
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :flowerforyou: hubby was gone all day to the Seattle Mariners game (:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: boo hoo, the Mariners lost) and I got to do whatever I wanted which was a mixture of puttering in the garden, walking the dogs, and doing stuff on the computer. I would have worked more in the yard but it started raining......I'm doing a project with rocks and I had washed the dirt off a lot of rocks and they were almost dry and ready to be used when the rain started so the project will be postponed until things get dry again.

    :flowerforyou: I have a heart rate monitor so I can see how many calories I burn working in the yard, cleaning the house, walking the dogs, and whatever else. I was thinking that the HRM was wrong with how many calories I burned doing the stuff in the yard until I noticed how tired I was and decided that I must have burned a lot of calories to be that tired

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: off to be now, gotta get up early again tomorrow

    :heart: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,491 Member
    barbie - my deepest condolences to your friend. That's so wonderful that you've taken her classes so that she could spend that time with her husband.

    Did 30 min of a pilates intermediate DVD, then another 30 of a pilates for beginners DVD. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then the extremepump class.

    llramirez - welcome, come back often. There's lots of people here more than willing to give you support on your journey, just stop in any time at all.

    I read somewhere that one of the worst fashion mistakes you can do is to wear baggy clothes, that only makes you look heavier.

    DeeDee - golden beets taste just like red beets. If I have red beets, I have a reaction. Wish more places sold the golden beets. I was talking to this one farmer at the farmer's market and asked him why more people don't sell the golden beets. He said it was because of the preconceived notion that beets are red. I thought maybe it was because the golden were harder to grow or something, but he said that wasn't the case. It was just how people perceived beets, they feel beets are red. I like the red okra because when you cut okra, it can be "slimy", but the red okra isn't. I'll ask the gal who grows it why more places don't grow it. she wasn't there this week. To be honest, I don't know if the key lime cake is low cal or not. I can tell you that I'm making substitutions. The original recipe calls for 1-1/3 cup of oil, I use plain yogurt in its place. The recipe also calls for 5 eggs (egads!), so I use one cup of egg substitute (which is equal to 4 eggs) and 1 whole egg. Let's see, what else goes into it, flour, sugar, lime jello, organge juice, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda...I guess that's all. I'd have to run it thru my Mastercook to see what the calories are like. I just may do that once I finish experimenting with the substitutions....lol I do make a banana chocolate cake that has 240 calories. But is it good...even Vince will eat it....lol Congrats on the weight loss

    Lin - I could never go to a Trader Joe's and spend less than $40, never. One time I wasn't sure about these roasted green beans, so they opened a bag to let me try one. I wound up buying two bags! You know, there's a coop around here. I don't know how yours is set up, but the one around here you pay a $25 annual fee, purchase a set amount. The difference is that a couple of people go in on purchasing the set amount, depending on how many are in the group, you could spend as little as $50.

    Vince cut some more weeds yesterday and I trimmed some of the trees and hauled the branches to the back of our property to where there are just trees and weeds. We are definitely not the first people to be putting yard waste there, that's for sure!

    I did 20 min of yoga this morning and will take the extremepump class. Then I'll go bowling some and stop at Aldi's on my way home. Vince wants to give Bonnie a sedative and hopefully we can get her mats out or else shave her. We're playing mahjongg here tonight, I really don't mind hosting. Then tomorrow night we're having bunco here, only lots of times we wind up playing Mexican Train dominoes.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all,
    So I worked on the dog run again this weekend. I got the area where the dog house will be paved. (lots of lifting and squatting with heavy paving stones and 4 50lb bags of sand so I am a little sore). DH and I bought all the stuff for the dog house. I will post a pic when it is complete.

    I hope you all have a great day. (only 4 more days until I get to hold Olivia!!!!!)
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday! :smile:

    We have a few clouds floating around this morning, should be a nice cool day. I worked and worked this weekend, digging, hoeing, raking and pruning. My hands are sore, as are my hips from all of the bending over. I could use a hot bath and a go-round of Yoga. I need to clean myself up in general, color my hair and give it a trim. Starting to look a bit like the old grey mare. :tongue:

    I started digging through old photos and found one of myself 66 lbs ago. :noway: Although it was a painful thing to look at, I scanned it and put it in photobucket, hoping to post it next to my current pic which was taken last week. Photobucket was being an absolute nincompoop :grumble: so I gave up. I've heard there's a better site to use for posting photos, but can't for the life of me remember what it is.

    Harvested about 4 lbs of beautiful beets yesterday which I need to process this morning. Might pickle some, and freeze the rest. I don't care too much for plain canned beets, but I've heard they're very good when blanched and frozen. Also have 3 lbs of peas to shell. Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold :laugh:

    Welcome petalsandpaws,:flowerforyou: there are listings in MFP's exercise database for "Cleaning". One for "light, moderate effort" and one for "heavy, vigorous effort". You can search for it using the Exercise tab.

    Ok time's up, I must get moving here. Have a great day everyone! Drink drink drink, eat well, and move those buns. :bigsmile:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny Monday All.

    Only time to stop in and say HI, have to catch up on the posts from the weekend but it's once again that time of the work month and quarter so I have a lot of work to get done.:sad: Not my favorite thing to do.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. We were busy with family all weekend and will try to get back on track this week.

  • swkittrell
    swkittrell Posts: 48
    I just wanted to say hi:happy: to everyone. I love to go to Trader Joe's. The only problem is the closest on to me is 45 miles away.:frown: When I go to the farmers market it is also 45 miles away so I make it a day trip to Raleigh,NC when I go shopping or anything like that. It was peach day last Thur. at the farmers market. I bought a large basket of peaches and they are almost all gone. We love to eat peaches. I hurt my back last week while I was working out and went to the doctor and he said I needed to take a muscle relaxer. It has helped some. I think I am going to go workout today and just ride the exercise bike and see if that will help. I use the one where your back is resting on the back of the seat and you legs are out in front of you. Well I need to get going I just wanted to say Hi:happy: to all the new people and to keep up the good work.:smile:
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    Hi everyone, happy monday! I missed a few days of logging on, life and work sometimes takes me where I cannot access a computer...and I probably did not eat the best I could. But back to the workouts, I always get in at least 4-5 times a week, I have my family reunion this weekend, in Ohio, since my family is scattered all of the country, this is a central place to meet and one of my brothers has a house there which holds all 25 of us!! I will bring my workout clothes and go for a run while I am there and try to eat healthy! And of course we always have the badminton and corn hole competitions!! I know they will be surprised at the 40 lbs I have lost since last years reunion!
    In the mean time, I have a busy week at work, and flying with the Baltimore Orioles from Minneapolis to Cleveland on Thursday.

    Hope you all have a great monday!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Happy Monday to All! :drinker:

    I did read the library book I was itching to get to *and* I get some walking in both Saturday and Sunday. Wahoo.

    No Angelcots at the store but they had some organic artisan apricots which looked lovely. No organic apples at all. The gentleman stocking the area said they just can't get any right now and that no other store in town has any either (apparently he calls and checks).

    I've never had fresh figs.....they had brown figs and green figs yesterday. Anyone have tips on those? I didn't purchase any but I might be tempted if I knew more......ha.

    We have a Whole Foods opening in town this week. Excuse the pun but it should be a feeding frenzy there for the next few weeks. People here *really* like food!! :wink: :wink:

    Keep up the good fight!! And :drinker:

  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    You know, yesterday I was thinking. The scale really isn't moving, but yet, I had on these PJ's that I like, What I like about them is that they are short and sleeveless with an elastic waist. I could probably get away with them, but I'm going to be looking for new ones in a smaller size.

    cathyb - welcome, you'll get lots of support here

    Deb - your story is very inspiring. Did you have WLS?

    Robin - good luck to you on the new job!

    lauralind - welcome. So sorry about your dog, what kind do you have now?

    Did an hour of the Bob Harper Inside Out DVD. Tomorrow will be water aerobics. Then I have to come right home to give Loki his medicine since Vince needs to go for a (never heard of this) nuclear stress test, I have a healthy cooking demo,

    What interesting stories everyone has of meeting in places you wouldn't expect. I'm truly enjoying it.

    Vince and I are feeling much better. It was really weird, but at least it's over.

    Raysfan - you've peaked my interest. what kind of job do you do?

    DeeDee - I didn't realize that Nasonex was more expensive than Sudafed!

    rfsahae - two days is the beginning of many days, good for you!

    Jen - I usually count decaf tea in my water consumption. Caffeine dehydrates, but as long as it's decaf....

    kmmealey - welcome. Sounds like you have a great start. Pop in here lots and you'll get so much support you won't know what to do with it all

    Off to do some crocheting and then get to bed. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.


    Sorry, I hit reply too soon! I answered under this post!! lol
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    Michele, I am manager of Charter flight operations for Delta, i work with the sports team charters and military charter flights. Love my job! It's my 24 year anniversary with Delta today. I started 24 years ago in Tampa Florida as a part time ticket agent! I am lucky enough to fly with the teams and especially the Military troops, all over the world! We brought a lot of the troops home from the middle east, I have been to Kuwait, Qatar, Kyrzykstan, and Morocco this year with the Military. It has been amazing.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello from the sunny Creston Valley,

    Oh dear. :sad: All the weeks I had my foot in a cast or robo-boot I managed to maintain and even lost a couple of pounds. In the ten days around getting the boot off I’ve gained two. :blushing: It’s definitely time to re-assess my routine! I had to trade my size 8 summer skirt in for a size 6, and I have given away all my old clothes, so I can’t gain weight or I’ll have nothing to wear.

    I had to go all the way back to last Wednesday to catch up on your posts, ladies. Wow! What a hard working and inspired bunch we are. :drinker:

    Yes, Barbie, the best advice for me is what you said to someone else “don’t drink wine”. I am going to have to commit to quite a few AFD’s (alcohol free days) to get back to my June weight.

    Robin I am so glad to hear all the good things about your new job, :drinker: and wonder what kind of sports car is the bright blue bomber?

    I really missed DH while I was in Kelowna last week. :cry: Yesterday we went for a motorbike ride (did you read that with the proper amazement and delight?) I rode my motorbike. I RODE my motorbike! :happy: First time this season. I just got the bike & my license last summer. After the ride we had tacos (taco salad for me) and sat around the little fire pit outside doing crossword puzzles for the rest of the evening. It was lovely.:flowerforyou: However, the end result is that the groceries I bought yesterday are still all over the kitchen counters, my suitcase is not unpacked and the strawberries are in a bucket in the fridge waiting to be jammed. :grumble: I need to clone myself. One woman to hang around with DH and the other one to do the housework.

    So…it’s off to the domestic drudgery, and later today I will go to the gym and show my new foot to Tia the Trainer.

    Hasta pronto, ladies


    Goals for July:
    Big picture: Learn to relax without wine. Apply the same self discipline with alcohol that I have learned to use with food.
    Plan what I eat - eat what I plan. Every day.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • joy2320
    joy2320 Posts: 19 Member
    I needed a group were I fit in and I think this is it.I am 63 annd a fairly small frame,but have put on(back on0 this last year.And especially this spring..uggggg.So hate that.But I'm trying the 17 day diet as a base and am going from there.I wanted to lose 20 or 30 lbs.So hope I can reach that sooner rather then later.Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Michele, I am manager of Charter flight operations for Delta, i work with the sports team charters and military charter flights. Love my job! It's my 24 year anniversary with Delta today. I started 24 years ago in Tampa Florida as a part time ticket agent! I am lucky enough to fly with the teams and especially the Military troops, all over the world! We brought a lot of the troops home from the middle east, I have been to Kuwait, Qatar, Kyrzykstan, and Morocco this year with the Military. It has been amazing.

    What an awesome job you have.:love:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Robin I am so glad to hear all the good things about your new job, :drinker: and wonder what kind of sports car is the bright blue bomber?

    I drive a Nissan 350Z bright blue convertable with a black rag top. it is a 2005 but I only have 27,000 miles on it because I baby it.
  • I have to report, that yesterday was my birthday and my family took me to Olive Garden for Lunch....blew my calorie cap off the charts for the day. However, I keep telling myself it is not the end of the world and if I get back on track it will be alright!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hi veryone,

    Went on our road trip and I did not eat any trail mix at all! It was sitting next to me on the way home . It did call to me,but I did not give into temptation!: :drinker:
    The event turned out not to be a kids event,but just a family fun day. My husband,my daughter-Sam and I all shot sporting clays.
    It was a fun day,walking,shooting and good company. :smile:
    Today, I work up so sore from yesterday. I can;t believe how sore I am. Lifting a 8lb shotgun 50 times really gave me a work out! Lol

    This week my goal is to try to get more walking in,if the knee will tolerate it! Read these posts if temptation calls to me. Welcome to the new people, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, We can be on this journey together!
    Blessings, Linda aka Sundance B. (My children tell me "mom ,don't use your real name as your user name" therefor I used our yellow labs name! Lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Hi Linda! My name is Rose, I love to fish and I live in Laurel, Delaware, hence Laurelfisher
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I have to report, that yesterday was my birthday and my family took me to Olive Garden for Lunch....blew my calorie cap off the charts for the day. However, I keep telling myself it is not the end of the world and if I get back on track it will be alright!
    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    Michele, I am manager of Charter flight operations for Delta, i work with the sports team charters and military charter flights. Love my job! It's my 24 year anniversary with Delta today. I started 24 years ago in Tampa Florida as a part time ticket agent! I am lucky enough to fly with the teams and especially the Military troops, all over the world! We brought a lot of the troops home from the middle east, I have been to Kuwait, Qatar, Kyrzykstan, and Morocco this year with the Military. It has been amazing.

    What an awesome job you have.:love:

    Thanks, I am lucky to have it! :happy:

    All those young good looking guys are my incentive to stay in shape!! LOL...and I met a great guy here in the Atlanta area who also works for Delta, we are going on 8 months together....I am very blessed
  • RaysfanATL
    RaysfanATL Posts: 94
    I have to report, that yesterday was my birthday and my family took me to Olive Garden for Lunch....blew my calorie cap off the charts for the day. However, I keep telling myself it is not the end of the world and if I get back on track it will be alright!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lost my post...darn. Too long and not enough time to recreate. Everyone have a great Monday, Rose
    :heart: Love, ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a great day!had 2 good drs visits.
    After 4 months of adjusting the thyroid medicine my levels are normal.Dr was pleased with the 42 lbs I lost in a year.
    All labs were good,blood pressure normal,so don`t have to go back til spring.
    The pt dr said I can start slow.pool 30 min 3xs a week.try the leg press at 1/2 of what I was doing and 2 sets of 10 -2 xs a week.
    felt so good to be in the pool today as it was 90+.
    Thanks for your support and love reading everyone`s posts.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Ok this is my 3rd attempt at posting my internet is being wonky" Hello Everyone hope you are having a good Monday. My weekend ok there was lots of parties so super busy. Went to 2 Potlucks did ok but on the 2nd onethe host was grilling steaks. I love steak its one of my all time favorite foods So I got excited than at same time scared for fear if I eat 1 steak won't stop and eat 10 steaks. I didn't but got me thinking when will I see food as just food no fear of ...?

    Today was a good day work sort of tired think the weekend caught up with me.

    @Janemartin02 glad you had good news at your Drs appt.

    @Lin hoping you figure out your digestive issues.
    Happy Birthday
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Lin--we have a whole Foods opening up here too. I don't know much about them other then I have heard of them but excited to try.
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope this is how to post.

    I had a great day. I went to the doctor for a physical today. Since my blood work last year: glucose down 7, triglycerides down 31, cholesterol down 47. Whoooo!!!!! :flowerforyou: The results were much better than I expected.

    Please pray tonight for my friend/coworker Geanie. She has uterine cancer and is having surgery tomorrow.
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    Still on the road...tonight in Gulfport MS. Finally saw our younger son today (the older one is here too, but he got here Saturday), and he looks great! It was awesome to see him run across the parking lot...that run in a gigantic hug on Mom! One more exam for him in the morning...then graduation in the afternoon. We'll leave here Wednesday morning.

    I've done really well with calorie count and exercise on the road - swimming in the hotel pools, and riding the "bike to nowhere" (stationery bike) have helped, but I miss my "real" bike and the Illinois Prairie Path.

    Tonight's dinner was, well, a celebration and I tried really hard. Couldn't find any nutritional info for the restaurant either there, or on line later. But instead of ordering whole entrees for each of us, we ordered two appetizers and two entrees, and it was just right for the four of us. I really don't know how many calories, but I was full of self-restraint and felt good about what I ate.

    My oldest was not encouraging...he said, "why did you start this a week before vacation????" LOL His suggestion was to just not worry about it, enjoy the trip, and start over when we get home. Not gonna happen. (This is the kid who could eat all day and is still a string bean...and he's 33). I swam laps for half an hour when we got back...felt good...as did the walk on the beach at sunset.....ahhhhhhhh. If it weren't for hurricane season, I could enjoy living here.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :bigsmile: nancy, good luck on the AFD......alcohol has not been a problem for me in many years since I stopped drinking completely but peanut butter,dried fruit, granola, cheese, nuts, and many other things have been my downfall....gradually I had to decide that certain foods had to be outlawed from my house and my mouth. It took experimentation to figure out what I could eat in moderation and what had to be outlawed.

    :bigsmile: Jane, I'm glad you had good news from the doctor.....you are always so encouraging to all of us....you deserve to have positive things happening for you.

    :flowerforyou: The nearest Trader Joe's is about an hour away so I rarely shop there......we have a great store not far from our house with great produce and I rarely buy any processed or packaged foods so there's not really all that much that I have to look for at Trader Joe's when I go.

    :bigsmile: .I am doing well reading the posts but too busy to respond individually....I guess I am overdoing my resolution to spend less time at the computer.. This morning I had to place an order for one of my customers and the computer gave me fits, logging off from the website several times while I was working.....and after answering a few personal and business e mails, I was ready to do anything but the computer

    :bigsmile: Jake's brother is coming from Ohio on Wednesday so there are preparations needed for his arrival. He is coming for the Lavender Festival and we will go to Victoria for the day on Thursday.. I may have to teach two line dance classes while he is here but I won't know for sure until the last minute because the man who can fill in for me has jury duty and won't know until the night before if he has to go in.

    :bigsmile: I am making great progress in my yard. Laying the rocks around the house is about half finished and I've been able to transplant four of the five daisy plants I've started in pots.

    :bigsmile: Jake finished painting the fence and will reward himself tomorrow by finally playing golf (he hasn't played yet this year because of his back, the weather, and the fence painting)

    :laugh: :laugh: At 75 degrees it is too hot outside during the day for the dogs so they ask to go for a walk and then are ready to come back in after 10 minutes

    :yawn: :yawn: off to bed early so I can get up at dawn and walk the dogs before it gets too warm

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Thanks Jb for the info on how to track excercise. I wasn't putting in the right combo in the search fields.

    Was a really difficult day today. My husband of less then a year was diagnosed 3 weeks after our wedding last year with small cell lung cancer. He has been getting chemo every since. I always go with him and sit through the procedure and then we go to his favorite food place which is always fast food places and since I have to drive the 2 hours to get home we usually take it to go and eat in the car. This day however, the treatment took longer and I was only somewhat prepared with food, as they don't let you eat on the cancer floor, I went to long without food. On the way home I had to smell the fries and hamburger, and even the ketsup I could smell. But I made it home, but was so hungry and trying to get in the right amount of calories was a challenge. I made it, but learned a valuable lesson and won't repeat getting caught like that again. Mondays are always an emotional day anyway with what my husband is going through.

    I hurried to log in just to get the support from positive posts so that I could keep on target. Thanks again for being here and to all new comers, you have come to the right place.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi veryone,

    Went on our road trip and I did not eat any trail mix at all! It was sitting next to me on the way home . It did call to me,but I did not give into temptation!: :drinker:
    The event turned out not to be a kids event,but just a family fun day. My husband,my daughter-Sam and I all shot sporting clays.
    It was a fun day,walking,shooting and good company. :smile:
    Today, I work up so sore from yesterday. I can;t believe how sore I am. Lifting a 8lb shotgun 50 times really gave me a work out! Lol

    This week my goal is to try to get more walking in,if the knee will tolerate it! Read these posts if temptation calls to me. Welcome to the new people, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, We can be on this journey together!
    Blessings, Linda aka Sundance B. (My children tell me "mom ,don't use your real name as your user name" therefor I used our yellow labs name! Lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Hi Linda! My name is Rose, I love to fish and I live in Laurel, Delaware, hence Laurelfisher
    Hi Rose, nice to meet you! We do also go fishing as a family. It is very relaxing and fun. I like your user name ,very creative! Share your fishing stories,with you progess with your goals!:flowerforyou: ,Linda
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I have logged in for 20 days now! yahoo:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Wednesday's are my weigh in days. I am looking forward to this day. I must not set any expectations other than to be happy with any weight loss. I've got to get in a walk tomorrow.After work it is dark outside and not safe to go walking at night. neighborhood is not well lighted! So, I must get up and "just do it"
    Hope you are all doing well. Your posts inspire me so much! Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us!
    Blessings and prayers for those who asked.
    Linda :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Lin:smile: , we have a Whole Foods here and its great, lots of organic products, and fabulous produce!!!

    Nancy:smile: I like the idea of giving away the old clothes, think I might do that once I get to maintance stage!!!

    joy2320:smile: , welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , this is a great place for motivation and support!!! What is the 17 day diet?

    MarthajhGiffo:flowerforyou: Happy Birthday!!!!

    janemartin02:smile: , I too know the ups and downs of thyroid med. dosing!!! It`s wonderful when the levels are correct and I actually feel better!!! I`ve been hypothyroid:grumble: since my early 30s, and here lately my levels have been all over the place, thank goodness I don`t have to be rechecked for 3 months this time:smile: .

    lizmil:smile: , I too love steak and have it every once in awhile, I find that I`m satisfied with 4 oz. now though:love: !!!

    jo3y20:smile:, congrats on your lab results!!!! Prayers sent to your friend, wishing her the best of luck!!!:flowerforyou:

    cjpensley:smile: , congrats on being so good on your vacation!!!!

    Barbie:smile: , The Lavender festival sounds wonderful!!!! I would love the temp. to be around 75 here, its in the 90s, and my dog does not like going out at all, much less to walk for 30 to 45 min.

    petalsandpaws:smile: , so sorry to hear about your husbands cancer, sending both of you positive thoughts:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Linda:smile: , congrats on 20 days:flowerforyou: , weigh in days are exciting, always remember no matter what the scale says be happy, you are here and that is a success!!!

    I don`t have a lot of time this morning, I have an early meeting:grumble: .
    I`m a bit worried about my dog too, she has pancreatitis, and I think its flaring up a bit. I talked to the vet. yesterday because she threw up just a bit 4 times, she told me to watch her, not feed her anything until dinner time, by dinner time my sweet dog was starved, and I was standing over her making sure she didn`t eat too fast, she did great last night, however this morning she threw up just a bit again, I may be at the vets. office this afternoon.:frown: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
