16 days down 2 lbs and back up 2 lbs

I am a teacher and during the year I had fallen in to the habit of not excersizing and eating poorly. I put on 10lbs this year and now I need to lose 30. Since school let out I have been excersizing everyday. I have had no scale progress. Yesterday I added weight training and today I am super sore. I was using weight watchers to track the first 2 weeks and started using MFP again last week. I think I need to do something drastic to get bump. Any suggestions?


  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    you cant do drastic, the only thing that will work is is persistance, time and hard work! you can do it. it all changed for me when i stopped calling it a diet and changed my lifestyle! think about what you want most, to be skinny for a while or to be lean and healthy for a long time to come??? :) good luck!
  • Stephie_J
    Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
    A meat & egg fast is often used to kick start you out of a stall?
  • ShirleyFed5
    ShirleyFed5 Posts: 35 Member
    You could do a cleanse to start things off again, but consistency matters.