3 weeks and still nothing



  • tomdVT
    tomdVT Posts: 30
    It looks to me like your calorie intake is too high and you are eating to maintain, not lose. Try to slowly replace some of your diet coke with water. Also, as others mentioned, sodium could be cut back. Replacing diet coke is an easy way to start lowering sodium. Good luck and don't give up! :)

    bump, gotta agree with this. Drop the sodium down if you can. I personally would cut as much of the breads as you can too.

    The cardiac rehab people around here preach" the quickest way to the grave is white bread and salt". Yes they even have power point slide that says that very thing. Another doc says try the "white diet", if it's white don't eat it.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I am trying to be patient, but now at 3 weeks and haven't lost a pound! Avergaing about 1500 cals per day, need to lose about 80 lbs, so I do have alot to lose. Workouts 5-6 times per week - eliptical HIT, treadmill HIT or walking plus some weights. I am perimenapausal and have been having some stomach issues the last few weeks (maybe IBS?), so that may factor in. I told myself I would give it a month, but was hoping to see at least a few pounds by now. I have been very consistent in logging all my food. Just need some support to keep going. In the past when this happened, I would give up after a couple weeks and then go back to bad eating habits and gain more weight. Sigh ....:sad: :sad:

    I too have IBS, and i struggled with weight for most of my life however the past few years I found the only honest way of measuring my food was to get a food scale, this allowed me to be accurate with what I was actually eating and started showing a difference. I do believe that plaetuea happen, however it also takes our body a minute to adjust to new things. I say give yourself 90 days, get a food scale if you can. Maybe do just cardio for the time being instead of weights too, drink water at least half of your weight so I weigh 146 I drink at least 73 oz, but since I intake a lot of protein and fiber and exercise like crazy I end up drinking 120 for the most part. I say keep on going, don't give up, you're headed in the right direction just have to fight for your health and going backwards is not the answer if you have MFP on your side.... Keep it going....contact me if you'd like...
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 229 Member
    I glanced at your diary and right away I see that you are over your allowed calories quite often. If you want to lose you need to stay under you allowed calories. I don't worry about anything but the calories. (I am not a salt eater, so my sodium is always low). I have been doing this now for 90 days and have lost 35 pounds. Try staying below your calories all the time and see how you do.
  • Some fruits are higher in sugar than others. I am including a link that shows some of the best and worst fruits you can have. Also keep your carbs brown. Brown Rice, wheat bread, multi grain pasta, yams instead of white potatoes

    Try those things first before your lower your calorie intake. Also be careful with dairy. I had a nutritionist tell me once "have you ever seen a skinny baby" to which I replied no not really, and he said because their diet is mostly dairy - that stuck with me. If you do dairy keep it light. 2% or less

  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    Well, now 4 weeks in and finally dropped 2 lbs. However, I was pretty sick last week and ate under a few days, so would have thought maybe a bit more, but I'll take it. I promised myself I would give it a month and I have, so now I will just keep going. I still may see the doctor and show her my diary to see what's up.
  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for your reply. You are the first one to tell me not to worry about sugars in fruits, etc. And that is what I am trying to do. I am trying to eat more fresh fruit, veggies and fresh fish and meat (mostly chicken, maybe pork once in awhile), so will keep that up as well.
  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    No sugary coke, diet coke only. Also McDonalds is usually just a sugar free vanilla iced coffee, that is my treat a few times a week.
  • MajestyGisMe
    MajestyGisMe Posts: 43 Member
    Everyones post I have seen thus far are mentioning really important factors. However, water I saw you drank 6-8 cups per day...if you are working out the way you are, you should try to increae to 8-10 I drink up to 12 if I am working out really hard or if I have had too much sodium. Also, I am guilty of this as well....but...SLEEP!!!!! is very important in this process. If you are not sleeping and are working as hard as you are to lose weight, your body needs sleep. Sometimes just catching up on my sleep I will notice a change in the scale! Good luck, don't give up!
  • crmdoctor
    crmdoctor Posts: 1 Member
    Look into the RAVE diet. Some say it is extreme, but I've used it successfully to lose 30 pounds in a couple of months. Essentially, it is vegan. If you can commit to it for say, 2 months, you will lose a ton of weight. I was never hungry, but I do love meat, so I only did it to lose weight. I did feel WAY better when I was doing the RAVE diet. In short, here's what it is (very simple really).
    R = no Refined foods (pasta, cookies, bread, sugar, soda, etc - nothing refined)
    A = nothing from an Animal (dairy, cheese, eggs, fish, no meat of any kind)
    V = no Vegetable oil. Essentially avoiding anything with oil in in.
    E = Exercise (and no Exceptions).

    Really that simple. So people always asked, "What CAN you eat?" Well, pretty much anything I wanted, as much as I wanted, so long as I stayed within the RAVE guidelines. The weight loss was awesome, but the unexpected benefits were that my joints stopped aching, I quit waking up with a stuffy nose, I had way more energy, and my doctor, after running my bloodwork told me I had the bloodwork of a 20 year old (I was 42 at the time).

    There is a website for RAVE, google it and look it over. Of course they try to sell you a DVD and a book, but the above is really the crux of the whole thing.

    Be sure to take a multi-vitamin if you do it - B vitamins come from animal-based foods, as the animals consume the bacteria in the dirt that produce the vitamins. Other than that, just do it. Try it for 1 week, religiously, and you will be thrilled.

  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    I took a good look at your diary and you are consistently over in carbs and sugar. :( That's most likely the reason you're not seeing any weight loss and it also looks like you're not drinking water. You don't have sodium levels showing, but I'm pretty sure by the foods in the diary (restaurant and pre-packaged) that your sodium level may be over as well. These are all elements that are strikes against you.

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me as a friend. We can motivate each other!


    Super great answer
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    You are missing the calorie mark dang near every day. Basically from what I am seeing you are eating to maintain your weight and not lose any. Im not sure why you are puzzled and going to give up after 3 weeks.
    To be blunt, the choice is simple. Either get serious about wanting to lose weight or go on doing what you are doing.
    If you want to lose its simple, Drop it to 1200 calories a day and DO NOT GO OVER. IF you do go over, work it off with excercise.
    And above all record everything you eat. I know its hard, but no one said this was gonna be easy.

    1200 calories is really low especially for someone that works out. I was at 1200 and I was starving most days but I was working out 5-6 days a week and not eating most of my cals back. I ended up binging as well. So don't listen to this advise. I also was lifting as well and I was losing lean muscle mass bc I wasn't eating enough for my muscles to grow.
  • wolffie18
    wolffie18 Posts: 1 Member
    My suggestion to you would be to read the book "Why We Get Fat". This would explain the why you probably aren't losing. This book has been why I have changed the way I eat. The carbs/sugar intake of average people is way too high and making your insulin in your body work too hard. I believe your friut intake needs to be lowered which isn't what most Dr. would agree with. It is a suggetion but try to half your carb and sugar intake for a week (you really have to look at labels) and see what your weight does. It isn't easy going lower carb, but you may see results faster if you do.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Holy Mackerel! There are all kinds of people on MFP that are in VERY different places in their lives and on their weight and fitness journeys. Not all advise crosses all these demographics!

    Have you been to a doctor recently for some bloodwork? At our age, diabetes and thyroid issues can make weight loss trickier.

    Are you exercising? Keeping up with both diet and exercise is, usually, the key. Are you sure about your portion sizes? It"s easy to go WAY over on calories is your measurements are off. The first few weeks are, generally, where you experience the fastest results. Don't give up! The weight HAS to come off if you are staying within the limits set by MFP. Most important! DON"T GIVE UP!....in case I haven't made that point. :happy:
  • turquoise_elephant
    turquoise_elephant Posts: 83 Member
    As others have said, I'd start eating clean. Looking at your diary it's lots of processed foods, pre-packed soups, broths etc.
    I've completely revamped my diet, so now my grocery list looks something like this:
    Fruit: berries, pineapple, melon, apples, oranges, bananas, lemons & limes (to dress salad and put slices in water)
    Veg: cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, sweet potato, onions
    Salad: lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onion, peppers
    Wholegrains: brown rice, wholemeal tortilla wraps
    Dairy: eggs, skimmed milk, non-fat greek yoghurt
    Other: peanut butter, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, canned beans without sauce
    Drinks: green tea bags, fruit tea bags, sugar-free squash

    Don't worry too much about the sugars in fruits, but stick to lower carb fruits like berries if you can. Your sodium is pretty high and, again, this will be down to the processed foods. You seem to have a lot of deli meats, American cheese slices etc. Cut back on these- just look at the sodium levels in them!

    A treat 'a few times a week' is far too often. Stick to once a week so you can really enjoy it.

    Most importantly, don't give up! You've already done 3-4 weeks now. If you give up now, they will be for nothing. You can do this, just make healthier choices. Unfortunately calorie counting isn't all you need to do. It's important to look at the types of foods you're putting into your body too.

    Great job on the exercise, that's excellent! Make sure you keep your water intake up; at least 2 litres a day!
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    Well I only glanced at 2 of your diary days and the first says you had McDonals for breakfast, and the second said you had sugary coke for breakfast...
    maple syrup

    it's about WHAT you eat as well as how much.
  • AllisonST
    AllisonST Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with this. I had logged for 40 days - always within my calorie range and also getting at least 30 minutes of exerise a day. Did not drop an ounce. Discovered that I was loading up on white bread, potatoes etc. I am now trying to make sure the vast majority of my calories come from fresh fruit, vegetables and some from lean chicken and fish and very little from even whole wheat bread products. I believe this will really turn the tide for me.