I HATE water



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Edited to add, this is the amount of sugar in 1 coke/pepsi per day for a week.
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    Try putting Mio drops into your water or try sparkling water with flavor.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I really don't know how to say this eloquently, but drinking anything instead of water will cause major health problems over time. You might have heard of athletes with inexplicably large hearts? The medical report will state heredity as the possible cause of death, but the reality of the situation points to this: Soda pop over water lifestyle leads to death. Gatorade over water leads to death. Kool-Aid over water, you better believe that will kill you. Drinking soda pop instead of water, all day and everyday, is like playing in rush hour traffic with a blindfold. It's not advisable.
    A little dramatic?
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    Crystal Light Mojito flavored drink mix is the greatest thing ever invented. It is non-alcoholic but has lime and mint flavors. I would marry it if I could.
    I love all the MOCKTAILS.....great stuff!
  • horrorghoul
    horrorghoul Posts: 59 Member
    The more you watch your weight and work out your body will naturally crave water. I still drink water because I can't imagine myself ever giving it up, thats not realistic for me. You can flavor it with MIO or even in tea.
  • horrorghoul
    horrorghoul Posts: 59 Member
    Ditto! lol
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Crystal Light Mojito flavored drink mix is the greatest thing ever invented. It is non-alcoholic but has lime and mint flavors. I would marry it if I could.

    They have mojito flavor now??!! Must find it!!!!!!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Contrary to the popular childhood song, girls DO NOT drink Pepsi to get more sexy.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Crystal Light Mojito flavored drink mix is the greatest thing ever invented. It is non-alcoholic but has lime and mint flavors. I would marry it if I could.

    it's only non-alcoholic if I don't rum to it!
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    I use to drink 4 liters of coke every day, and hated the taste (or lack there of) of water. After seceral months I am down to one maybe 2 (3 if I am being lazy or greedy) cups/cans of coke a day and up to at least 4 bottles of water.

    Only way I see how to do it is just say screw what I like, do what I need. Now I actually enjoy water (as long as it is very cold)

    So good luck, you can do it!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I quit soda cold turkey about 2 years ago when I started losing weight the first time, and that was when I was getting the value meals at fast food places w/soda, and drinking another 1-3 cans a day. I relied heavily on flavored water to get me through the sweet cravings, but now I prefer water (colder the better) and have an occasional sip of soda from my husband and that's enough to satisfy me. Very rarely do I crave soda anymore, and if I want some bad enough I go for the throwback Pepsi's or all natural sodas like Hansen's that have like 5 ingredients. But it did take a lot of effort on my part in the beginning to say no to soda and stick to drinking more water which I recognized my body needed more in order to successfully lose weight. Hang in there, you'll get there eventually, just keep drinking water!
  • sugar.jpg

    Edited to add, this is the amount of sugar in 1 coke/pepsi per day for a week.

    ^^^^^^ This x2

    I used to think I hated water and now I crave it. It's not easy, but it is possible to change how your brain thinks about certain things. Good luck.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I really hate to drink water. I am so addicted to Pepsi, altough I have cut down to 1 or 2 cans a day. How do I get to where I can drink more water?

    I really don't know how to say this eloquently, but drinking anything instead of water will cause major health problems over time. You might have heard of athletes with inexplicably large hearts? The medical report will state heredity as the possible cause of death, but the reality of the situation points to this: Soda pop over water lifestyle leads to death. Gatorade over water leads to death. Kool-Aid over water, you better believe that will kill you. Drinking soda pop instead of water, all day and everyday, is like playing in rush hour traffic with a blindfold. It's not advisable.
    A little dramatic?

    I'm actually talking about people who drink flavored fluids instead of water. This group of people will go days without a single glass of water.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    I chew gum while I drink water so there is a taste and not just ....wetness. It has to be cold and I drink it mostly in the car. If I hold the bottle in my hand (no putting it down) then I subconsciously continue to drink it. I easilt drink one bottle of eater each way to/from work without realizing it.

    Water is not my favorite drink.... but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

    I've just realized that I do the same thing, but unintentionally!
  • I never really liked water...I always had the sneaking suspicion my mother put soda in my bottle instead of milk. Then it was coke throughout middle school and high school. Then I got a desk job and drank about 5 cans a day at work.

    Now I drink NONE.

    MIO! I don't brag about much, but Mio is freaking awesome. Now I have like, 6 flavors in my cabinet at all times and carry one in my purse. I even order water at restaurants and squirt a little "Sweet Tea Mio" in my water. Between hubby and I we save quite a few bucks. I even mix them now...and get all my water.

    MIO - MIO - MIO!!!!
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    Experiment with the temperature - lots of people have mentioned only liking water if it's ice cold, but I can't drink it that cold. Cool but not cold works better for me, although I still drink it because I know it's good for me rather than because I love it. A straw definitely helps - I keep one of those big cups with a straw on my desk and because I don't have to tip my head or stop my reading to drink out of the straw, as I would if I were drinking out of a bottle, it's easier to take more frequent sips. A habit that helped me was never to take just one sip - I always take at least 5 swallows and that helps me get through that big cup faster.
  • Peckerman
    Peckerman Posts: 1
    If you like lemon or lime juice it may help if you put a drop of one of those juices into the water to give it some flavor! Or perhaps you can pour water into an empty pepsi can which may help it retain some of the taste of the pepsi and that could encourage you to drink it.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I don't understand 'hating' water. And scrolling thru this topic, I see several people saying it.
    I get not being 'excited' about drinking it; preferring soda or something. But to 'hate' it?

    I admit I'm usually not excited about drinking it, but I have no issues with it because of that. And when I'm working out or its hot out, I sure do crave it!
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Homemade iced tea (whatever tea you like best) with a squeeze of lemon and maybe a teaspoon of honey. Also, try agua fresca. Blend a little watermelon and lime juice with some water, add ice. It's refreshing and a hell of a lot healthier than pepsi. Mineral water is good too if it's the fizz you crave. If it's the sugar, well, wean yourself off slowly if cold turkey is too painful, but you have to make the decision to just let it go.

    Try these recipes for healthy flavoured water!! http://www.theyummylife.com/Flavored_Water

    Junk like crystal lite or diet soda is not a good solution, but there are lots of ways to dress up water if you really can't bring yourself to drink it.
  • ebbtime
    ebbtime Posts: 35 Member
    I dislike water as well. I've started making homemade iced tea with a little oj & a little real sugar. I could drink it all day. I make a gallon about every other day with a cup of sugar & a cup of oj. It probably has too much sugar!