get regulated on meds. For me it took probably a year and a half! It was horrible. But, I think with watching calories and the content of those calories and moving you can see a loss. It may not be as big as the average person but you will see some results.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and I'm 225 lbs... I lose about a lb a month with this..
  • I was diagnosed with this (along with some other hormonal issues) but I've been on medication that at least helped my thyroid levels in blood test, but didn't help with energy and weight loss. Good eating habits (not a lot of junk, no matter how much I want it) and consistent exercise has helped. The exercise doesn't need to be hard or long, just consistent. My weight loss has been slower than I like, but it's happening with those things - regardless of the meds.
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    I've been on meds for about 15 years. I'm on 200mcg, that I take first thngin the morning. I had a really hard time with my weight for awhile. Once I really stuck to it, not going over my calories and exercising on a regular basis the weight start coming off. I started at 172# in January and am now 124#.
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    Extreme fatigue was my most noticable symptom, also gained some weight that was hard to take off before I was introduced to MFP. Happy to report that by being diligent with logging and exercise, that it IS possible to meet your goals. Don't let diagnosis stop you from working through to your goal. Don't delay getting the meds they are the best thing you will ever discover for this condition! Best wishes.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
  • carolyn002
    carolyn002 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 59 yo and have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism - which the doctor says I have had for 35+ years.............. No wonder my weight has always been high! ................and I've been finding it extremely difficult to loose any weight at all.

    I have started the meds and doing hydrotherapy in the pool to assist with other issues, and am hoping to start to lose some weight at last.

    I am considering following the Paleo diet - there are people who says that it helps IBS, diabetes, and other relevant health issues including loosing weight.

    What do you know about Paleo? Has it been succesful..........or even any help at all?

    Thanks for any opinions.
  • karenq3
    karenq3 Posts: 2
    Hello, I was diagnosed with hyper then hypothyroid end result, Graves disease. Had my thyroid removed with radioactive iodine.This all occurred about 20 yrs ago. Extreme weight loss then weight gain with dry skin and hair loss.!! It is a horrible condition. I take 200mcg plus 25 mcg of synthroid. My recommendation to those of you experiencing this is to speak to your physician in regards to adding Vitamin D3 and Calcium.

    Thyroid medicine in large doses can cause brittle bone disease. I regularly take my dose for with no change in weight loss. My metabolism remains at a stand still. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    I read the additional comments from members with hypothyroidism and was given hope just seeing others like myself.

    Best of luck contact me I would love to have a friend with similar issues.
  • adoane1
    adoane1 Posts: 5
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 3 years ago. It took a long time to get my meds finally regulated and interfered with my ability to conceive. BUT my levels finally lowered so I am on the correct dose for me and I now have a beautiful 4 month old daughter. As for the weight loss, I am HOPING that my hypothyroidism does not hinder my progress. Yours either!!! It is such a frustrating struggle, I know. :(
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I have to take Synthroid for my thyroid, when I finally got meds my thyroid levels were really,really terrible.
  • Yep me too. Just on Levothyroxine 1 year now and can't seem to drop the weight. I have been skinny my whole life
    till now and I turn 50 in one week.
  • CarlyDawn7
    CarlyDawn7 Posts: 23
    I don't have hypothyroidism, but my mother was diagnosed with that after she gave birth to me. She no longer has it though, because she took a radioactive pill that killed her thyroid, and now takes medication acting as her thyroid since she no longer has one. I don't know too much about it, but I do understand how hard it can be to lose weight with that. Try not to let it bring you down. I'll send you a request, I'm here for support!(:
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    I have Hashimotos which is an Auto-Immune Thyroid disease, meaning I will have it forever and that my own antibodies are attacking my thyroid and will eventually kill it. Great right? I have extreme fatigue and haven't been able to loose weight in 10 years. I'm not giving up, but like someone else said, I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, not even my worse enemy. Keep your chin up
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I have hypothyroidism, and while it is harder to lose weight, I have lost 38 pounds this past year, and still going :) I started just by tracking all my foods on here and doing Jillian's 30 day shred. I have continued Jillian Michaels's workouts, they are great, very challenging and I can do them because they are only about 30 minutes a day. I bought a bodymedia fit and my daily burn is less than average, but I just work to move more and adjust calories accordingly, and it has worked. Don't let it stop you from going for it! Be persistent and consistent, and you will make it! :)
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 7 years ago. I gained a lot of weight, and then lost some, and then gained some more. It's really a slow process to get the weight off. I've found that I have to be pretty vigilant with myself on my portion sizes and keeping my energy levels up by eating healthy foods and less processed stuff.
    Good luck!!
  • dfisher88
    dfisher88 Posts: 24 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 3.5yrs ago. My endocrinologist was fabulous at getting my meds accurate very fast. I ended up getting pregnant with my 3rd child about 6months later and then my endocrinologist was diagnosed with leukemia and is now no longer practicing. Her referral doctor was not a good fit for me. Even after seeing she had diagnosed me and I was doing well on my meds, he said I was fine and I quote, "If you lived in the pilgrim days you would survive the famine". Huh? I am now on the search for a endo that will actually listen to me and see that my previous endo had me properly diagnosed. Luckily my OB is just giving me the prescription for synthroid. From January till about May, I was busting my rearend and getting very poor results. It was very very discouraging. It makes it very difficult to stick with something when you see a 1 lb. loss in a month.

    I am back at it and plan to stick with it no matter what. I am sad (but glad) to see some people in the same boat I am in. It is very encouraging to me to see those of you that have stuck with it and that are losing despite this issue. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I would LOVE the motivation!
  • Hollyana
    Hollyana Posts: 55 Member
    Hey, I just found this topic - I was diagnosed with hypothyroid nearly 4 years ago now at 21 after growing a great big goitre! Hypo AND hyper are very persistent in the women in my family, so it wasn't a massive surprise. I didn't think I had symptoms at the time but realised afterwards that it had been causing mild depressive periods, lethargy, thinning of my eyebrows and eating binges fairly regularly. Since going on meds I've also greatly reduced stomach problems I used to get a lot as well.

    Within 2-3 years of going on medication I lost 15lbs without even trying, so for those of you who've just started meds there is some hope! I wasn't overweight but I didn't carry the excess well so it looked worse than it was, and I went from around 148lbs to around 133lbs.

    For me it gradually got rid of wanting to eat all the time - in fact I even had a couple of periods of not being bothered about food at all, which was VERY strange for me I can tell you! I used to be always thinking about the next meal, and now I think I have a normal appetite.