And you thought you were a picky eater!



  • to_the_surface
    suggestion to revisit those foods that you think you can't eat/stand. Maybe some of the things that caused the food phobia are not present any longer.

    Just to get the idea: Some kids develop food phobias because their parents forced them to eat certain foods. Some others are associated with particularly painful events. Maybe too much of a particular food/recipe.

    Varying the recipe is a good way to test. Say the phobia is to the smell of boiled spinach, then try a smoothie with spinach on it.

    Perhaps after a few years those thoughts/events/memories are not as strong anymore and your brain will cut you a little slack and allow for trying them again.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Just to get the idea: Some kids develop food phobias because their parents forced them to eat certain foods. Some others are associated with particularly painful events. Maybe too much of a particular food/recipe.

    Oh yes. I can't eat onions, raw tomatoes, or wilted spinach for this reason. I also have a hard time with mixed veggies and hot dogs. Not that hot dogs are the best food ever but I would probably pick starvation over any of these items.

    Luckily, there is a plethora of other foods out there to try. You like potatoes and french fries so I recommend trying sweet potato fries.
    Mix steamed and mashed cauliflower with your mashed potatoes.
    Get a copy of one of the recipe books that recommends pureeing vegetables and hiding it in other foods.
    You like fruit so make homemade smoothies that have fruit and veggies in them (like the Naked brand sold in stores - looks nasty, especially the green one, but is oh, so good!)

    Above all, experiment. Try finding a cooking show that you enjoy and try something similar. Or pick a veggie that is on sale and try experimenting with different ways to cook it. I know now that asparagus is absolutely divine when grilled or roasted with olive oil, garlic salt, and a sprinkle of parmesan or when wrapped in bacon (or procuitto) but I don't care for it steamed. I really enjoy sun-dried tomatos and can handle roasted, broiled, or otherwise cooked mixed in other foods. I can handle spinach when mixed with other foods or in salads.

    I still can't handle onions if I know they are in the food. I'm fine after I eat something if I find out onions were in it but I just can't see them (or feel them squeak on my teeth) or I won't eat it. Onion powder went a long way in helping me with that phobia I think.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I force myself to eat things I don't like and eventually I begin to like them. Like raw carrots, I used to hate them, now I eat them a few times a week.
  • dzvinka82
    dzvinka82 Posts: 33
    I am just as picky as you are, except I will eat meat. I have just accepted that this is the way I am. I have managed to loose weight even though I do hate most foods. I think the hardest part is eating with friends, because they think its weird that I hate everything...
  • nest9
    nest9 Posts: 28 Member
    I am just as picky as you are, except I will eat meat. I have just accepted that this is the way I am. I have managed to loose weight even though I do hate most foods. I think the hardest part is eating with friends, because they think its weird that I hate everything...

    I agree. People look at you like you are crazy. Which may be true. I have no problems losing weight on the foods I eat, I just need to look for a few more healthier options or at least make healthier choices with the types of foods I currently eat.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I used to be incredibly picky. I had to force myself to try new healthier foods if I wanted to lose weight. Now I'm better, but I still get made fun of for eating the same thing every time I go to a restaurant and never trying anything new, even if the new thing is on the healthy menu. I can't watch my food or drinks being prepared by someone other than myself, and maybe my boyfriend. I don't know why, I just think it's gross, but it's something I have to deal with, so I just look away. I won't eat anything spicy or with too much flavor. No salt or pepper. I do like some condiments though. I won't eat anything if I don't like the way it looks or smells.

    I don't really tell a lot of people that because I'm not a difficult picky person on the outside, if a friend makes dinner and I don't like the way it looks I'll eat some anyway, it's not going to kill me. I'm always polite even if it's something I wouldn't choose for myself. When I used to eat pizza I'd say I'll just pick off anything I don't like, and let everyone else decide the toppings. So it hasn't been a huge issue for me, but people who know me well have noticed it.