Moms with small children



  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids. 9,6, and 2. I do part of my work out when Jeff (Husband) is at work and I do the other half after he gets home and I put the kids to bed.

    I don't play the bed time game with my kids. I make them do every thing about 10 minutes before bed and then it's bed time. I also run my laundry and dish washer at the same time and it's while I cook dinner.

    That way when bed time comes They are in bed and I can walk out the door for my evening 3 mile walk. Plus, I am home with them all day, I am ready for them to be in bed and have some a lone time with my self and Jeff.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I have two kids and i must say you have to make time. Waking up earlier works great, or whenever they nap, taking them for a walk aroung the park or neighborhood.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    I am a SAHM and full-time college student. My husband is out of town M-F for work, so most of the time it's just me and the kiddos. I get up early (5:30-6) and exercise before my 2 & 3 yo wake up for the day. Once or twice a week I will take them with me for a walk, but it's been so hot here lately that I haven't been walking much. Or I wait until after they're down for the night, but I'm usually so exhausted at that point that exercising is the last thing on my mind. Plus I usually do my homework at night, so exercising early in the morning is what works best for me!
  • PradaChick
    PradaChick Posts: 20

    I'm a mom of three, 7, 3 and 1 and a half year olds. I work 50 hours a week at a demanding job. I use my lunch time to do some cardio but i purchased an air climber in November from QVC. It comes with resistance bands and a counter and some dvds even a meal plan. I'm not able to go to the gym since i like to spend as much time as i can with my kids. So having this at home I was able to exercise early in the morning, late at night or even while they were sitting eating dinner or watching cartoons. Its a good investment and not expensive at all. Something along those lines could work for you. I think Zumba exercise videos would be a good idea, would be entertaining for a toddler to join in! lol. Best Wishes with your goals.
  • drdortch
    drdortch Posts: 16 Member
    During the week, I normally work out when my kids are napping or in bed for the night. On the weekends, I go early in the morning when my hubby is home to watch them.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I need some help. How do you find time to exercise? I'm home with my daughter all day, she is two. I'm struggling finding ways to exercise because most of the time she's with me. I'm looking for people to go on this journey that are in the same position as I am. Currently I'm a stay at home mom until September. Then I go back to work and this will add an entirely new dimension to finding time to get exercise in. I sometimes feel I'm so busy taking care of the house, the finances and my kids that I neglect myself. Thanks. Hope everyone has a very successful day!

    How I handled this was: I do the 30 Day Shred in the morning. Next to my workout area is a small quilt/playmat. When I started, I explained to my toddler that she was not allowed to go past the mat, into 'mommy's area" -- she still has run of rest of the basement, but the mat is the dividing line.

    I was worried how it would work out, if it would work out. But it was fine. After 1 week, she got used to it. After 2 months, I can leave her in bed sleeping and run down for my routine. If she wakes up, she knows to come downstairs and color on her mat until I'm done.

    Kids will adapt to your routine, you just need to be consistent. It might take a week or so, but they will buy right in, as long as you are consistent. And the bonus is that your child learns about staying healthy, learns about exercise, and gets to see what a healthy adult lifestyle looks like by watching you. Sometimes kids need to see you sweat (metaphorically too) to understand the effort and rewards.

    And this holds true in other areas too -- you are the model for adult behavior for your kids. So you need to have a balanced life in order for them too see what a balanced adult life is.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I am a single mom of a 4 year old girl and I work full time. I do my workout video at 4:30am, before I get ready in the morning. And then I do my elliptical as soon as my daughter falls asleep at night :)
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    I work full-time, and i have two children under the age of 5. I get up early and run before my husband leaves for work, or I do an exercise DVD at home.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I work full time work and come home to a 5 and 1 yr old. I do the Kinect game Your Shape fitness, go for walks and other simple workouts like classic sit ups, pushups, etc while they are around. Workouts do not have to be overly complex to be efficient. I have dumbbells at home that I also use when doing mindless tasks like watching movies.

    I have joined a Zumba class and go twice a week but that is awesome for high intensity cardio away from the distractions. But I do not think I will keep it up because it does put a strain on the family.

    Otherwise I have a bike with a trailer I can load them in. The problem is it is well over 110 these days so I try not to drag us all into the heat.

    Make it a priority and try a few things. Some of the suggestions on here are great!
  • after_the_rain
    My kids are 4 and 1. Right now over the summer I'm staying home with them so I take them to the gym daycare, they really enjoy it and have fun. Not sure what I will do once fall comes though, maybe try to go early in the morning.
  • marinesweetheart
    marinesweetheart Posts: 25 Member
    I have a 4 month old and a 5 year old. I workout when the baby naps and the 5 year old will usually watch, participate or stay out of my way lol I run on the treadmill for the most part and if the baby gives me time I do Jillian's 30 day shred. I run with my headphones in with the 5 year old in sight and I have put velcro on the back of the baby monitor (video) and on the front treadmill so I can glance over at him. It's multitasking like crazy but I have to do it somehow. If baby is having a bad day and doesn't nap I workout when hubby gets home so he can watch him.
    Where there's a will there's a way. I hope you find something that works for you. =)