who eats 1200 cals, add me



  • I am on 1200 a day and have have good success so far. I am down 18 pounds since the end of May. by choosing low cal. foods, you will be amazed at how much you can eat. don't get me wrong..there are days i feel like i could eat 2400, but, I stick with the 1200 and make sure i exercise at least 3 nights a week.
    Good luck to you!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    There goes me thinking facts weigh more than personal opinions.

    But hey, once reality kicks in, you'll find out for yourself that half-assed attempts at trying to change your life don't work. Believe whatever you want, it's your body, but keep in mind that every and I really mean every single diet that isn't revolving around that 1.2k calories plan, tells people not to cut too many calories. People aren't making things up, there's a reason behind it.

    If you really want to take the easiest way and just be a dead weight on your couch and not move any muscle at all, then go ahead it's your body.

    Oh stop it Andric for crying out loud, you are now protesting far too much. besides which you don't listen or read properly anything anybody says, you just plough right in and try to tell people that the way they have been doing things does not work, even though it has long gone and done just that - worked.

    Perhaps a nice long run would help you clear your head.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.

    Still doesn't ring true because I run between 5 to 7 miles each session three times per week, always got enough energy and there are no issues.

    Seriously, providing the person eats lots of protein and does not eat crap, 1200 is okay. Many people want to eat more, no problem, but to say the person will be starving, it is not enough, needs to eat more blah blah blah is going by their own standards.

    1200 really is fine lol

    Sorry but I feel the need to step in.

    Your daily calorie limit is tailored to your age, height, weight and body fat.
    A woman who is 5'8" at 35% body fat would be in pretty bad shape if she ate at 1200 daily.
    Her body can only lose so much fat in a day.
    If the energy isnt provided then the body will seek other sources of energy to slow down the metabolic rate for better sustainability.

    I challenge you D in finding out how truly strong you are.
    Extensive cardio coupled with extremely low caloric intake without eating back calories....thats just plain silly.

    You may have lost a lot of weight but I can guarantee youve lost a bit of lean mass as well.
    Thats not how its done.

    So I have to agree with our new friend Andric here.

    If you are set to 1200 please be sure to eat back your calories.

    If you dont know your TDEE and BMR you are doing it wrong.
    You will most likely fail.
    You will be back saying "Man I should have listened!"
    "1200 calories and not losing anything! HELP!!!"

    I've seen 100s of these posts.
    Ive helped 100s out of this funk.

    If you can help it, eat at a slight deficit for a more sustainable diet.
    Dont cut out all the food you love.
    Dont restrict yourself into a sad diet.


    Why do something at 1200 when you can get the same results at....1500?
    Possibly 2k?
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I think the key here is if the person eating 1200 is working out or not. If they are not working out and depending on just food intake to lose weight then I can understand 1200. If they are active at all (meaning more than a person laying in a vegetative state) then they should be eating more. So yes 1200 can work for people that hate working out.

    Still doesn't ring true because I run between 5 to 7 miles each session three times per week, always got enough energy and there are no issues.

    Seriously, providing the person eats lots of protein and does not eat crap, 1200 is okay. Many people want to eat more, no problem, but to say the person will be starving, it is not enough, needs to eat more blah blah blah is going by their own standards.

    1200 really is fine lol

    Sorry but I feel the need to step in.

    Your daily calorie limit is tailored to your age, height, weight and body fat.
    A woman who is 5'8" at 35% body fat would be in pretty bad shape if she ate at 1200 daily.
    Her body can only lose so much fat in a day.
    If the energy isnt provided then the body will seek other sources of energy to slow down the metabolic rate for better sustainability.

    I challenge you D in finding out how truly strong you are.
    Extensive cardio coupled with extremely low caloric intake without eating back calories....thats just plain silly.

    You may have lost a lot of weight but I can guarantee youve lost a bit of lean mass as well.
    Thats not how its done.

    So I have to agree with our new friend Andric here.

    If you are set to 1200 please be sure to eat back your calories.

    If you dont know your TDEE and BMR you are doing it wrong.
    You will most likely fail.
    You will be back saying "Man I should have listened!"
    "1200 calories and not losing anything! HELP!!!"

    I've seen 100s of these posts.
    Ive helped 100s out of this funk.

    If you can help it, eat at a slight deficit for a more sustainable diet.
    Dont cut out all the food you love.
    Dont restrict yourself into a sad diet.


    Why do something at 1200 when you can get the same results at....1500?
    Possibly 2k?

    Sorry Dan keep it, I have reached my goal, do tons of exercise and am just fine.

    I will go with what works not with a bunch of figures. Been over all this before. LMAO

    ps I am on maintenance now btw *whispers*
  • mrsheu
    mrsheu Posts: 30
    Hey Dan, so what is your recommendation for someone who wants to increase their calorie intake from 1200 to whatever is 20% below TDEE? Increase all at once, or slowly increasing 100 calories a day/week? I'm on 1200, and I feel full, but I do have to limit the foods I eat in order to maximize my calories.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey Dan, so what is your recommendation for someone who wants to increase their calorie intake from 1200 to whatever is 20% below TDEE? Increase all at once, or slowly increasing 100 calories a day/week? I'm on 1200, and I feel full, but I do have to limit the foods I eat in order to maximize my calories.

    I'd say get the water retention and bloat out of the way fast!
    Pop up to TDEE for a week then drop down.
    Link is on my profile if you need it!

    Sorry Dan keep it, I have reached my goal, do tons of exercise and am just fine.

    I will go with what works not with a bunch of figures. Been over all this before. LMAO

    ps I am on maintenance now btw *whispers*

    Lets build some muscle together Di!!!!
    Lift some heavy iron!
  • I have also been on 1.200 a day for two and 1/2 months and have lost 22 pounds. I exercise most days and when I do I add that amount of calories I have worked off into extra food for that day. When I plugged in my stats and gave the answer of 2 pounds a week I wanted to lose 1.200 calories a day is what MFP gave me as what I needed to eat. Women are different than men. I think most men would die on 1,200 calories a day! This is working great for me.
  • hoofan93
    hoofan93 Posts: 1
    I am doing the same! Trying to go for 1000 on the days I don't workout. I am Olivia, trying to loose a little weight for next semester.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Hey Dan, so what is your recommendation for someone who wants to increase their calorie intake from 1200 to whatever is 20% below TDEE? Increase all at once, or slowly increasing 100 calories a day/week? I'm on 1200, and I feel full, but I do have to limit the foods I eat in order to maximize my calories.

    I'd say get the water retention and bloat out of the way fast!
    Pop up to TDEE for a week then drop down.
    Link is on my profile if you need it!

    Sorry Dan keep it, I have reached my goal, do tons of exercise and am just fine.

    I will go with what works not with a bunch of figures. Been over all this before. LMAO

    ps I am on maintenance now btw *whispers*

    Lets build some muscle together Di!!!!
    Lift some heavy iron!

    Why on earth would I want to do that Dan, I am in training for a half marathon.

    See, you don't know the background of people Dan, their training and physique must fit their activity.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey Dan, so what is your recommendation for someone who wants to increase their calorie intake from 1200 to whatever is 20% below TDEE? Increase all at once, or slowly increasing 100 calories a day/week? I'm on 1200, and I feel full, but I do have to limit the foods I eat in order to maximize my calories.

    I'd say get the water retention and bloat out of the way fast!
    Pop up to TDEE for a week then drop down.
    Link is on my profile if you need it!

    Sorry Dan keep it, I have reached my goal, do tons of exercise and am just fine.

    I will go with what works not with a bunch of figures. Been over all this before. LMAO

    ps I am on maintenance now btw *whispers*

    Lets build some muscle together Di!!!!
    Lift some heavy iron!

    Why on earth would I want to do that Dan, I am in training for a half marathon.

    See, you don't know the background of people Dan, their training and physique must fit their activity.

    I like a good cardio bunny just as well as a squatter!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Hey Dan, so what is your recommendation for someone who wants to increase their calorie intake from 1200 to whatever is 20% below TDEE? Increase all at once, or slowly increasing 100 calories a day/week? I'm on 1200, and I feel full, but I do have to limit the foods I eat in order to maximize my calories.

    I'd say get the water retention and bloat out of the way fast!
    Pop up to TDEE for a week then drop down.
    Link is on my profile if you need it!

    Sorry Dan keep it, I have reached my goal, do tons of exercise and am just fine.

    I will go with what works not with a bunch of figures. Been over all this before. LMAO

    ps I am on maintenance now btw *whispers*

    Lets build some muscle together Di!!!!
    Lift some heavy iron!

    Why on earth would I want to do that Dan, I am in training for a half marathon.

    See, you don't know the background of people Dan, their training and physique must fit their activity.

    I like a good cardio bunny just as well as a squatter!

    Then you wouldn't like me Dan because I train in the great outdoors and don't hide away indoors on machines :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    There goes me thinking facts weigh more than personal opinions.

    But hey, once reality kicks in, you'll find out for yourself that half-assed attempts at trying to change your life don't work. Believe whatever you want, it's your body, but keep in mind that every and I really mean every single diet that isn't revolving around that 1.2k calories plan, tells people not to cut too many calories. People aren't making things up, there's a reason behind it.

    If you really want to take the easiest way and just be a dead weight on your couch and not move any muscle at all, then go ahead it's your body.

    I've seen zero facts from your posts in this thread, tell me about starvation mode that you mentioned in your second post
  • I'm eating 1300 for now. I am sure it will go down to 1200 once I shed about 10lbs. MFP recommended 1200, but I adjusted my calories to my BMR and try not to eat back my exercise calories. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? Have you calculated your BMR?

    so you adjusted by 100 calories. interesting.
  • I have a daily limit set by my personal trainer and dietician at 1200 cals per day, so far this has worked for me for the goals that I am trying to achieve.

    Some people my find that 1200 is "wrong" or doesnt work for them, however each person is different and I feel that your comment isn't particulary useful until you fully understand peoples situations and goals. Not having a go, just highlighting that whilst 1200 might have so many things wrong with it for you, it certainly doesnt have anything wrong with it for me.

    I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for yourself and want a big red button to click that reads "Lose weight". That's not how reality works. You will never know why it worked or more importantly why it didn't work. Any mistake you may have made won't be obvious to you.

    1200 is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.
    Let's just pretend you really only need some 1500/1600 calories per day. Aren't you working out at all, no cardio, no weightlifting? You will have to increase the amount of calories you eat to be on par with the energy you use up. Unless you're 11 years old I don't think 1200 calories per day is the way to go and judging from your picture you're a little older than that and if you're here to lose weight you most likely aren't underweight, which again would only speak against your plan of 1200 calories per day.

    Rephrase it is not wrong for almost everyone at all. I never used to eat my exercise calories back either except 50 to 100 calories per day. You see putting everybody in tiny little boxes is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.

    btw I reached my goal on 1200 per day many weeks back and have not piled back the weight.

    and how much are you eating to maintain?
  • I am barely 5' and my recommended minimum is 1,200. I think it's quite high for my size, but I try to follow it anyway. (Some days I do eat less than that, but I definitely try to hit 1,200-1,300 on days I work out.) I know they say 1,200 minimum, but I'm little. It seems like no matter how much I work out, I never seem to lose an ounce if I eat more than 1,200/day.

    no reason to eat 1200 calories--I would NEVER survive on that and I'm only 4'11 so being little is no justification IMO.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I have a daily limit set by my personal trainer and dietician at 1200 cals per day, so far this has worked for me for the goals that I am trying to achieve.

    Some people my find that 1200 is "wrong" or doesnt work for them, however each person is different and I feel that your comment isn't particulary useful until you fully understand peoples situations and goals. Not having a go, just highlighting that whilst 1200 might have so many things wrong with it for you, it certainly doesnt have anything wrong with it for me.

    I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for yourself and want a big red button to click that reads "Lose weight". That's not how reality works. You will never know why it worked or more importantly why it didn't work. Any mistake you may have made won't be obvious to you.

    1200 is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.
    Let's just pretend you really only need some 1500/1600 calories per day. Aren't you working out at all, no cardio, no weightlifting? You will have to increase the amount of calories you eat to be on par with the energy you use up. Unless you're 11 years old I don't think 1200 calories per day is the way to go and judging from your picture you're a little older than that and if you're here to lose weight you most likely aren't underweight, which again would only speak against your plan of 1200 calories per day.

    Rephrase it is not wrong for almost everyone at all. I never used to eat my exercise calories back either except 50 to 100 calories per day. You see putting everybody in tiny little boxes is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.

    btw I reached my goal on 1200 per day many weeks back and have not piled back the weight.

    and how much are you eating to maintain?

    1580 and when maintaining I do eat back exercise calories, therefore it depends on how many calories I have burned during running or cycling that day. I train every other day.
  • I have a daily limit set by my personal trainer and dietician at 1200 cals per day, so far this has worked for me for the goals that I am trying to achieve.

    Some people my find that 1200 is "wrong" or doesnt work for them, however each person is different and I feel that your comment isn't particulary useful until you fully understand peoples situations and goals. Not having a go, just highlighting that whilst 1200 might have so many things wrong with it for you, it certainly doesnt have anything wrong with it for me.

    I'll be honest with you, I don't give half a **** about any personal trainer's opinion, not even if it was my own mother. It's 2012, there's free information everywhere for everyone. Paying for a diet/workout plan is close to the most ridiculous thing you can do nowadays. It just tells me you're too lazy to think for yourself and want a big red button to click that reads "Lose weight". That's not how reality works. You will never know why it worked or more importantly why it didn't work. Any mistake you may have made won't be obvious to you.

    1200 is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.
    Let's just pretend you really only need some 1500/1600 calories per day. Aren't you working out at all, no cardio, no weightlifting? You will have to increase the amount of calories you eat to be on par with the energy you use up. Unless you're 11 years old I don't think 1200 calories per day is the way to go and judging from your picture you're a little older than that and if you're here to lose weight you most likely aren't underweight, which again would only speak against your plan of 1200 calories per day.

    Rephrase it is not wrong for almost everyone at all. I never used to eat my exercise calories back either except 50 to 100 calories per day. You see putting everybody in tiny little boxes is wrong for almost everyone, most likely you too.

    btw I reached my goal on 1200 per day many weeks back and have not piled back the weight.

    and how much are you eating to maintain?

    1580 and when maintaining I do eat back exercise calories, therefore it depends on how many calories I have burned during running or cycling that day. I train every other day.

    and you eat back ALL of your exercise calories and gained no weight when you went off of the 1200 calorie diet? If so you are one blessed individual because that is quite rare!
  • skininbonz
    skininbonz Posts: 17 Member
    I am gonna try 1200. I usually do my best at 1400 though. I may have to move it back up.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    and how much are you eating to maintain?
    1580 and when maintaining I do eat back exercise calories, therefore it depends on how many calories I have burned during running or cycling that day. I train every other day.
    and you eat back ALL of your exercise calories and gained no weight when you went off of the 1200 calorie diet? If so you are one blessed individual because that is quite rare!

    No, because I built it up gradually, I didn't just get to my goal and bang, bung a load more calories on pmsl.
  • For women, 1200 cals can be done. But, if you exercise, you should eat more than 1200