I HATE water

I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?


  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    I grew up with Coke in my bottle...(my mom is an addict!) I'm forty three now and for the past four years I have not had one, nope not one, Coke. I will occasionally drink a diet coke (blah, not the best substitute!) if I'm at Sonic and need some caffeine. I have converted to Sparkling water. I don't like flavored waters ...yuck...but Kroger has a canned sparkling seltzer water that I LOVE. I drink about four or five cans a day then make myself drink one bottle of water too. The fizziness makes me feel like I'm having coke. My dr. told me having the seltzer water was just as beneficial as having regular water...there are 15 mg. of sodium in each can but that's a very small amount. Anyway, the point of my rant (obviously had too much coffee this morning!)is that you can find the right replacement...just look around. :) Good luck!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    Drink more water.

    Drink less Pepsi.

    This is NOT an involuntary action. You actively pick up the Pepsi, actively open it, and actively drink it. That is ALL you.

    If you keep drinking it, you tell the entire world PEPSI means more to you than weight loss and your health.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I chew gum while I drink water so there is a taste and not just ....wetness. It has to be cold and I drink it mostly in the car. If I hold the bottle in my hand (no putting it down) then I subconsciously continue to drink it. I easilt drink one bottle of eater each way to/from work without realizing it.

    Water is not my favorite drink.... but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
  • esp47
    esp47 Posts: 2
    Do you do cardio very often? When you work out or play some kind of sport and get really tired, does your body want a Pepsi or water?
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I was this EXACT same way. I was so addicted to pepsi (not soda, just Pepsi). I hated water, and I used to tell my mom as a kid that I didn't like it because it made my stomach hurt. haha. But, I forced it down my throat and now I crave it. I also quit drinking soda, I will have one every once in awhile, but once I cut that out, I started drinking much more water. I keep a big cup with me at all times and keep it filled with ice water. Best of luck. If I can learn to love water, so can you!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    try drinking brewed unsweetened iced tea instead of water. It's only like 4 calories or something. All I drink anymore is water, occasionally I drink some tea.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I HATE air... *kicks rock
  • spider1968
    spider1968 Posts: 20
    I dislike water sooooo much!! However now I add a tiny squirt of " MIo" ( a water enhancer) and yum!! No problem drinking water.
    I have never liked pop , I usually drink way too much milk. I buy Mio at grocery stores.
    Good Luck
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Flavored seltzer. I don't drink soda anymore unless it's mixed with vodka ;)
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I hated water as well, NEVER drank it, now I drink more than I probably need to and have my 8 glasses in by 3:00pm most days.

    Make a consciouss decision to drink more water, get a 24oz water bottle or 2 and keep it full and in your hand. It's almost an involuntary action for me now, I drink and don't even realize I am. My BF is still pretty amazed at the change.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i used to be the same way, the unfortunate answer is you just have to do it
    its hardest to stop drinking soda because you will get really bad headaches from the caffeine withdrawal
    what i basically did was take LOTS of advil to get through the first couple of days, then it was fine
    after a while of drinking water you'll get used to it and won't want anything else, when i try to drink soda it burns my mouth
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I hear you. I hate water too. I force myself to drink it. But I find if I don't, I don't feel good overall. I try putting cucumber slices in mine to make it more interesting, lol.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    You will get there, it just might take time. Most people don't go from drinking soda to loving water overnight. Find other substitutes for the soda - Crystal Light flavored water, teas, juices etc. It is still not as good for you as just plain water, BUT it becomes much easier to drink plain water when coming from tea than from soda. Eventually your tastebuds will change, and water won't seem as boring and you will crave it. :)
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    mineral water - like Perrier or San Pelegrino
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i hate water too....

    i drink a LOT though...with LEMON!! i go through almost a whole lemon everyday... then when i get home from work i reward myself with iced tea flavoured crystal light :) haha
  • BrittLee07
    BrittLee07 Posts: 28
    I USED to be addicted to Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. It really can be addicting. I suggest trying to slowly get yourself off of the stuff. Limit yourself to one serving per day. If you HATE water, then try water with lemon and a little bit of sweetener (such as Stevia). Use THAT in your water first. Then drink one glass of plain water a day. Once you start getting used to the water then it'll help. You have to train yourself to drink it, but once you do you won't want to go back. I used to NEVER be able to drink plain water because it would make me sick to my stomach. I'd drink pop and tea. NEVER water. But maybe try that. It worked for me!

    P.S.- Diet Coke or Pepsi is no good either. There are so many different things in there that will stop weight loss and make you bloated and make you retain water. DON'T DRINK IT!
    It isn't worth it to drink it. It may be hard at first, but stick to one can a day, with the lemon water. then drink a can every other day. Then once a week. That MAY help you. Let me know how everything turns out!
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    It's a habit and an addiction. You just have to slowly cut back on how much soda you drink and replace it with water. I used to be absolutely hooked on Pepsi and drank close to a litre a day. We quite cold-turkey a couple times and finally just phased it out of our lives. Now, I don't drink ANYTHING other than water. No soda, no juice, not even flavoured waters. I find it all way too sweet. I love water now, it is delicious! :D I don't even drink bottled water because I find it tastes flat. Luckily our town water doesn't have any taste to it.
  • ShakeyMD
    ShakeyMD Posts: 59 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I'm honestly convinced that I am addicted to Coke.. I love it, I crave it and nothing tastes better than an ice cold glass of that sugary sweet stuff. BUT...I admit that if I force myself to drink lots of water, my body craves WATER. My daughters have also learned this and are amazed that they actually want water. It will get easier the longer you are at it...but you can do it. Trust me, I could drink a 12 pack of coke a day.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I put bottles of water in the freezer for a few hours until they're slightly icy and I can drink 20 oz. in less than 10 minutes that way. I love water now.