Here comes the weekend--anyone want to be accountable with m

During the week I do really well tracking my food, I drop a couple of lbs. and then all weekend I don't track, I eat whatever I want, and on Monday morning I start the cycle all over again! Well, not this weekend!!! Anyone else need some weekend accountability?? This one is going to be especially tough because my Dad is coming to town tonight and will be here for a few days and he loves to treat us to dinner out, usually multiple times. I get really out of my routine with family around.


  • ZeldaCat
    Yes!! I have the exact same problem! Sometimes we go out to dinner on the weekends and sometimes I go visit my parents and just eat what I sucks! All that hard work throughout the week and then I just go and ruin it! I am up for some weekend accountability!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I'm in!! This is definitely my problem. I'm also having a problem exercising on the weekend. Through the summer, DH and I were pretty active doing outdoor activities. Now that it is winter and too cold outside, it is hard to motivate myself to spend the time in the gym instead.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm also in! Weekends kill me. If I did as good on the weekends as I do through the week, I'd either be at or close to my goal weight by now. I'm so close to being under 200 (within a pound!!!!) I NEED this.. Thanks for the idea!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I NEED to stay strong this weekend, usually I suck! I havn't had the best week. I had the flu, then i am overeating yesterday due to not getting to eat idk all messy. Back on track today and need to do well this weekend.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love weekends but often view them as the devil for everything they destroy that I've worked on through the week! But ultimately I guess its just me cause no one physically ties me down and makes me eat and not exercise. I've made "ACCOUNTABILITY" my new mantra! :devil:
  • brewwerks2
    I do the same thing....wreck my whole week when I let my guard down on the weekend. And sunday night i agonize over what i've done. How will we keep accountable? tell each other what we've done on monday?
  • NCHICK80
    great idea.. im in to if you will have me...:smooched: i think its hard because we all have a routine during the week and we have breaks and lunches and now when we are going to eat and not eat.. and then the weekend and its a free for all you actually have some time to just relax and the last thing you want to do is think about food or what your supposed to be eating.. almost like being rebullious... :tongue: but.. im on the truck.. see how it goes this weekend ...
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    WITHOUT A DOUBT I WANT IN!!!!!!! I have been in such a "pity me" mood lately. I look at so many people and just feel jealous all the time!!! I watch the skinniest of skinny guys/gals eat a whole pizza at work on their lunch break and I can't stop staring at them. I keep thinking to, that is about 800 calories. Lucky looks so much better than my tuna sandwich.

    I have been off the track a bit lately due to my poor attitude. I have lost about 30 pounds before MFP and now I am only at about 7. With the feeling that if I don't get back on track soon, it is going to be another cycle.

    I am sure that you guys have all felt the way that I do.....pity, sad, mad, impatient, and just plain sick of this battle with food. When you feel like this, what are things that you do to cheer up? Because binging sure doesn't make a person feel better and I am falling into that trap.
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    great idea.. im in to if you will have me...:smooched: i think its hard because we all have a routine during the week and we have breaks and lunches and now when we are going to eat and not eat.. and then the weekend and its a free for all you actually have some time to just relax and the last thing you want to do is think about food or what your supposed to be eating.. almost like being rebullious... :tongue: but.. im on the truck.. see how it goes this weekend ...
    Most definitely! I think you're right. During the week I have a very set routine and I'm really busy. When I have down time it seems like all I think about is food! I'm also training for a half marathon and do my long runs on Saturday mornings, so I give myself that excuse to eat the rest of the weekend.

    It was so bad last weekend that I went to bed at 8pm on Sunday night with a terrible stomachache!
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    I'm also in! Weekends kill me. If I did as good on the weekends as I do through the week, I'd either be at or close to my goal weight by now. I'm so close to being under 200 (within a pound!!!!) I NEED this.. Thanks for the idea!
    So would I. I've finally gotten down to a low enough weight that I absolutely cannot have a free-for-all on the weekends if I want to hit my goal weight! I'm lucky that I seem to be able to maintain my current weight by watching cals during the week and eating what I want on the weekends, but I'm sick of feeling like I'm not done with my weight loss! I want to be able to permanently go on maintenance calories! I've been at the same weight since May now, and feeling like I want to lose another 15-20.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    WITHOUT A DOUBT I WANT IN!!!!!!! I have been in such a "pity me" mood lately. I look at so many people and just feel jealous all the time!!! I watch the skinniest of skinny guys/gals eat a whole pizza at work on their lunch break and I can't stop staring at them. I keep thinking to, that is about 800 calories. Lucky looks so much better than my tuna sandwich.

    I have been off the track a bit lately due to my poor attitude. I have lost about 30 pounds before MFP and now I am only at about 7. With the feeling that if I don't get back on track soon, it is going to be another cycle.

    I am sure that you guys have all felt the way that I do.....pity, sad, mad, impatient, and just plain sick of this battle with food. When you feel like this, what are things that you do to cheer up? Because binging sure doesn't make a person feel better and I am falling into that trap.

    You sound so much like myself. I think what I've had to start doing is instead of comparing myself to other people (my problem is my husband and kids, who are underweight but eat like crazy), I'm trying to focus on what's right for ME. I allow myself one fast food meal a week, and keep the rest of my meals low that day to try to still keep it in balance. Oh and get in an extra long workout too. It was hard at first to only eat half of what I'd usually eat going out, but it does help me to know I can eat it again some other time. Another thing is to STAY BUSY. When you have a craving and you're just sitting around it's all you can think about. I tend to overeat out of stress and boredom. I will think "OMG, I need to do this and this, and I'm so tired I can't do any of it." So I would end up sitting on the couch snacking all day, moaning that I had no energy and SO much to do, and I'd be exhausted before I'd touch any of it. Now, I make a list of some things that I've been meaning to get around to but haven't. Then just really focus on accomplishing them. Before I know it, hours have past, it's time for lunch, and I've already got something healthy in mind. This also makes me feel better because I no longer have this backlog of things that need to be done, and when I feel good about myself, I'm ready to exercise/eat healthy and take care of me.
  • feliciamac
    I'm ALL in!!! The weekends are horrible for me. Once I goof up on Saturday it turns into the "I'll start over Monday" routine. And so it goes....:blushing: this is my first week/weekend on MFP, so hopefully with this, it'll be a good one. Thanks!!!
  • Tdenman
    I was just talking about this with one of my friends. So I am am in as well. I start to slack on friday and it goes through Sunday so that is a little less than half the week... That kills the progress I could have as well as all of us. Good call on the group.
  • candacepainter
    IM IN
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
  • LynnM4
    I'm in. I always THINK I'm eating fine on the weekends, but I don't keep track, so I'm sure I'm not...

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I want in, weekends are hard. We often go out to eat on the weekends as I hate to cook on my days off.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I feel SO much better that I'm not the only person! My weekends are three dyas (I don't work Friday's) and it seems I don't track for 3 days! Last weekend I made it (tracking wise) till Sunday Morning....I'm hoping this will motivate me for the WHOLE weekend!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    I'm IN!!! I have been tracking and on the workout/eat healthy bandwagon for about 2 1/2 months now. I've seemed to have problems every single weekend with keeping up with it all. Hopefully this will help! Thanks for starting it.
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    The weekend is here! My first challenge will be tonight. My Dad is in town and wants to take us and the kiddos to Chuck E Cheese. I don't know what I'm going to eat!!!! I hardly ever go to restaurants or don't have to cook, so it's always the hardest for me to turn down food that I didn't have to make!