who eats 1200 cals, add me



  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    What part of her post did some of you NOT understand? 1200 is perfectly safe, especially if she's not doing any serious weight training. When you're eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, there is absolutely nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day. Enough with the fear mongering.
  • Gyllain
    Gyllain Posts: 39 Member
    What part of her post did some of you NOT understand? 1200 is perfectly safe, especially if she's not doing any serious weight training. When you're eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, there is absolutely nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day. Enough with the fear mongering.

    Totally agree!
  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    My calories are at 1200 a day.
    It's MFP recommended if I want to lose 1lbs a week, 1.5lbs/week.... etc.
    I generally eat between 1200 and 1350.
    You can add me if you want.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    There's so many things wrong with only eating 1200 kCals per day. You'll find that out yourself though.

    You just couldn't resist it could you.

    There is NOTHING wrong with eating 1200 per day, I did and did it for six and a half months too right up to reaching goal weight, thanks very much. I never plateaued, never stalled and was NEVER hungry.

    Now then, back to the OP:

    OP although I am now at goal weight and have upped my calories for maintenance which means that ALL past entries now have my totals as over 1500 calories per day (unfortuately when it was changed it changes all past entries to the new total) - I was on 1200 per day during my weightloss, you are welcome to add me if you wish.
  • rachiebaby90
    i am on 1200 cals a day and sometimes less than this. not intentionally but i enjoy eating a lot of foods with low calories so sometimes it just doesnt add up. I eat fruit and veg and always combine this with some protein and a few carbs for energy. my doctor has told me this is perfectly fine, some people just eat less than others and vice versa. add me if you want to motivate each other :)
  • goldi1959
    goldi1959 Posts: 2 Member
    I have set 1200 as my target each day and so far it hasn't been bad. Went over one day by 60 cals. I was tol I'm pre-diabetic and Dr. told me to lose 10# by Sept or I have to go on meds. I'm doing everything i can to prevent the meds. I'm down 6# in two weeks. Dr. wants me to lose a total of 60# so I have a long road ahead of me. I've been wanting to drop some weight, the pre-diabetic thing has for sure jump started me!!!
  • rachelblair09
    im 5 ft 8.5, i weight 67 kilos(10 stone 9) i used to weigh 12 stone 12, and i have NEVER ate 1200 calories a day, i done 1700-1800 a day. are y0u exercising? cause i noticed u said u wanted to get rid of the 'jiggle'. you prob just need to work out and tone ur muscles. take a look at my before and after pics, i had 'the jiggle' LOL but with exercising and eating good foods iv toned up more. you need to eat little and regular is my advice as it keeps ur metabolism going. dont starve urself in the long run you'll realise it was the wrong thing to do and you'll end up pilling weight on twice as much if u start eating ur regular 2000 a day again. hope this helps! good luck.x
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I have a daily limit set by my personal trainer and dietician at 1200 cals per day, so far this has worked for me for the goals that I am trying to achieve.

    Some people my find that 1200 is "wrong" or doesnt work for them, however each person is different and I feel that your comment isn't particulary useful until you fully understand peoples situations and goals. Not having a go, just highlighting that whilst 1200 might have so many things wrong with it for you, it certainly doesnt have anything wrong with it for me.

    I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for yourself and want a big red button to click that reads "Lose weight". That's not how reality works. You will never know why it worked or more importantly why it didn't work. Any mistake you may have made won't be obvious to you.

    1200 is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.
    Let's just pretend you really only need some 1500/1600 calories per day. Aren't you working out at all, no cardio, no weightlifting? You will have to increase the amount of calories you eat to be on par with the energy you use up. Unless you're 11 years old I don't think 1200 calories per day is the way to go and judging from your picture you're a little older than that and if you're here to lose weight you most likely aren't underweight, which again would only speak against your plan of 1200 calories per day.

    Rephrase it is not wrong for almost everyone at all. I never used to eat my exercise calories back either except 50 to 100 calories per day. You see putting everybody in tiny little boxes is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.

    btw I reached my goal on 1200 per day many weeks back and have not piled back the weight.
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member

    Sorry for the all caps, but I needed you attention. Truthfully your body needs a certain amount of fuel to function. If you do not provide your body with enough fuel it will stop burning the fuel and store it. IN OTHER WORDS NO WEIGHT LOSS! Please don't think I'm trying to be rude. I say this because I happen to found out the "secret" and I want you to succeed! Eat healthy and exercise and the pounds will drop!! I've lost a 100lbs since I started in 08 and over 50lbs just this year since I've been on MFP!


    EDIT: Also even though it seems crazy the more I eat my exercise calories back (at least half) the more I lose. I average a 2lbs week loss!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kirsty_mc
    kirsty_mc Posts: 35 Member
    I have a daily limit set by my personal trainer and dietician at 1200 cals per day, so far this has worked for me for the goals that I am trying to achieve.

    Some people my find that 1200 is "wrong" or doesnt work for them, however each person is different and I feel that your comment isn't particulary useful until you fully understand peoples situations and goals. Not having a go, just highlighting that whilst 1200 might have so many things wrong with it for you, it certainly doesnt have anything wrong with it for me.

    I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for yourself and want a big red button to click that reads "Lose weight". That's not how reality works. You will never know why it worked or more importantly why it didn't work. Any mistake you may have made won't be obvious to you.

    1200 is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.
    Let's just pretend you really only need some 1500/1600 calories per day. Aren't you working out at all, no cardio, no weightlifting? You will have to increase the amount of calories you eat to be on par with the energy you use up. Unless you're 11 years old I don't think 1200 calories per day is the way to go and judging from your picture you're a little older than that and if you're here to lose weight you most likely aren't underweight, which again would only speak against your plan of 1200 calories per day.

    First of all. Rude.

    Secondly. Did i mention anywhere that I do not eat back any of my exercise calories if I'm working out that day? Because I do. 1200 is my base number to start from. Like today I burned around 400 cals so I will eat around 1500/1600 cals today, but tomorrow if I dont train I will eat 1200.

    Not that I should defend my decision to hire professionals to anyone, however I was training for an endurance event (Kilimanjaro and now I am training for an Everest trek) and I have no knowledge of the types of training required for this. I hired my PT based on a number of meetings with him, checking his credentials and also his reputation. I have a dietician as I wanted to ensure I was eating the right things for my body based on my past hisotry of illness/problems, however I appreciate that some people here are the font of all knowledge in such subjects and to them I give my upmost respect. I know nothing of nutrition and indeed had a limited training knowledge when I hired my PT, I think being educted is better than getting injured,

    I really think that if you have nothing positive to say or supportive, in a supportive tone then you should just not post on such subjects. My situation is different from yours and I respect that, be an adult and respect my situation.
  • IkkleGina
    IkkleGina Posts: 17
    Hi everyone,

    I eat 1200 Calories a day sometimes just over some days a little under, I did this a few years back and lost 2 stone which stayed off so here i am again trying to lose more.

    Everybody is different i find 1200 cals a day is easy for me and my body seems fine on it. I have only been on here a week so not sure if i have lost anything yet but the last time i did this diet i felt much happier and healthier.

    GOOD LUCK to everyone plaesse feel free to add me :happy:
  • donna_do_good
    There's so many things wrong with only eating 1200 kCals per day. You'll find that out yourself though.


    What do you suggest? That is the calorie allowance MFP has put me on. I am 51 and 5'2" currently weighing 186.6 lbs., looking to achieve a weight of 135. Advice would be helpful. Tell me why it's wrong, please.

    I calculated your BMR and you should not go below 1513.71 at your current weight. This is just what personally suggest. Again I could be wrong, but I've had success in losing 50lbs after both of my pregnancies. I gained 12lbs the past few months and have lost 1.8lbs just this week from tracking my calories and trying to stay at my BMR.

    I just did my bmr and its 1513.25- 2094cals to maintain my weight but it does say to cut it by at least 500&no more than 1000. I'm really only cutting mine by 800 at most so I think this is ok. Opinions?
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi best of luck Im sure you will if you can Im sorry I just cant so Im no use to you I cant live on less than 1500 I have tried,all the best.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I ate 1200 calories a day for 6 months to go from 186 to 135 (much like your goal). I've been on MFP 380 days today. I dont eat 1200 everyday anymore because I am doing some serious training but I haven't put any weight back on or had a "serious yoyo effect". Everyone is different though and you need to listen to your body.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member

    I know i'm fine as I am now. Just wanna get rid of the jiggle lol

    then you need to be working on reducing bodyfat, which is different to just wanting to lose weight.

    I know I should work out, but i'm lazy tbh. I honestly dont wanna work for it at the min which is totally the wrong attitude I know but it's how I feel right now x

    You probably won't get the results you're looking for with your current mindset. If you're at a healthy weight already, cutting calories so drastically isn't the way to go. You need some strength training and a little cardio to get rid of the "jiggle".
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.

    Still doesn't ring true because I run between 5 to 7 miles each session three times per week, always got enough energy and there are no issues.

    Seriously, providing the person eats lots of protein and does not eat crap, 1200 is okay. Many people want to eat more, no problem, but to say the person will be starving, it is not enough, needs to eat more blah blah blah is going by their own standards.

    1200 really is fine lol
  • mlreyes_09
    mlreyes_09 Posts: 12
    I am barely 5' and my recommended minimum is 1,200. I think it's quite high for my size, but I try to follow it anyway. (Some days I do eat less than that, but I definitely try to hit 1,200-1,300 on days I work out.) I know they say 1,200 minimum, but I'm little. It seems like no matter how much I work out, I never seem to lose an ounce if I eat more than 1,200/day.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.

    Still doesn't ring true because I run between 5 to 7 miles each session three times per week, always got enough energy and there are no issues.

    Seriously, providing the person eats lots of protein and does not eat crap, 1200 is okay. Many people want to eat more, no problem, but to say the person will be starving, it is not enough, needs to eat more blah blah blah is going by their own standards.

    1200 really is fine lol

    Exactly. I did Insanity, ran and took care of 2 toddlers all day on 1200 calories just fine. Took a protein shake after work outs, had lots of lean meats and veggies. I never went hungry and had treats for time to time while staying in my calorie allowance. Everyone is different and my personal experience doesn't mean this will work for everyone. It just means that who ever is shooting it down should stfu and realize that as well.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.

    Still doesn't ring true because I run between 5 to 7 miles each session three times per week, always got enough energy and there are no issues.

    Seriously, providing the person eats lots of protein and does not eat crap, 1200 is okay. Many people want to eat more, no problem, but to say the person will be starving, it is not enough, needs to eat more blah blah blah is going by their own standards.

    1200 really is fine lol

    Exactly. I did Insanity, ran and took care of 2 toddlers all day on 1200 calories just fine. Took a protein shake after work outs, had lots of lean meats and veggies. I never went hungry and had treats for time to time while staying in my calorie allowance. Everyone is different and my personal experience doesn't mean this will work for everyone. It just means that who ever is shooting it down should stfu and realize that as well.

    Really? People are just sharing opinions and you respond with a stfu. Classy.