30Day Shred- Too Hard



  • 6strong
    6strong Posts: 3 Member
    Stick with it!! When I first started I couldn't do one full set of jumping jacks. I now can do 100 without stopping. The elation you will feel when you can see yourself improving is definitely worth it! Hang in there! :)
  • usteward
    usteward Posts: 112 Member
    I am the total opposite. The cardio on the 30ds is fine its the weights I am struggling with. Stick with it ! ( I know I am) and in time it will get better.( I hope) :wink:
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    I do the 30DS on a 2 day on/1 day off schedule. I've found that having that "recovery" day really helps my muscles out!
  • I would say that if you like doing it, modify the activities so that you can do all of each level! If you hate it then I would move on and try something else. I started 30 shred last Monday, I really like the workout but on Sunday it started feeling like my back was going out. So I have stopped doing it, I tried it one other time and my back did go out. And I think that a am in ok shape? I kickbox 3 days a week and strength train 3 days a week, and am currently training to run a 10 mile race in Oct.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    The point of the cardio is to get your heart rate up. For me, the jumping jacks were just AWFUL because I had boobs slapping me in the face (ok, not literally, but still), and all the other really flabby areas of my body were just moving around way too much. I ended up doing other cardio things like side stepping with jumping jack-like arm movements, or even just marching in place. I was +350 lbs when I started 30DS, and I definitely modified a lot of the moves. But you WILL get stronger, and it will get easier, even if you still hate it. Keep up the good work!

    [Later on, I started wearing my Spanx while doing the jumping jacks and butt kicks, and things were much better!]
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    No pain...no gain. It is hard, but think about it, only 20 minutes a day and you can literally shred pounds and inches. When I did it, after the first 10 days I could not move onto level 2 so I stayed on level 1 until I felt that I could move to level 2. Now that I am in a position that I cannot exercise (doctors orders) I wish I could get back to the shred. Keep at it, do not give up. If nothing else, think about the $10 you spent on the video and get our moneys worth. Good luck!
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    Personally, I think life is too short to do something that makes me feel that crappy. Find something you like at least a bit. I really enjoyed walking and hikes at the beginning, now I like running (still feels weird to type that).

    Some of the things I like about exercise is that it makes me feel good, gives me a feeling of accomplishment, and makes me feel strong and healthy. If you're not getting that - keep looking.

    Good luck. :smile:


    I would say you have two choices give up or don't.
    If you don't quit, then do what Jillian says--you have to do 5 jumping jacks? Do one! Take a breather, do another! etc etc
    If you don't have the time to do the 5 jumping jacks because say it takes you 20 minutes to comfortably do five because you have to rest then do two and call it good then do something equal to jumping jacks--like stretches to help that core area--whatever part of your body that hurts the most needs the most help its your arms? raise your arms above your head... your legs ? straddle them out.
    I would probably stand with my legs apart and my arms to my side because that's actually pretty hard to do with weights and I do that and it tears my back up--in a good way with one or two perfectly executed jumping jacks.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    This is for true beginners. It is going to be hard. Nothing is going to be easy. I couldn't even complete 5 minutes the first day I did it. By day five of pushing myself, not giving up, and making myself do it it became SIGNIFICANTLY easier.

    Don't give up because it's "too hard" for you. You are only putting limits on yourself and your progress.

    ^^^This...I'm 49 years old, just started exercising a couple of months ago, when I decided to try this Shred thing...needless to say I didn't last but a few minutes. The cardio killed me. I would pause it, drink water, sweat, and breath like someone with asthma (I just quit smoking, so yeah it was rough on me). BUT I refused to give up, and after 3 days I couldn't walk. So I stepped away from it. Then I decided I wasn't going to let it get the best of me so I did it again, only this time I spaced it out every other day. I took my time with it, not Jillian Michaels time with it. And now? I can almost make the entire first level without stopping now. I can do push ups now. I can do jumping jacks and all the cardio without stopping now. Don't give up. Just allow yourself to take it slower than JM. I did and it worked wonders. Now I can keep up and only stop once for a break. And I feel like I've accomplished something. That feeling alone is worth gold :D
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Keep at it! 30 DS is an awesome endurance/strength builder. Seriously, Level 1 was so hard when I first started. Now I eat levels 2 and 3 for breakfast. ;) I have rheumatoid arthritis, so I have to modify some of the moves, but I promise it will get better and you can do it! When I first started, I had to tell myslef, "There's 1440 minutes in the day and you can use 30 of those minutes to make yourself stronger and super proud of yourself." :D
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Have you heard of Slim in 6? I :heart: that workout! I actually look forward to getting up in the morning and doing it.
  • BKatyB
    BKatyB Posts: 1
    I felt the same way! The first day killed me! But, I have done it about 12 days now, bu only 5 days in a row and my endurance is getting much better. I use to take a lot of breaks but now I really only miss a few of the lunge reps because those take a lot out of me. The cardio is hard but the longer you do it, the easier it gets. I'm now even doing some of the advanced moves instead of the beginners. I still don't think I'm ready for Level 2 yet but I plan on starting it in a few days and then trying her cardio work-out. Honestly, her work-out is super hard. Just don't be afraid to take breaks if needed or modify or switch out some of the cardio exercises-- for example, the butt kicks are tearing my ankles up so I will do the other cardio work-outs instead.

    I felt like a failure to but luckily my dad and a lot of my friends helped motivate me and once I got past the first few work-outs I noticed a difference in my endurance and that I was toning up and it kept me going and I am super happy I stuck it. But if you really don't like it, try a different work-out that you do enjoy or even work yourself up to this one. There are a bunch of free work-outs on youtube!
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    The first time I tried the 30DS, I was so sore that I couldn't move and I thought I had torn my right bicep. I kept with it, modifying it as I saw fit. It's amazing to see how fast your body adapts to what stress you put it through. The jumping jacks are hard, but keep at it. You're only cheating yourself by saying it's too hard and quitting. (not trying to be rude or mean)
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    Keep at it. Modify the jumping jacks if you need to - I know JM says "there is no modification for these" but honestly, I modify to do high knees and do the arm movements associated with the jumping jacks - it keeps my heart rate up, and I'm fine.

    If you arent ready to move on to level 2, dont worry about it, stick with the first level as long as you need to, and move on when/if you are ready.

    Good luck to you!!

    This is what i did in the beginning and by the third set up jumping jacks sometimes even the second I adapt still. For the first week i thought i was going to throw up thru the whole video. It gets easier. Then level 2 kicked my butt again. So on days i feel like i just can not go another minute (today for example) I went back to level one and I felt like i was giving myself a break
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I really struggled with the cardio too the first time around. Don't give up! You have to build the endurance up. Don't compare yourself with others - just do the best you can do and like Jillian always says "keep moving!"
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    If it was easy everybody would do it. Don't give up, do it at your own pace, don't try and keep up with the girls on the dvd, just make sure your form is good and it honestly will get easier....you will be proud of yourself for doing it and amazed at how much stronger you get in a short time.

    Go on, you can do it!!
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Try alternating every other day between 30DS and something else. And don't feel bad if you can't keep up. When I started it, she mentioned something about taking a 5 second rest break if you needed it, so I did that A LOT. Just keep doing what you can, and if you find that you really aren't enjoying the program, it's okay to move on to something else.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I've done P90X and thought my first week of 30 Day Shred was tough! Yeah, it is hard.


    PS. Try breaking it down by the intervals. I found that when I did the first the mins, then and hr later the next ten mins and an hr later the last 10mins, I was able to do everything with good form without stopping.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I think keep at it. Honestly, it is amazing how fast your endurance improves. And if by day 10 you're not ready to move onto level 2 then don't. Take as much time as you need. If you need a break or need to modify a jumping jack, then go ahead and do it (regardless of what Jililan says). If you keep working at it, it won't be too long until you get all the way through level one with no problem and you will feel such a sense of accomplishment! Good luck!

    ^^^ THIS!!!

    modify all you need when you need!! When i started i could not do much without modifying! But every day i kept at it and was proud when i could do a little more. At first i could not do the jumping jacks without modifying all of them. Then i could do a few then a few more then a few more.

    I am now on level 3 doing the jumping jacks with 5 pound weights.

    I did not see how old you are but i am 56. I bet you can do it too. You may find something else to do and that is great too but the results you will see with 30ds are amazing!! Even starting out modifying!!

    Let us know if you decide to stay with it and share your results. HINT: take a before photo in a tight outfit. My photo was very enlightening! I did not realize how many inches i had lost!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've just finished the 30ds and it was tough. I was doing no exercise before and properly unfit but you know what? It's only 20 mins and if it's not hard then it's probably not going to do anything! I lost 7lbs and 9 inches doing it do the results make the pain and sweating do worth it! I'm doing JM's kickboxing fast fix now which is really hard too but I just keep telling myself it's only 20 mins!! Each little bit is only 30 seconds to 90 seconds at the most, and if you break it down like that YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • debb1010
    debb1010 Posts: 12 Member
    OK, let me say I am direct...I promise I am not being mean with this comment...It is very hard...but I guess you have to ask yourself how much you actually want it. I am almost 40...never exercised a day in my life...and not only finished 30 DS ( and hated EVERY SECOND OF IT!) I went straight into P90, C25K and now so lifting heavy...not bad for an old lady...so...ask yourself how much you are worth? And just do it!! Stick with it...and I promise it gets a lot easier- NOT EASY- but easier!

    Oh my goodness...if you are "old" at ALMOST 40, whats that make me at almost 50???!
    OH..BTW...I just completed 5 days of the 30DS and I'm not a fan of pain but I'm trying to keep in mind the end result. My first day this bus came around and tried to take me out,..day two...the bus came back and I thought pretty much finished off the job...thats how much pain I was in. Thanks to ibuprofen and a good nights rest, day 3 was a breeze and I've not had much pain since. I have a boat load of arthritis in my body and if I can do the shred, I think anyone can even when I wake up and feel like I'm 90 instead of almost 50!! LOL LOL