Bikini Babes - December



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesday, so I thought I would go ahead and post for Saturday.... If I need to, I will copy and paste this again on Saturday....

    I did good this past week...I'm excited!!!

    BBSW 218
    LW 217
    TW 211
    GW 135ish
    So, that is a 4lb loss this last week... I think its my biggest loss ever in a week... So, I'm thrilled!!!

    Way to go kandyjo!!! You rock! :glasses:
  • AmandaB4588
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesday, so I thought I would go ahead and post for Saturday.... If I need to, I will copy and paste this again on Saturday....

    I did good this past week...I'm excited!!!

    BBSW 218
    LW 217
    TW 211
    GW 135ish
    So, that is a 4lb loss this last week... I think its my biggest loss ever in a week... So, I'm thrilled!!!

    4 lbs! WOW!!! Congrats on that awesome loss, girl!
  • Hailey
    Hailey Posts: 199 Member
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesday, so I thought I would go ahead and post for Saturday.... If I need to, I will copy and paste this again on Saturday....

    I did good this past week...I'm excited!!!

    BBSW 218
    LW 217
    TW 211
    GW 135ish
    So, that is a 4lb loss this last week... I think its my biggest loss ever in a week... So, I'm thrilled!!!

    Awesome! So let us know, what did you do differently this week?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job Kandyjo!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great job!

    I failed at my challenge yesterday, I got up late and missed my morning workout then got home late after work and was starving so I went ahead and ate dinner (mediterranean take - out ) :grumble: and skipped my workout again. grrr!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.

    Congrats!! I may just have to try that. It sounds like it would be difficult.. I have a hard time not eating past 7:30, much less 6!! But if if that means I *could* lose 1.5 pounds a day, it's worth the compromise (especially with a large goal so close to getting met).:wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.

    Congrats!! I may just have to try that. It sounds like it would be difficult.. I have a hard time not eating past 7:30, much less 6!! But if if that means I *could* lose 1.5 pounds a day, it's worth the compromise (especially with a large goal so close to getting met).:wink:

    My loss actually adds up to a little more than .5 lb a day... BUT a lot of that could have been water weight... I was retaining for awhile... I was stuck at 217 for WEEKS!!! And I was eating right and exercising!
    It is worth the try. I am going to stick with it since I have been successful so far...
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.

    Congrats!! I may just have to try that. It sounds like it would be difficult.. I have a hard time not eating past 7:30, much less 6!! But if if that means I *could* lose 1.5 pounds a day, it's worth the compromise (especially with a large goal so close to getting met).:wink:

    My loss actually adds up to a little more than .5 lb a day... BUT a lot of that could have been water weight... I was retaining for awhile... I was stuck at 217 for WEEKS!!! And I was eating right and exercising!
    It is worth the try. I am going to stick with it since I have been successful so far...

    Ha.. I didn't even noticed I put 1.5..:tongue: either way if it was water weight or not I know it's really motivational to see the scale move downward!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.

    Congrats!! I may just have to try that. It sounds like it would be difficult.. I have a hard time not eating past 7:30, much less 6!! But if if that means I *could* lose 1.5 pounds a day, it's worth the compromise (especially with a large goal so close to getting met).:wink:

    My loss actually adds up to a little more than .5 lb a day... BUT a lot of that could have been water weight... I was retaining for awhile... I was stuck at 217 for WEEKS!!! And I was eating right and exercising!
    It is worth the try. I am going to stick with it since I have been successful so far...

    Ha.. I didn't even noticed I put 1.5..:tongue: either way if it was water weight or not I know it's really motivational to see the scale move downward!

    Oh, man!!! Yes it is!!! Especially when I have felt STUCK!!! And it totally motivated me to really dig in and set my sights on that 200 mark...
    You can do it!!! Let me know how the "6:00 challenge" works for ya :)
  • stffunny
    stffunny Posts: 22 Member
    You guys are really do good and motivating me....I started my ZUMBA last night and tonight...i LOVE it.....keep up the great work.....WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    WOOHOO! just did 40 mins cardio and 40 mins circuit training! feeling awesome!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Thanks, everyone... I am excited as well!!

    Hailey, what I did differently this week, I RELIGIOUSLY did NOT eat after 6:00 PM... I really think that was the kicker!! I am also trying to give up coke, so I have drank less coke and more water... That was the main differences this past week.

    Congrats!! I think I'm going to have to try that!
  • AmandaB4588
    My mom made M&M cookies tonight for her work Xmas party. Bah humbug!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I've kinda been MIA all week. Sounds like it is a great challenge! However, I have failed it all week because I have been sick since Sunday night. Today I am finally feeling better. I have to decorate the work Christmas tree and my own at home today, so hopefully this will give me a little exercise:laugh:

    I am hoping to get back into the swing of things tomorrow.

    Hope everyone's having a great day :drinker:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Saturday, December 12th Weigh In

    Starting Weight: 193
    Bikini Babe Start: 179
    Last Week: 173.5
    This Week: 171.5

    This week loss: -2.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -7.5
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2

    Thanks! You are so close to being under 200! Woohoo!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good job Stephanie!!!

    Starting Weight: 245
    Bikini Babe Start: 203
    Last Week: 201
    This Week: 200

    This week loss: -1.0
    Bikini Babe total loss: -2

    Thanks! You are so close to being under 200! Woohoo!

    Yeah, I can't wait! You're close to being under the 170s, so I know that's exciting as well!
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Great job ladies!!

    CW: 163.8