I hate exercise... am I ever going to like it?

Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie :blushing:

I hate exercise. I hate going out walking (boring) and the gym (self conscious). I don't mind swimming but it's hard in this cold and it is a BIG effort (dripping wet, wet hard etc).

I LOVE dancing (though look like a pig having a fit I think!!) and loved Body Jam (though no one seems to do it anymore) and want to try Zumba.

Don't get me wrong... I want to/need to start exercising a lot more to shed this weight. I know this. Just not sure it'll ever excite me!!

Couple of question:

1. Did you used to hate exercise and now love it? What changed?

2. How fit do you need to be to do the classes at the gym?


  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    1. Yes I used to hate and yes now I love it. I got a grip and started taking pleasure in achieving things I previously couldn't. I got out of the gym and starting cycling and running outside. So much better.
    2. You can start from base 0 fitness. Stand at the back and work as hard as you can.
  • mrswattie
    mrswattie Posts: 16
    I used to hate exercise and I still do lol. But I love the feeling of accomplishment afterwards and try to focus on that. I've just accepted exercise is something I need to do if i want to lose weight and tone up, whether I enjoy it or not :happy:
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    1. Did you used to hate exercise and now love it? What changed?

    2. How fit do you need to be to do the classes at the gym?

    1. Yes I used to hate it. I loved Yoga, did it for years and fell out of it. Loved soccer in high school and college, fell out of that too. Didn't like anything physical or exerting. Now that I have lost more weight working out is easier and actually give me that rewarding feeling when I feel the sweat on my forehead and body and when I see myself getting in shape.
    I started back into it about 6 months ago with a then friend of mine. It was easier with someone around my size that wanted to be motivated and get active together. We didn't talk the whole time we didn't even realize each other was there cause we used different equipment but it was nice to know that I wasn't the only lonely person there.
    I don't work out with her anymore but I have also grown a little more confident and strong enough to be in a crowded gym or out on the open sidewalk running or walking without caring what other people think of me or that I HAVE to have someone with me.
    2. You don't need to be fit at all for the begining classes, thats why they are for beginers. You can be any size or shape or age for classes at the gym. If you want to save money get some good FUN dvd's and do them at your own home until you feel confident enough to go to the gym or be on your own.
  • FerryfieldLad
    FerryfieldLad Posts: 185 Member
    Put simply. Yes.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I used to loathe exercise. LOATHE IT. Largely because I felt fat and self-conscious and unfit.

    I know it's zeitgeisty and can be quite divisive, but I swear by zumba. Exercise in disguise. I basically go and have fun for an hour, and have to more or less wring my clothes out afterwards. I found my first class very enjoyable and non-threatening (a big part of the ethos is that all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities can take part), and kind of went from there.

    Now? Endorphin addict; exercise hard most days; and wouldn't be without it. Give it a go; I can't recommend it highly enough.
  • lil_pixie
    lil_pixie Posts: 48
    I used to hate running, but I couldn't afford the gym so it was the most effective, free form of exercise i could do so I started running. I think what I hated was how bad I was at it, and what other people would think of me running. Because I'm not thin and I wasn't very good I kept thinking that people would laugh at me and wonder what on earth I was trying to do. So I used to get up early and run before anyone else was about (bar a few dog walkers).

    I still hated it then because I found it so hard. But after a few weeks I realized I wasn't finding it as hard and that I could run 2 miles non-stop. The feeling of achievement I had when I realised this was so motivational, and spurred me on to try and do 3 miles. The improvement in how far I could run was quite quick - about 2 months from total beginner to being able to run 3 miles non-stop. Realising that I could actually do it meant I started to enjoy it more. And the benefit of having more energy and losing weight helped too.

    I think it is that feeling of not being good at it which stops me from enjoying things, as I got injured and had to stop running for about a year. I'm just getting back into it now and am hating it at the moment, but I keep remembering how good I started to feel after I'd done it for a few weeks and that keeps me going.

    Keep at it and i think you will grow to like exercise as you see the benefits.

    Also, if you really hate one type, why not try something you can do with friends so it's more social? I play badminton which is good exercise, but also is a good chance to chat and catch up with my friends so i don't think about the exercise bit so much .
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    Yes I used to hate it. What changed all that? Partly getting a PT to try and destroy me every week as my determination never to fail means I just kick on harder, saw results and now feel awesome, strong and ridiculously fit. Partly it's competition - speed/distance competitions with a mate. Seeing if I can row 5km faster than someone can run it. All sorts. Anything to make the goal some tangible thing, rather than just the dross of moving one's body.

    As for classes - not a clue. I avoid them like the plague.
  • i used to hate it too till i tried Zumba! ive never looked back its the best workout as its hard but still fun at the same time
  • 41degsouth
    41degsouth Posts: 40
    I have lost 42lbs (or in my language, 19kg) since mid January. I haven't added any additional exercise at all, really. I walk to work every day (20 mins downhill) and back up (22 mins up a steep hill, and it's steep enough to be a cardio workout) but I did that for the last two years and gained a couple of kilos.

    The only thing that has made a difference is tracking my calorie intake and creating a moderate deficit every day. That's a much more direct route to weight control than exercising more.
  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    I used to never work out...then I discovered Zumba. I used to be really out of shape...now I do Zumba 5x a week, step/aerobics 3x a week, body pump 5x a week and cycle on top of that just because I love the endorphins exercise gives me! But it took a while to get to this place, all because of Zumba. It gets you pumped up and not even realizing you're working out, and so you can ease into the messy side of working out (getting sweaty, being self-conscious, no motivation) by forgetting about all that and just dancing and having fun. Now I'm about to get certified as a Zumba instructor! I never had the DVDs, just went along to the class. And yes, the first few times, I looked like a spaz...but NO ONE CARED! Everyone was new once, everyone felt like that at some point. Everyone will be too pumped up and focused on having fun. Then once you get used to Zumba (maybe even jut twice a week or something), you could try some other classes at your gym. What I found was the by going to Zumba I met a lot of regulars to my gym, and they recommended other classes to me so I went, and that's why I do so many now. But again, I stress, just GO TO ZUMBA! It's literally amazing. :)
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    I hate running too. Luckily, at this point, walking gets my heart rate up high and what I lack in speed I make for in time out walking. I have been going a different route every day to mix things up and I always have my iPod.

    I have a number of friends who Zumba and they all LOVE it. I think you should try it if you're curious.
  • I used to hate exercise and I still do lol. But I love the feeling of accomplishment afterwards and try to focus on that. I've just accepted exercise is something I need to do if i want to lose weight and tone up, whether I enjoy it or not :happy:

    This is exactly how I feel! I love the sense of accomplishment, but the actual doing? Not so much...
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    Wow I posted almost exactly the same thing as you about 10 weeks ago. I couldn't find a single exercise I liked and because I wasn't exercising, my food intake was minimal and VERY boring which was really upsetting me. I felt like my life was going to be one long battle to get slim and stay slim. My fiance has been going to the gym for years and has offered to take me countless times but each time we planned to go I would get myself so stressed out and upset about it and wouldn't go. I thought I'd be the fattest one there, that everyone would be looking at me and that I'd hate it.

    Two weeks ago, I finally plucked up the courage to go. One of the trainers gave me a tour of the gym and I instantly felt better. I realised that no one was going to look at me, I certainly wasn't the fattest person there and it was actually a pleasant environment. I joined straight away and have been every day since. I absolutely love it. The feeling of accomplishment when you've just burned 600 calories in an hour is incredible. It also means I can eat a lot more which is making me a much happier person.

    Thanks to the gym, I now know that weight loss and subsequent maintenance will not be a battle. The gym is a new way of life that will be a forever change.

    Trust me when I say no one hated exercise more than me. Take that first step, go for a tour of a gym and go for it. You will not regret it.

    Good luck!
  • I used to loathe exercise. LOATHE IT. Largely because I felt fat and self-conscious and unfit.

    I know it's zeitgeisty and can be quite divisive, but I swear by zumba. Exercise in disguise. I basically go and have fun for an hour, and have to more or less wring my clothes out afterwards. I found my first class very enjoyable and non-threatening (a big part of the ethos is that all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities can take part), and kind of went from there.

    Now? Endorphin addict; exercise hard most days; and wouldn't be without it. Give it a go; I can't recommend it highly enough.

    I just got the zumba DVDs from my friend (annoyingly, zumba not on at the right time at the gym) so you've inspired me to give them a go!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    My daughter runs marathons and does triathlons. One day we were talking on the phone when her running buddy arrived and I said " bye, enjoy your run". She said. Mom I HATE running. I hate every step I take." I asked " why do you run 50 miles a week then" and she said, " the only thing I hate more than running is weighing 200 pounds".
    I don't like exercise either but it is the only thing that will keep the 150 pounds I have lost off my body. I have crappy metabolism and takes a strict 1400 cal/day and 3 miles of swimming a week to keep me in my size 6 jeans and out of a wheelchair. So I am off to get cold and wet and make lists in my head while I swim. Good luck. Hope you find an exercise that works for you on every level.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I hate certain exercises but found things I enjoy.
    Try different things.
    I do a lot of weird things for cardio like military march, MMA type training,
    dancing, floor rolls, squat thrust intervals and the good ole jumping jack.
    And I jog, swim, play tennis, fast walk and bike.
    LOVE IT!
    I am into play - not work, so my training sessions are my play time.
    Good Luck!
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    I must admit, i've often wondered the same thing; I hate exercise right now. I do think I may enjoy it when it's not such a monumental effort though!

    For now, I try to get my exercise in ways that are meaningful and productive for me -like gardening and cleaning. At my weight it doesn't take much to get me hot and out of breath so it works ok for me LOL.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Yes I hate working out. But I am a goal oriented person! Each week I set a calories burned goal which is 4000 this week. I also have a 2012 goal to walk (10) 5k races and (2) 10k races. This way I am always training for a race ;-) I enjoy learning new things like lifting heavy weights. I love to dance and I do Zumba but only one instructor out of 7 was for me. Try different forms of dancing like Salsa, line, ballroom, etc as you get bored with your workouts. I change my workout constantly which works for me.

    Sunday - weight lifting and 7mile walk or Zumba
    Monday - Pilates and 1hr cardio on AMT and Arc trainer or walk
    Tuesday - weight lifting and Zumba
    Wednesday - 3 mile walk or Latin Dance
    Thursday - weight lifting and Zumba
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - Boot Camp or 5k Race
  • atlanticgypsy
    atlanticgypsy Posts: 51 Member
    I used to hate it. but it really was my mindset. I didn't think I could do....and I thought " i'm not going to enjoy it, it's a punishment. " now it's totally different....and I can feel how happy my body is when I do it! I am retraining my brain. And as I'm sure you know......convincing your mind is half the battle!

    Now I love it! I do different things all the time! And because I cross train I am getting better at each thing! My endurance grows each week. I am just so grateful I am healthy enough to do it all. But I wasn't when I started!

    I like to mix it up all the time.....but I make sure to do cardio 5x a week and strength train 3x a week.....running, hiking, biking, swimming, rowing, yoga classes, eliptical, strength training (the right personal trainer is the bomb!)....and just about anything where I can get out and move!

    Being active is such a reward for a healthy mind and body!

  • smcquill
    smcquill Posts: 1 Member
    Don't worry about exercise, try to change your perception of it in my opinion the following works best.

    Figure out where you could squeeze in exercise without going out of your way, for me I get off the bus early and jog home. I don't visualise this as frustrating exercise I simply say to myself I'm going home.

    I also play the wii with the kids / friends (we have lots of dance games).

    I'm trying to change my worldy view of exercise, for example if I'm out with the dog I try and run and throw the ball.

    When you start to feel self conscious try this meditation to boost your confidence (its called metta bhavanna): -


    Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes

    Visualise everyone who loves you telling you how much they care for you and how special you are.
    Visualise some really happy memories you've had.
    Capture the feeling you get and share it in your mind with a friend who's going thru a rough time.
    Then share this feeling with someone you don't really know (A shop clerk etc).
    Then with someone you don't like.
    Let the love spread to everyone you know getting bigger and bigger till it engulf the world.

    You will feel great and less self conscious.

    Hope this helps,

    Sorry about long post