GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
Hey everyone.

So I celebrated my 21st birthday over the weekend and I am ashamed to say that I really don't remember much of it.

From what I was told....
There were strippers, lapdances, broken high heels, too many shots, upchucking, flashing my undies to the club (WHAT!??), having friends pull up my strapless dress constantly because I was near-flashing everyone (It's too big now, thanks to MFP!), countless drinks given to me and finally, two cabbies refused to let me in because I was too drunk. (The 3rd one took my friend and I back to her place, where I blacked out on her brother's bed).


I don't remember any of this, to be honest.

SO, should I continue to be embarrassed, or just get over it?

I've NEVER gotten black out drunk before and I am veeeery afraid and humiliated that my entire group of friends saw me in that state.

SHOULD I FEEL THIS?::noway: :blushing:
OR THIS?::laugh: :wink:

ALSO, tell me your drunk stories!


  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Just about everyone has had one of those moments. :P

    My last one was few years ago in Korea. We had a kegger party after our Operation Readiness Inspection and got damn near perfect on it which is a big deal. We floated a few kegs through the night. I lost myself around 1130 that night and I woke up the next afternoon in a strange bed. :P

    Apparently Rockband, beer pong and strip poker where all involved at some point.

    Bottom line is you had fun. Keep it as memory and move on. Life is short so have fun while you can. ;)
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    If you didn't black out, you didn't really have a 21st birthday. Mine was epic, and ended with pics of me passed out on the toilet. Didn't remember anything, but I know it was a hell of a night.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Been there, done that!

    Embarrassing at first, but got over it. You'll get over it too! Sounded like you had a great night. ;)
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    sounds like an awesome night. for my 21st i remember getting to the bar, having a few shots, and then it goes black until about 2am where i was wrestling with my friend in a mud puddle. i picked her up and body slammed her into the puddle, she got up and tackled me to the ground, shoved my head in the puddle and yelled "your heads in a puddle and you like it!"

    some how i got home and into bed. woke up the next morning in all my muddy clothes,. epic. :)
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    Ha-ha! These stories are priceless!

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who went waaaaaaaaay over board.

    "If you didn't black out, you didn't have a 21st bday"
    HA. This. That will be my excuse.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    don't make a habit of drinking THAT much but everyone does it once or twice. The only thing i'd suggest is maybe not return to that particular club anytime soon, go to the 'other' place lol.

    ok now for my blackout drunk story: my fiance and i drove from our home to washington state to see NIN at the Sasquatch festival. 17 hour drive, that included going over international border, getting a speeding ticket, and nearly running out of gas in some backwood smallville-looking place. Longest day, ever. Didn't help we'd brought along a friend to help offset costs who slept in the back the whole time while he phone was constantly ringing like 2 inches from her ear. That phone nearly got thrown out of the car. Anyhow, once we had FINALLY GOT THERE and got camp set up we sat back and both started drinking MGD like water. We get tipsy and start wandering around the rows and rows of campsites. we wound up drinking with a dude in a Sasquatch outfit named habib or something, and started on the hard liquor. One of the last things i remember is the girl we'd brought to the music festival saying how she wouldn't come back to the campsite that night cause there were two boys into her. and when she pointed them out it was two boys kissing in a truck. I laughed. Then i woke up the next morning and literally crawled out of the tent and laid in the sun sucking back water trying to remember what had happened. the inside of the tent had the remains of an unknown amount of broken condoms (they'd got hot in the car and all broke) and our friend snoring in her sleeping bag alone. I was missing my camera. I found it on the tailgate of where the boys were making out the night before. Over the next week my fiance and i have been able to piece together that we had clove cigarettes with the campsite next to us where i hugged this girl a lot and we were talking about how awesome our generation could be if we came together with love and awesomeness. we never really did get it going once we got back to the tent, all the condoms were overheated and faulty, but we were loud, very loud, and totally forgot that we had a 3rd person in the tent (she claimed to sleep through it). I woke up curled around my fiance's ankles like a cat in the morning wearing nothing but a sarong i bought in hawaii. What a way to start off a music festival!!

    edited to add: i would've been more self-conscious if we weren't at a 3 day music festival in another country. Lots of strange things happened there. One morning we found a guy passed out on an air mattress with a pineapple, a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of water 40 feet from the porta potties.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    If that sort of thing is a regular occurrance then you shld be embarrassed. If it was a one time thing just laugh about it. It will make for good memories (what you can remember and what your friends will fill in) in future years.

    When I was in college I lived in the dorms. My roommate, a friend, and I all got plastered. We decided to go for a walk to sober up. I got tired and headed back to the dorm. The next morning I woke up in the bushes in front of my dorm. I have no idea how I got there. I remember getting to the building then realizing my roommate had the key so I sat down to wait for her. I must have fallen off the steps into the bushes. Naturally, as I got up with bits of dirt and twigs in my hair a guy I liked was walking up the steps. He looked at me like this --> :huh: There wasn't anything I could do to save my dignity so I just said "Morning." and went inside. He laughed and commented that I must have had quite a night. I said "I don't know. I'll probably find out later though." :laugh: I was mortified at the time. now I find it hilarious.
  • backwoodsbama
    backwoodsbama Posts: 104 Member
    Sad thing is apparently some of the craziest moments of my life have been in the drunk to blacked out state. This includes things from awesome concerts to crazy nights in Korea. Some years ago, I finally hooked up with a crush I've had for years but in a blacked out state. Unfortunately, I do not remember it and it was a one time deal so I have yet to be able to relive one of the few things I wish I had been completely conscious for.

    I swear I'd give up alcohol if I didn't have such a great relationship with it. :P

    Well, except tequila. Tequila always gets me into trouble. ;)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Once on your 21st birthday, forget it.
    Laugh it off.
    If it happens ever again, you're an alcoholic and should quit drinking forever.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Be graciously embarrassed, apologize to those whose nights you circumvented because they were obligated to care for you.

    and then laugh your *kitten* off and consider it exactly what it is: kind of a rite of passage into adulthood.
  • Gharley64
    Gharley64 Posts: 37 Member
    Hell, I once woke up with my pants down in a dog house....taught me control real fast.
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    Oh God, I've had a couple of those and so have my friends....laugh about it and move on. I'm turning 40 next year and going to vegas for it, enough said.

    Happy 21st sweetie!
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    Laugh it off , it's going to happen many more times.
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    Personally, if it were me, I'd wait until they posted the Youtube videos or photos on Facebook before I was embarrassed. At least you can say you partied like a rock star on your 21st - consider the fact you survived your wild night as a kind of rite of passage... ;)
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    If you don't have some apologies to make after your 21st, you did it wrong. A dozen years later and I still tell the tale of my 21st by starting out with, "You think THAT'S bad...?"
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Every weekend :-) at parties with my friends the standard conversation is "Emma Stories" when gossip runs dry hahaha

    Dont worry, just laugh along and they'll get bored, if you get embarrased or look like you're bothered they'll find it funnier - TRUST ME!! hahaha

    Oh and Happy 21st! :drinker:
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Get over it for sure!

    This is coming from someone that is 52 lol!

    My worst moment was when I worked at a hospital I was a psycholigist just starting and went to a doctors and nurses `party` I ended up being put in a taxi and the driver had to carry me into the house cos my drink had been spiked. I was ill for 4 days with all sorts of hallucinations and stuff!!!

    Don`t worry about it but watch your drinks next time lol!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    If you didn't black out, you didn't really have a 21st birthday. Mine was epic, and ended with pics of me passed out on the toilet. Didn't remember anything, but I know it was a hell of a night.

    was this just the other nite? i recall you saying you couldn't remember.... :drinker:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yikes. i've never drunk that much that i've blacked out and trust me i played rugby where every day (except the day before a game) was about kicking a keg or 2, boat races and shots.
    in any case, it was your 21st. hopefully now you know your limits and wont have a repeat..

    oh and the general rule is what crazy things happen during a crunk night is never ever discussed with your friends.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    enjoy and be proud, you're a long time dead or in a 6x6 office cubical. if you don't live it up now, when are you ever going to get the chance again. I've so many tales to tell if only I could remember them.