When do you weigh yourself?

I weigh myself every morning after I get up and use the restroom. Today, I did that and then weighed myself after I had dinner. It was like a 4 pound difference! It freaked me out.


  • joslin2005
    joslin2005 Posts: 138
    morning after I go to the bathroom
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    On Wednesday morning just after I get up and go to the bathroom. Why not Monday - I eat Sunday lunch at my mother in laws and she cooks with lots of salt. Monday's weight is always up.
  • tlo23
    tlo23 Posts: 68
    Exact same as you :-)
    Once I weigh, I try not to do it again - although it is tempting - because the scale fluctuates. It's best to only weigh once a week at the same time for that reason as well. Good luck to you!
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    Morning, I wait about 1/2 hour after I get up and in the buff.
  • XjuliaXannX
    XjuliaXannX Posts: 67 Member
    only about every time i walk through my bathroom; but i don't count it until a specific day of the week in the morning
  • wowLisawow
    Once a week on Tuesdays so that's tomorrow. More often than that and I would drive myself crazy.
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    I weigh every Friday morning at the same time.
  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    I jump on the scale Thursday mornings before breakfast and showering. I do weigh myself other times throughout the week but I only log the number from Thursday mornings. I have weighed myself before and after going number 2, it's kind of funny to see that 2 pound weight loss from time to time. :laugh:
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    Lol me too. Clothes weigh a lot!
    Morning, I wait about 1/2 hour after I get up and in the buff.
  • katjon12
    katjon12 Posts: 1
    I"m a nurse at a local hospital and we tell our patients to weight themselves first thing in the morning once you get out of bed, after you urinate, naked!
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I do drive myself crazy :/
    Once a week on Tuesdays so that's tomorrow. More often than that and I would drive myself crazy.
  • shayshay496
    shayshay496 Posts: 8 Member
    nothing to do with topic but love your pic Joslin2005
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I weigh first thing in the a.m. and TRY to do it only on Friday mornings (which is when I "count" my weight!) Otherwise I'm guilty of doing it randomly ALL the time during the day, just because I think the fluctuations are crazy!!
  • morrisca
    morrisca Posts: 12
    only about every time i walk through my bathroom; but i don't count it until a specific day of the week in the morning

    I'm the same way. I know they say that you should only weigh once a week but I can't help myself!
  • beingmotivated
    I'm going to be weighing myself on Sunday mornings after I've gone to the bathroom and haven't had breakfast. People I know say that not wearing clothes is better.
  • nest9
    nest9 Posts: 28 Member
    only about every time i walk through my bathroom; but i don't count it until a specific day of the week in the morning

    Thought I was the only one that did that? Lol. I have been very bad in the past by weighing every morning, after I eat breakfast, after a workout, and on and on. I have learned that if you follow your workout plan and log your food, the pounds will come off. Most people recommend you weigh 1x a week just to track your progress. Weighing too often can discourage you. I weigh each day only to make sure I am staying on track. If i pick up a pound or 2, it does not freak me out because I know it will come off soon. I am more scared to not weigh for a week and realize I have picked up 5lbs.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Every morning after I use the bathroom and when I'm still naked. I weigh every day but only record when there is a loss.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I guess I better buy a scale if I ever want my ticker to move.

    when I had a scale it'd be the same as posted here: in the morning- after bathroom necesities and before breakfast..
    though if I am going to tel peple I weigh X amount, I should really wigh myself in the middle of the day- when people see me.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    A billion times a day. I don't obsess over it or get depressed when I gain a few ounces after a lot of water/a meal. I just like to see how I fluctuate throughout the day. I only record when there's a loss.

    ETA: Recording a loss ONLY if it's in the beginning of the day after I go to the bathroom. I also like to wait a few days between check ins, just in case the lower number is just a fluke.
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    Monday morning, norm right when I get up, then about 20-30 mins later. The scale reads the same both times then it is what it is.