
  • Hello

    I just joined and I am hoping and praying this will do the trick. I need to lose around 40 pounds and I have a million and one excuses why I eat. I tell my hubby we have hand to mouth disease. If our hands can reach it will go into our mouths! ugh I am 54 years old and my profession demands a healthier body and look. It also demands a lot of time on the road which makes drive throughs an easy choice to mess myself up.

    So, I am making a commitment to stay on track and keep it together. I say this as water drips out of my kitchen light...really!! Anyway, I can use any suggestions for someone who is a grandma, running her own business, burning the candle at both ends with a wick added in the middle.

    For exercise I compete in agility with my dogs, learning sheep herding and walk when it is a cooler outside.

    Congrats and thank you to everyone who have already been successful. Your helping me get started!!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings from steamy Omaha! :flowerforyou:

    Yes we survived an entire day at Adventureland in Des Moines when it was over 100. Guess what? There is no shade in the pool park. We ended up dragging chairs up against the bathroom building because we could see it was going to be creating shade soon and there we parked between trips to the different pools. It was fun though. We also went to a prairie preserve and hiked (yes in that heat...only 1/2 mile though), went to a winery and tasted everything in sight, then bought $300 worth! On the way home we toured all the bridges of Madison County and saw different places where the movie was filmed. So all in all it was great fun.

    I did not do well on the food issue though. I tried to have smaller portions and chose as healthily as I could, but the first night all of us were way too hungry and we really packed the food away at a Mexican restaurant. We ran into a student of mine who just graduated in may and his family, so that was nice. I usually eat pretty low sodium (under 1500 mg most days), and it was so funny, because the next day my eyes were nearly swollen shut! I looked horrible! :sad: By the end of the day at Adventureland, I was dehydrated, so the eyes were back to normal! :laugh: Even better news: no one got sunburned!

    Well today I need to get settled in and unpacked, etc. I need to go into work tomorrow, so I have to get some things done, including grocery shopping. Back to the healthy wagon! :drinker:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    hello Ladies :flowerforyou:
    hope you all had a wonderful weekend, It was a long hot weekend for me. on Friday my 1st day off , I was at the Hospital from 11AM-7:00PM waiting of a friend of mine to get out of surgery. she was my teacher when I first started working in telemetry. after she retired we just kind of stayed in touch and soon she was like one of the family. now she is 80 yrs old and she dose not have any family here so she ask if I would be there in case something happen, so I was. She had cancer and come though the surgery just fine. she was suppose to go home on Sunday , but did not feel good and was having a lot of pain so they let her stay. Then she was suppose to go home yesterday , but now there is a infecetion. she said it was not a bad one and hopefully she will get to go home today, I'm still waiting for her to call.

    it has been very hot and muggy here and so not to much happing, My granddaughters started band camp this week and they are out in the heat all day log doing drills. they are done for when they get home but say that they are having a great time!
    well this is my first day back to work so I had better get to it , have a wonderful afternoon.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning from sunny southern California,

    I must tell everyone as I sit and read your posts,I am overwhelmed! I read about the kindness you all have for other people.

    When I have a reply from others it makes me feel loved and recognized,This is so powerful! I know I am loved and recognized by my husband and daughters,but this is different. Its like the love one feels from their best girlfriends! :sad: :sad: We can all understand and relate to this journey of weight loss. :smile: :smile:
    Oprah said, that on all of her shows and journeys, that the most important thing she learned about people is that- "people just want to feel loved and recognized"
    I can see now that being a part of this group is going to be key to my weight loss! I usually do well on any diet until the sixth week and then I would go back to old habits. I am feeling really good about how I will do with your support and MFP.

    For me I have made no food off limits. I just have to plan the calories into the day. This has taken all the power away for the desire to have certain foods,because if I want it I can have it. We eat organic foods and nutritious almost all the time.
    I weighed today as I couldn't wait another day and I lost another 3 lbs!:smile::smile: So, I am down 13 lbs and I have to thank all of you for helping make this possible! This is the start of becoming healthy and happier!
    Linda :flowerforyou:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Wow Linda , :happy: that is just great 13 pounds ! I waigh in today and I did not lose or gain, not to bad seeing how my whole schedule was off ,:ohwell: I do well at work and then here comes the weekend and grandkids , so now I have a eat what I cook attitude or you can have noodles. some of my grandkids are picky eaters and I am just over trying to fix stuff they will like and then part of the time they don't eat it anyway. when my son and daughter where little I didn't have this problem. Sure there are some things they did not eat , but for the most part they ate whatever I cooked. sorry to go on like that .I love when my kids and grandkids visit . I think I am just a little cranky today.
    I think it is grate the way we all help each other also ,and I have gotten a lot of good ideals from the ladies here.:flowerforyou: I love this group and feel as I have know some of them much longer. They inspire me to do more. And ofcourse it helps that they are more my age and not a young person that has not a clue about the changes that they will some day face. LOL
    Keep up the good work we will be cheering for you!
  • Linda: Congratulations on 13 pounds lost!! I hope to follow in your footsteps.

    I get what you are saying about the kindness of other people and how it helps you to stay motivated. I need that and hope to find that here. I am on the road a lot and therefore on my own. My husband is awesome but he works crazy hours too.

    Keep up the good work and good words!

  • :happy: July 17th!! start using MFP!!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome Holly , I love your photo of you and your dogs. you will find a lot of dog and cat lovers here. I have a golden retriver , 8 years old now , he is my big baby. he is easy to train , and once you train him it is hard to change his mind.LOL:laugh: kind of like some people I know LOL !!:laugh: Anyway welcome and I look forward to getting to know you . have a grate day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Tuesday and tomorrow is my weigh in day:ohwell:

    After the weekend I had I'm just hoping for a flat line of NO gain. So busy at work that I know I don't have time to respond to everyone, but I am caught up on the posts and boy are we a busy group.

    Congrats to those that have lost:drinker:, good job to those that have been posting every day:flowerforyou: great going to those that are getting in all that exercise:happy: Pat yourself on the back and say well done...and keep it up.

    it's been too hot or rainy in the afternoon to do outdoor bike rides so we have been back to the basement getting in some time on the bike down there. My push ups are coming along, there is some muscle development happening in my arms, probably would be faster if i would remember to grab the weights but I always forget to pull them out:grumble:

    Everyone have a great day, drink plenty of water :drinker: move your body and burn those calories and don't forget to log what you eat.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy Tues.
    Olivia is such a doll.
    Laura,good luck on your wt in
    Linda,congrats on your loss.
    i agree I think I get motivated by this group and love the support when myself as well as others are having a bad day etc.
    It`s like a great group of people who are doing what we can rt be a better us.
    I love the posts and getting to know everyone.
    barbie,you are awesome for staring and continuing this every month
    Stay hydrated if you are in the sever heat advisory.
    Thanks for for being there for me.
    Hugs jane:drinker:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    It has been HOT here today! Was a good day for kayaking. There was a great breeze on the lake. Wish I could afford a house on a lake somewhere where I could be out on it all year round. Maybe after we retire!

    I've been getting in more exercise daily and have been logging my food faithfully. Hope the scales actually go down this month. I seem to be stuck. I don't have far to go- am actually at the top of the healthy %fat range, but would like to lose about 10 more pounds. More than a number on the scales, I am aiming to get stronger and more flexible.

    I really appreciate all of the motivating posts on this thread. It really helps! My thoughts and prayers are with those of you who are dealing with challenging situations.

    Deb A
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I wanted to thank everyone for the prayers for my friend Geanie. Her cancer surgery was a success :smile: and it sounds like she won't need any chemo or radiation. Praise the Lord!

    Linda - I agree with you. I have adopted the no food off limits as well. I want this to be a way of life and I can't see myself sticking to just protein shakes, snacks, etc. for the long haul and let's face it even if I am dieting, I like food.

    Nancy - Congratulations on your AFD. Keep it up! :wink: I love your line about procrastination. I think I am the queen of procrastination but I'm working on it. (as I sit here looking at things that need to be done in my kitchen). :laugh:

    Sorry I can't respond to everyone but am reading all posts.

    Have a great day tomorrow.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I didn't join in for July, but will have to dwell on a goal for August.
  • CarolALeBrun
    CarolALeBrun Posts: 25 Member
    Well I am back on the system - geesh - put 20 lbs on since January. Now that Stampede is over - I can get back into programme and monitor food intake and get back to the gym. Have discovered I love to swim and the new YMCA has a great inifite pool. Can go for 20-30 minutes before I stop so really enjoying it. Then the gym - training session on Saturday. Goal to lose 75 lbs by next April. How can we let this happen so easily. Must keep motivated - have a closet full of clothes yelling at me. Carol
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Oh crumpets!! I'm having Internet problems and the company says it'll be a week before they can come out and look at it. May not be around much. ACK!!!! How will I make it without you!!!!!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Well, I am mostly packed for my trip to st John...am only taking a carryon and a really, really big purse! LOL! I still have 8 hours of work tomorrow (who me, counting!?) And then off until the 27th...woo -hoo!

    We had a phone call from ds...he is somewhere north of Afghanistan waiting for a flight...we are getting used to the idea of deployment I guess, but I wish he would check in with us but maybe he can't ...

    I jogged in the pool tonight...it serves 2 purposes...exercise and stirs up the chemicals for hopefully better filtering! LOL! I am convinced the neighbors think I am nuts but I have decided not to care! Does anyone remember doing "grapevine running"? I was trying to do that tonight..I am not the most coordinated person in the world so I am sure anyone watching was hysterical...but again I am doing this for ME and don't care what others think!

    Amanda - aren't you in London? Are the Olympics creating havoc for you or perhaps it will be good for business?

    Hugs and prayers to all who ask and highs fives all around we are working hard but will be successful on this journey!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :bigsmile: I agree about the kindness of the women on this thread.....I have been encouraged for so long by all of you and we seem to attract more members who are just as kind and encouraging.

    :flowerforyou: another great thing about us is that we have so many varied approaches to food and our food plans and no one finds fault with what works for anyone else. I have had to make many foods "off limits" because I am unable to be moderate with them. I love my food plan that I've followed for over three years that Is the same stuff over and over. At the beginning of this journey I made the decision to find my recreation and entertainment in something other than food, cooking, or eating.

    :flowerforyou: one of the basics for success is to stay open-minded to new ideas so I read everything that is posted and consider whether it will work for me......I try new things and some work and some don't....I keep the useful and discard the rest without making any negative comments about the things I discard.

    :flowerforyou: My husband's brother arrives from Ohio tomorrow, we go to Victoria on Thursday, we go to the Lavender Festival on Friday, on Saturday we'll see a local production of "South Pacific" and Sunday we'll hang around the house. The man who is able to teach the line dance classes I'm teaching is not going to have to go in for jury duty for the rest of the week so he can teach the classes on Wednesday and Friday and I'll be able to do all the fun stuff..........however, it will be too long between line dance classes for me.:sad:

    :flowerforyou: there will be a lot of restaurant meals in the next few days----not my favorite thing.:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hi veryone,

    Went on our road trip and I did not eat any trail mix at all! It was sitting next to me on the way home . It did call to me,but I did not give into temptation!: :drinker:
    The event turned out not to be a kids event,but just a family fun day. My husband,my daughter-Sam and I all shot sporting clays.
    It was a fun day,walking,shooting and good company. :smile:
    Today, I work up so sore from yesterday. I can;t believe how sore I am. Lifting a 8lb shotgun 50 times really gave me a work out! Lol

    This week my goal is to try to get more walking in,if the knee will tolerate it! Read these posts if temptation calls to me. Welcome to the new people, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, We can be on this journey together!
    Blessings, Linda aka Sundance B. (My children tell me "mom ,don't use your real name as your user name" therefor I used our yellow labs name! Lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Hi Linda! My name is Rose, I love to fish and I live in Laurel, Delaware, hence Laurelfisher
    Hi Rose, nice to meet you! We do also go fishing as a family. It is very relaxing and fun. I like your user name ,very creative! Share your fishing stories,with you progess with your goals!:flowerforyou: ,Linda

    :glasses: OK, Lets try this one more time..I have been trying to post and they keep vanishing!
    Hey Linda, sounds like your road trip was amazing.:smile: i really haven't gotten to go fishing much this year:frown: due to my MIL being diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease and Brain Cancer, my hubby being in the hospital with Pancreatitis and next week my grandson is having open heart surgery. There are so many places in Delaware to go fishing it's mind bogeling.:wink: I am hoping to go sometime in August and will keep you updated. I have been working 10 to 15 hours a day and am exhausted so I think I am going to go to bed. Everyone have a wonderful evening,:heart: Love ((((Hugs)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    hello Everyone, How are you today was good. My company I work for helps young adults with Special needs. Today was the tour of Krispy Kreme. I freak for a minute but calm down check the database the calories pop up so I had one as a snack it was a a victory to only have 1 and not more. Good thing after this day I take a group to do their volunteer job which requires lots and lots of walking. So yeah.

    @Barbara, You are right I enjoy this forum the most because of everyone kindness and acceptance. I hope you have a good trip and time with your brother-la. Company is fun !

    @Lin , take care hopefully it won't be 2 weeks and be shorter. You will be missed.

    Everyone else I am always encourage by reading your posts hope you have a good day .
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi All...Been MIA due to son's wedding and then on to MT with my DH and parents. All is well here, but very tired due to all the festivities and travel. Just wanted to say HELLO and I MISS you all. Will be back soon. Driving to Yellowstone with parents for tomorrow. Today was my DH's 60th Birthday, so many milestones for us this month.

    Take care all. :heart: Kackie
    Robin: Olivia is DARLING!!!