Can you lose without exercise? Discouraged, prob. impatient.

I had a really crappy dial type scale when I started mfp. It read (for the most part) 245lbs. After logging for a while the scale would not read past 235lbs and occasionally it would read 229lbs. I went and bought a new scale and it is reading 234lbs. So now I am feeling very discouraged.

Also, I have 4 children, one being a tiny infant. I have no family or friends to even give me a hand to hold her while I use the restroom. She also seems to be overactive in that she will only nap :20 minutes all day (probably due to her siblings noise level.) I can't do any formal exercise but I do try to by lifting her over my head and holding her during just a few crunches. I live up 20 stairs and am always up and down the stairs. I try to keep moving all day but have many days where I lie down with the kids to *TRY* to get them to nap. I am constantly doing things with this infant in my arms. Occasionally I have to hold another child in the other arm. I don't log any of this as exercise, because it is my normal routine. I have my counts set to sedentary.

Before starting mfp, I had a MAJOR sweet tooth, so I have been putting that into perspective with my food diary and I get to see what exactly I was doing to myself. My diary is a work in progress in that I am just now learning about my food intake. I have a gym membership and am waiting until I can leave my infant with my husband for more than :45 minutes so I can get down there.

So my question is, Is it possible to have successful weight loss and body transformation with diet alone? And if someone could maybe give me some advice on if I am set to too many calories. For some reason I think that mfp has me set with too many calories. I'm 5'10" and currently 234lbs. Thanks!


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    If you are fairly overweight then yes you can lose with just diet alone.

    But you will look and feel a hell of a lot better if you exercise along the way.

    I'm sure you can find 15 minutes per day to do some bodyweight squats, lunges etc.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    If you are fairly overweight then yes you can lose with just diet alone.

    But you will look and feel a hell of a lot better if you exercise along the way.

    I'm sure you can find 15 minutes per day to do some bodyweight squats, lunges etc.

    This, walk with the baby in a stroller. When I started my exercise consisted of walking my dog, playing wii fit and doing a little stair stepper machine I got at Target for $50.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    By switching to a low-carb diet, I have lost almost 30 lbs in under 3 months without changing my exercise routine. I don't do any intense exercise, just my walk to and from work which is about 45 min a day total. I also increased the amount of water I drink, by almost double!

    Since the only thing I changed when I started to lose weight was my diet, I would say yes! You can lose with diet alone. But I do recommend trying to go for at least a 20 minute walk a day, or get active somehow EVERY day. Doesn't have to be intense. You have a toddler around so I think you should be good in that department!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Yes, I once lost 40 pounds that way.

    Take the baby with you into the bathroom. Never leave a toddler unattended.

    Taking walks with the stroller is an excellent idea. If you are impatient, it will help speed your weight loss.

    Are you nursing? That's important to know. Send me a friend request if you like!

  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    But as the other posters have mentioned, I think a walk in the stroller would be nice. I also think you should give yourself more credit. You have FOUR children, one of whom is an infant. That has to be super tiring and demanding and you are still trying to find ways to get healthy and fit.

  • nortiekeeks
    nortiekeeks Posts: 59 Member
    buuuuump up the jam, bump it up - bump it, bump it, bump it... :bigsmile:
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I would stop tracking sugar as it is a useless number and start tracking calcium for a while so you can be sure that you are getting 100% of the RDA. Did you know that you can also scan your vitamins? Another advantage to walking is that access to Vitamin D through sunlight and the exercise will help you maintain the calcium in your bones.

    A healthy weight for a 5/10 lady is 145 pounds in my chart.

    Your caloric intake is probably a bit low. I am shorter, and 1500 calories (not breastfeeding) would maintain my goal weight of 130 pounds at 5'7". I would at least make sure that you eat that 1800 you planned every day, because you could probably be eating 2100 calories and still loose weight.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Yes, the stroller! The walk will be great for you mind and body. I LOVE my walks.

    But with diet alone it is indeed possible. But do remember, you didn't put that weight on all in just a couple months, and thus, won't be coming off in a hurry. Optimize your diet and ensure a small calorie deficit of around 500 a day and after a while, it'll happen.

    DO NOT weigh once a day. Weigh yourself once a week. Every day will drive you insane as it did me last time.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    This may sound silly, but make sure you drink LOTS of water too! :drinker:
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    With kids it is very tough to find time to exercise if you don't have the help. I've had to rearrange my schedule to get myself out of bed at 5:20 in the morning, just so I can get a workout in before my husband leaves for work for the day. On the days that I don't make it out of bed in time, I try to throw in some random little exercises here and there.
    - A walk with the kids is always fun! Even just going at the slowest one's pace. A litle fresh air is nice.
    - Dance parties ... throw on some music, dance around like a wild woman with your kids (you can even do this holding your baby, or she might get a kick out of watching you be silly).
    - My 3 year old and 18 month old love to do little "exercise times". Just 5 minutes, when it seems like theyre getting bored or cranky, we'll do jumping jacks together, push ups, lunges, crunches (I let my 3 year old call the shots on what to do next and it is SO cute to watch these little guys try to do the moves).

    Good luck!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I haven't been exercising too much myself, probably on average, 10-20 minutes a day. I've lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks and i'm hypothyroid, so I say it's possible! Just try and maybe go for a short walk or something like that, anything to get moving just a little.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    With kids it is very tough to find time to exercise if you don't have the help. I've had to rearrange my schedule to get myself out of bed at 5:20 in the morning, just so I can get a workout in before my husband leaves for work for the day. On the days that I don't make it out of bed in time, I try to throw in some random little exercises here and there.
    - A walk with the kids is always fun! Even just going at the slowest one's pace. A litle fresh air is nice.
    - Dance parties ... throw on some music, dance around like a wild woman with your kids (you can even do this holding your baby, or she might get a kick out of watching you be silly).
    - My 3 year old and 18 month old love to do little "exercise times". Just 5 minutes, when it seems like theyre getting bored or cranky, we'll do jumping jacks together, push ups, lunges, crunches (I let my 3 year old call the shots on what to do next and it is SO cute to watch these little guys try to do the moves).

    Good luck!

    I have a 3 and 2 year old, they stand on either side of me when I was testing out the 30 day shred video! lol it was too cute, watching them try and do jumping jacks and push ups! my hubby works nights, so i can't get out of bed early =( i would love to do that, get out before many people are out and stuff.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I find that I make better food choices on days I workout. I also sleep wayyyyyyy better.

    That and it's great diabetes and cancer prevention (as well as heart disease) for those of you that have diseases that run in your family.

    I can't imagine not being active. I would miss hiking, kayaking, and in the winter various winter sports (hence my profile photo--snowshoeing).
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    of course you can lose by just paying close attention to what you eat but adding extra physical activity makes it easier and is good for you.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    This website filters select excercise videos from a website that is confusing and poorly designed--

    Now, the video and images are sexualized unfortunately, but the workouts are intense!
    You can select "no equipment" excercises and choose a length that suites your available time.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Your caloric intake is probably a bit low. I am shorter, and 1500 calories (not breastfeeding) would maintain my goal weight of 130 pounds at 5'7". I would at least make sure that you eat that 1800 you planned every day, because you could probably be eating 2100 calories and still loose weight.

    MFP features settings to track during breastfeeding and the daily goals adjust as a result.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    I would stop tracking sugar as it is a useless number and start tracking calcium for a while so you can be sure that you are getting 100% of the RDA. Did you know that you can also scan your vitamins? Another advantage to walking is that access to Vitamin D through sunlight and the exercise will help you maintain the calcium in your bones.

    A healthy weight for a 5/10 lady is 145 pounds in my chart.

    Your caloric intake is probably a bit low. I am shorter, and 1500 calories (not breastfeeding) would maintain my goal weight of 130 pounds at 5'7". I would at least make sure that you eat that 1800 you planned every day, because you could probably be eating 2100 calories and still loose weight.

    Thanks for looking at my diary. I have calcium supplements that I take every third day. I'm really big on whole food vitamins. I never forget my prenatal or omegas either.

    Also, I have been subtracting my 500 for breastfeeding so if I include that I am setting a 2300 calorie goal and eating just under it. Maybe I should aim more for 1900 or 2000?
  • Flafster
    Flafster Posts: 106 Member
    I do not have children, so forgive my ignorace. How many months is she? Why are you always holding her?

    Probably because like most primates, we are carry mammals, meaning that babies are hardwired to find touch and closeness relaxing, and can find being put down & left as stressful as being tiger bait.

    To the OP - do you have a sling? Absolute lifesaver for high contact babies. You'll need a stretchy wrap sling like a moby / hugabub for a teeny tiny. They look complicated but I promise you, they're not. I used one for both my children and I'm so cack handed I have to tie shoelaces a different way from most people.

    For an older baby, a soft structured carrier, like an Ergo, boba, manduca are fabulous. You just clip them on like a backback and the baby snuggles up. I used them as people use strollers - till 2-3 years old, with children being carried when they get too tired to walk.

    And voila - weight lighting exercises and freedom to go on long walks! You get your hands free to deal with older kids and you're not restricted to buggy friendly paths.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    This website filters select excercise videos from a website that is confusing and poorly designed--

    Now, the video and images are sexualized unfortunately, but the workouts are intense!
    You can select "no equipment" excercises and choose a length that suites your available time.

    Woo HOo! Thanks for the link. That is great because I don't have a dvd player on my t.v.!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    With 4 little ones, you have your hands full!!! I know that you're breastfeeding and yes, that does burn calories, but I wouldn't include it in your food diary. For starters you really don't know what your actual burn is, and you could be overestimating and in turn, eating over your daily calorie count. Try to cut out takeout/processed foods where you can. They are evil carriers of high calories, fat and sodium. Drink lots of water, and use that stroller and go for a hike, it helps you tone up, fresh air will help baby get some shuteye, and it gets you out of the house!!

    Don't be discouraged! and try to stay positive, every little step towards a healthier lifestyle is a win and it does means something!

    Best of luck!