Should Gyms Be Cellphone Free Zones



  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I am on call for my job 24/7, a week at a stretch. If I can't take my cell phone, I can't work out. However, I practice good cell phone etiquette. I will leave the workout area as soon as I get a call to not disturb others who are hoping for a peaceful workout.
  • icom100
    icom100 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree. Its not the phone that is the problem. Its the person using it. Its no different carrying on a conversation on the phone that it is face to face. If youre in a public place, keep the conversation family friendly. Thats just common courtesy, but that is going by the wayside by most people these days. I dont see a problem being on a cell phone in public. Using it in a class is a different matter. People are concentrating on what the instructor/exercise trainer is saying, and talking while they are conducting the class is again rude. Common courtesy, ha, where is it now. As far as camera use, if youre out in public, youre fair game. Thats the law. If you dont like the law, get it changed. I get tired of seeing people complain about cellphones. Its like hammers and guns. They are all tools. Its the PERSON using it that needs to be responsible. Complain about the people, not the phones.
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I use my phone to listen to music, so no...
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The yoga instructor that was fired is my friend. She didn't actually tell the gal not to use her phone, she just gave her a look, so the girl called management to report her (while she was still in the class).

    For the most part it is pretty disruptive for people to be using phones during a class.

    At my gym everyone uses phones for the apps and music. Of course that's always allowed. And it's fine, except for when people are spending the whole time taking up the space, changing songs and texting and not actually using the equipment (totally oblivious to the people around them doing their own sets with the weights). But, it does say we are not supposed to talk on the phones (I saw a sign). Sometimes I make a quick call in the locker room after my workout if I am meeting up with my husband/kids somewhere (not sure if that's allowed or not, but seems fine to me. I don't carry on a conversation).
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I actually talked on my phone twice during the gym tonight. Thought of this post and lol'ed.

    Do I want my family to be on supernanny??.....uh hell no
    And fallball details for my sons baseball team....kinda important

    I honestly am against it. But found it ironic that I did do it. Twice. In one night.