I HATE water



  • witker
    witker Posts: 2
    I hear ya sistah! I went from leaded coke to putting 1/2 coke and 1/2 diet coke in my cup (for about two months) then totally diet coke )or pepsi) for about three months. Then had a glass a water with lemon and rewarded myself with a diet pepsi. for about one month.....then upped it to three glasses of water all in one container. IT IS MUCH EASIER WITH A STRAW!!! :ohwell:

    Now I can drink 8 to ten glasses of water a day....I like to add a splash of diet cranberry/apple from ocean spray...just a splash. And I miss it when I don't drink it! Seriously, it helps with weight loss. I have maybe two diet sodas a week now. Hang in there! You can do it!!!:wink:
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    If is the bubbles you'll miss (and as a reformed Diet Coke addict I know that was a big part of my problem), get thee a Soda Stream - it carbonates plain old tap water. I add a splash of fruit juice to mine when I want a bit of flavor.
  • WhatDoesLisa
    WhatDoesLisa Posts: 214
    Crystal Light Mojito flavored drink mix is the greatest thing ever invented. It is non-alcoholic but has lime and mint flavors. I would marry it if I could.
  • Rayzback
    Rayzback Posts: 73
    Same here, allergic to water :} Before starting MFP (about 2 months) I couldn't remember the last glass of water I had. I started with with a goal of 4 cups the first week and have progressed to 8 cups now. I takes all day to get the 8 cups down, so I don't have the time (or thirst for that matter) for anything else. I've tricked myself into thinking it's some magic weight lost elixer, and it appears to be working.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Do you hate oxygen, too?
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I hate(d) water too. Some days its still an arm wrestle to drink it. But once I cut the sode COMPLETELY (which was hard) except for diet soda, it made it alot easier, and now once I get a glass started its much better. Also, after working out it taste the best! I crave it then! But no matter what, I have to drink it with ice or it us a no go! But I was a water-hater for many years. Try the crystal light cherry mix if you like kool-aid. It is sugar free (but doesnt taste like it) and only has about 5 calories. Also, hawaiian punch brand makes a mean grape mix in the single serve packets that is sugar free, zero calories. (we get ours from dollar general)
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    I found the more dehydrated I am the more I want water because it's not sweet, and doesn't leave any taste in my mouth after drinking it. To help switch from pop to water I started using Crystal Light, or any individual juice packaging. I'd drink 1 glass of the juice then force myself to drink a glass of water before I rewarded myself with another glass of juice. Eventually it got to the point where I was use to drinking water, and at times I'd rather drink water than juice, or pop. As for everyone here who's posting JUST DRINK WATER, come on people this is suppose to be a support system, don't be negative on the people who are asking for help.
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    I feel your pain hon, i used to HATE water, just like you!!!

    Then I forced myself to drink a 20 0z, just one a day, then increased it every few days and lowered my sodas. Eventually, the water is what I craved, and soda just makes me feel...dried out. It doesn't quench your thirst at all, and just makes you bloated!! Good luck!!
  • ajominy
    ajominy Posts: 87 Member
    I was addicted to mountain dew and soda as well. I used crystal light to wean myself off of it as well as Crystal Bay. Crystal Light wasn't enough b/c I really missed that carbonation. I am extremely picky and I can't stand seltzer water and dislike most flavored waters. I was introduced to Crystal Bay and now drink that constantly. You get the same fizz when you first open it as you do if you open a bottle of soda. Crystal Bay is a naturally flavored sparkling water that is caffeine free and calorie free. It comes in 1 liter bottles and multiple flavors. Cherry and Grape are my favorite as they taste just like grape and cherry flavored sodas. Even though I have been off of mountain dew for over a year, I just stopped drinking sodas about 3 months ago. I still get that craving from time to time for a soda and when I do, I grab my Crystal Bay and I really don’t know the difference.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I went years drinking nothing but Diet Coke. I'd go weeks between glasses of actual water. What helped me was getting a filter for the faucet. Then we bought a new fridge with an ice maker and water dispenser and I now drink water almost exclusively when at home. I bring a 12 ounce can of Diet Coke with me to work in the morning since I don't drink coffee. After that is gone I drink ice water for the rest of the day. I'll occasionally add some Mio to it if I feel like I need some flavor and am trying to resist the candy machine. :laugh: If I'm out and about I have a Bobble that has a filter built into the mouth piece. That allows me to drink from drinking fountains and faucets without having to taste the water.

    I love that Snopes article! There is no reason to drink 8 - 10 glasses of water every day but there is a big reason to cut out the Pepsi. Even two cans per day is an additional 300 calories you are needlessly adding to your diet. Sparkling waters are a great substitution. At 2 cans per day you shouldn't have much of an issue with caffeine withdrawal so there's no reason to buy another 12 pack.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Are you sure you don't just hate your tap water?

    Many people say that water doesn't have a taste, but it does, and a lot of tap water tastes nasty. My own tap water is revolting because it's well water pulling from salty groundwater, and even after being filtered and treated it's still salty. When I've lived in major cities, the tap water tasted strongly of chlorine.

    The solution is to buy bottled spring water (not distilled, not purified. Spring water.) Spring water actually tastes good.

    If I run out out spring water and need to drink tap water, I add a splash of lemon juice, which helps mask any yucky tastes. Water with lemon juice takes a bit of time to get used to, but once I acquired the taste for it, I love it.
  • tiff187
    tiff187 Posts: 3 Member
    I was addicted to Dr Pepper. I quit cold turkey. At first I used Mio in every bottle of water but now I drink water on its own just fine. It just takes time. The first week you quit you might get horrible migranes as your body lets go of the caffeine and the chemicals but it's totally worth it. My hair and skin looks SO much better, plus I've lost 19 lbs in just two months. Now granted, I work out every day and cut down my calories but I have more energy now that I've cut out sodas. You just have to decide to DO IT and not do it part way. Either cut out the sodas or don't, but you'll feel so much better if you do.
  • vtpixie
    vtpixie Posts: 39
    I am a reformed diet pepsi addict.


    I actually knew an older woman who drank at least a liter of coke a day or more for at least 50 years...her teeth looked like smokers teeth...so it really does rot your teeth.

    Anyways, I'm not fond of the taste of water either, but I force myself to drink it. Sometimes when I crave sweet I add gatorade mix to the water. My boyfriend has been making tons of mint tea lately wiht fresh mint leaves...take a pitcher and place large bunch of mint into pitcher and add water...place in sunny area outside or in sunny spot inside for majority of day. Place pitcher into refrigerator in evening. Add some honey to glass once you pour mint tea...to add some sweetness. It's delicious.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Flavored seltzer or crystal light can help you get off soda. Then you can cut downturn crystal light. I love lovelove seltzer.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    If you like lemonade.. you shoudl try getting lemone juice, mixing it in water, adding no calorie sweetener (Stevia if you prefer organic sweetener), (and a dash of ceyenne pepper if you want, it helps flush out toxins from your body) and viola. It is suppose to help cleanse your body, and it taste REALLY good! And it works! WHEN ever I start bloating or retaining water, I do this for about a week and loose a few ounds of weight each time, and it is very hydrating!
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    I haven't had a soda in over 15 years. I can't imagine NOT drinking water. Most days, I don't drink anything else. As for learning to like it, sometimes you've just got to do it. If you want this bad enough.
  • I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    the best advice i can give is to drink ur water in a cup with a lid and thru a straw. that is how i can get it down. unless im roasting, then i can pound down a water bottle. i am not really a water fan myself. try adding half a pkg of crystal light or lemon just so you have some flavor. eventually, you will crave water.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I just drank it until I liked drinking it. I never liked it as a kid and teen and even young adult. Then I decided I was going to drink more water and started forcing myself to drink it every day. Now I actually crave it.
  • DazzlingDD
    DazzlingDD Posts: 8 Member
    I drink a glass when i first wake up. If i start by day out with water i tend to drink it all day long. I am a coffee drinker and didn't like water either, but this small change has helped me a lot!