My Sister Makes Fun of me when I try to be healthy..



  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    may i ask... how old is your sister?
  • SweetMegz04
    SweetMegz04 Posts: 459 Member
    may i ask... how old is your sister?

    She's 29 and I am 26
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    I have 2 sisters, one who is the sweetest thing, so supportative - even now that I am smaller than her we still challenge eachother and than on the other hand my other sister, is a complete witch, she puts me down for trying to live a healther lifestyle. I too, as others try and distance myself from the negativity. Your sister has her own issues that she needs to obviously work through, I know its easier said than done, but either have a chat with her or just completely ignore her. All the best in your fitness journey, remember this is for you! :)
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I have recently had this happen also in a different way. My sister is a one upper. Anything I have done, well she always did just a little bit more. I have been dancing to Dance Central, slowly building up so (at the time) I had done 10 songs in a row. She commented Oh well I did 15. She is the same size as I am and I know sure as *kitten*, that me getting to 10 was hard enough. Her getting to 15 was not possible, especially if she just did it one day, no building up to it.

    It annoys me that she is a one upper. But it pushes me to try to match "her 15". But I have distanced myself from her recently, simply because I do not need her always making MY accomplishments seem like nothing compared to her. if she even did 15. I doubt it very much.

    It sounds like your sister is jealous of what you are doing. You are beautiful. Maybe she is scared you will get alot of attention for what you are doing from guys and other family members?
  • weekoldcoffee
    weekoldcoffee Posts: 9 Member
    Use it to motivate you! One of the best things to help motivate weight loss in my opinion is turning negative energy in your everyday life in to motivation! You are making strides to better yourself, not only your physical self but your mental self. Getting healthy the right way should improve your whole lifestyle! Think about it this way, you know that she is treating you this way because of her own insecurities...when you hear those hurtful comments and the laughing channel it into motivation by thinking or even saying just you wait, I CAN do this and really love who you are now to strengthen your self esteem. I believe you have to love yourself now to be able to love yourself when you're not dieting, or you'll fall back into the same habits. Then when you're conquering your goal hopefully you will give her the motivation to come to love herself. :)

    Anytime it gets hard or you find yourself staring in the fridge not hungry, hear her in your head saying those negative things and say " I can do this" "I am beautiful" and "I will show her that I have the strength to surpass her shallow remarks, and hopefully someday I can help be her positive motivation"
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    may i ask... how old is your sister?

    She's 29 and I am 26

    oh dear Lord. i was expecting 10 years off that number.

    i hate it when everything has to be a pissing contest with someone. and trust me, i know. i'm the oldest of 5, my husband is one of 4, my mom is the youngest of 5, i have know that sigblings can be very competitive.

    just let her dig her own grave and don't let it bother you. other people will see how everything is a pissing contest for her and she will isolate herself. but you just doing you is the sweetest revenge :) she's obviously not happy inside, so she has to bring others down with her. its not about you, its about her and her own issues. don't let it get you down. and if/when the time is right, approach her about her behavior in a loving way.
  • Wow. She actually sounds jealous and miserable. Sorry to say that about your sister, but I used to do that to people... and at the time I was 270lbs and miserable... so, whatever she's unhappy with, she needs to fix it. Quick.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    My sister was the same way. I haven't talked to her in four months. Toxic people will only bring you down. I have found that I am happier without her and without her judgement/drama. It only gets better from here.
    This!! ^^^
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    My sister was the same way. I haven't talked to her in four months. Toxic people will only bring you down. I have found that I am happier without her and without her judgement/drama. It only gets better from here.
    This!! ^^^

    i agree with this. you both are ADULTS, not kids any more. you have every right to (and you SHOULD) seperate yourself from her until she's ready and able to not be a toxic presence in your life. i have a brother that i've had to do this to. trust me, its for the better for both of you.
  • SweetMegz04
    SweetMegz04 Posts: 459 Member
    I agree that Toxic People should be put aside.. but then I feel like I am doing something wrong by putting my Sister aside.
    Afterall she is Family.. Ya know.. It just is an inner conflict I have within myself I suppose.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I agree that Toxic People should be put aside.. but then I feel like I am doing something wrong by putting my Sister aside.
    Afterall she is Family.. Ya know.. It just is an inner conflict I have within myself I suppose.

    Toxic Sister......hmmmmm a good band name?

    Being family does not giver the right to be abusive. Sounds like she has to try to drag you down to make herself feel better, it may sound harsh but be straight with her. Tell her she has two choices, she cans the crap or you create some distance.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    you arent doing anything wrong by putting her aside, she is doing something wrong by putting you down and being so hatefully jealous of your success. I know you love your family, but you cant let them suck you down.
  • SweetMegz04
    SweetMegz04 Posts: 459 Member
    I agree that Toxic People should be put aside.. but then I feel like I am doing something wrong by putting my Sister aside.
    Afterall she is Family.. Ya know.. It just is an inner conflict I have within myself I suppose.

    Toxic Sister......hmmmmm a good band name?

    Being family does not giver the right to be abusive. Sounds like she has to try to drag you down to make herself feel better, it may sound harsh but be straight with her. Tell her she has two choices, she cans the crap or you create some distance.

    It would make a good band name, huh! haha

    I have had that talk with her saying that I am going to step back and live my life without including her in my Day to Day things.
    She will just make comments now like "Oh you're still mad at me?"

    Just the other day she mentioned a Cute guy on my Facebook and how she thinks he likes me. I was like, yea we're good friends and she was like "Well he's probably Gay- so Don't waste your time" I was like "Ummmm Thank You!?"

    Anyways- it seems like talking with her about the issue doesn't matter much. These sort of things have been happening for years now.
    Even our Father says she's a Bully. Boo to that- because there are other times where she's the nicest person!! It's hard to know which way it up really..
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    As you have done, distance yourself from her. At this point, you are giving her far too much power over your feelings. Surround yourself with people who are really on your side, 100% of the time. When she wonders why things have changed, you can explain or not. She is who she is--you cannot change her--she has to want to recognize what she is doing and stop it. Sounds like it will be awhile. I understand how hard this is--I have gone through a loss of a brother due to similar circumstances. We live in the same town. It took a year for him to realize it was his problem, now we are close again.
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    As an older sister who is meaner to her younger sister, here is my advice-

    the meaner she is the hotter and more interesting you probably are or are becoming! Try to ignore her and if you have to, just avoid conversation with her. You can try to be nice by inviting her to become more healthy with you and if she responds rudely, just say you were trying to be nice and continue ignoring her. Just because she's family doesn't mean she gets to treat you like ****. I've realized my sister and I will never get along well so we see each other very rarely now. But honestly the distance means that for the brief time we do see each other we get along a bit better. Family doesn't mean you two have to be best friends or hang out all the time.
  • saltyraisins
    saltyraisins Posts: 38 Member
    As someone who is a huge fan of sibling relationships, I fully support you taking a breather from her. There is so much unspoken competition with sisters, you need to focus on yourself right now and channel your energy there.

    As someone who is a huge fan of sibling fighting, you should totally be mean. Ruthless mean. The kind of mean you can only be to family. "oh, he likes everyone." "Really? Because he told me you're a *&^%."
    "He's probably gay." "Oh... did you get to him first?"

    But you should probably be mature and just stay away for awhile.
  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    She is, in the truest sense of the word, a hater. Haters hate on you because you have something they want and they think that they can't have. Whether it be a nice car, a wonderful husband or a healthy lifestyle. What you need to do is realize that the hate comes from HER OWN INSECURITY, as so many others have already mentioned. You don't need her for support or approval, you are wonderful and strong as you are, and if you're feeling down and out or uninspired, you can always come here or go to someone else for support.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    I'll say this: She is definitely jealous of you. You are VERY pretty in your profile pic. If she is not so pretty, then she is really feeling threatened that you will be skinny and beautiful. Try to ignore it the best you can. I know her support means alot, but I don't think she has it in her to support you.

    Come here for your support!!

    Good luck!
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    She often will say "If you get skinnier than me, I will be so pissed" at first I thought- oh haha, she's kidding.

    But then she would start making fun of the things I was doing..
    Eating Salad or a low Calorie item when we go out to eat.
    Not eating Dessert or having a yogurt instead..
    Eating Fruit or Veggies alone instead of chips & dip or added things.

    But it goes further too..
    If she sees, hears or finds out about a guy flirting with me she'll be like "oh they like everyone" or " I bet their gay"

    I myself have Self Esteem issues & she knows this. So It's so hard having someone who should be that go to person put you down.

    ugh- just needed to vent.

    like I always say, let the haters be your motivators!! lol
  • You have to be your own best friend- at least for now!

    It's hard when someone has to compare themselves to you in order to feel self-esteem. But she puts you down because if you don't change then she doesn't have to change too,

    and maybe she is giving you a back handed compliment - if you are strong then she can rely on you for support when she needs it. JMHO