Is there anyone out there with a positive PCOS story?



  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    I have had PCOS since my young teens, and I have lost over 100 lbs, and gone from a size 24 to a 12. It CAN be done. But unlike the doctors told me, it has not gone away with weight loss. That's ok, though. I know I am living such a healthier lifestyle. I have a lot of the unwanted symptoms and side effects unfortunately. Excess hair, especially on chin/neck; borderline fasting glucose but my A1C is normal; cysts (one found end of June is much bigger than any before, and complex cyst :/ ; and the most dreaded carry my weight in belly typical of PCOS. I've been upped to 1000 mg 2x per day of metformin As of last week. I had taken 2x 500 mg a day for about 2 yrs until now.

    The good news??? My doctors finally are trying to HELP me with my side effects. Like the hair, cysts, infertility. They blamed my weight before and said weight loss would make that stuff subside. They never did ultrasounds to look at my they finally took it serious enough to check into it. I'm glad they did since they found a very large, solid, complex cyst. They also took my irregularity seriously and upped my metformin, to help in getting me to ovulate. I want to start trying to conceive in the next 2 years and before, when I mentioned my innovulatory cycles, again they would say lose weight. Now, they are offering to try metformin increase as well as adding clomid in the future. It was so frustrating that my weight was always their answer. Despite the fact if developed PCOS when I was young and thin. Now, they listen. That is such a breath of fresh air to me.

    As far as how I've done it? Consistency. That is the magic way. We might have a lot working against us with PCOS, but I promise, if you are consistent and work hard, you will get results. Definitely take pics and measure. Bc of my body type, at first it was hard to see my progress in my stomach...especially at my top weight. I'd have to lose 30 lbs to drop a pant size. However, the pics and measuring helped me see the progress. Now, 10-20lbs is a size..but at first it wasn't, lol.

    As far a very consistent with your logging. The quality of food definitely played and still plays a part in how much I lose. I can't eat my allotted calories full of refined carbs and sugar and lose..some people can, with PCOS I can't. If I keep my carbs to mostly fruits, veggies, and whole grains I see much bigger losses, as well as feel better. I try and eat higher protein and healthy fats, and less of carbs when eating meals. I don't count fruit or veggies as carbs though in that sense. Lifting weights has been awesome for me. I've done it since I was at my top weight, and am soooo glad I did. I maintained and built a little muscle. My shoulder muscles now show and it's super sexy if you ask me, lol. I love in Zumba how my arms are nicer than the tiny girls. Even my size (pants-waist, butt, etc) is the same or smaller than friends that weigh 20-30 lbs less and are similar height. So, lift weights! It boosts your calorie burn- and you can eat more calories at the same weight as others bc ur muscle will burn more than their fat. :)

    I work out 6 days a week. Sometimes I benefit from throwing in some lower impact stdf like walking. I go all out when I work out most of the time, so I think my body loves me for the lighter days haha. I try to mix it up, keep my body guessing and my mind engaged. I started replacing some days on gym cardio equipment with Zumba and I LOVE it. I burn just as much and more calories, and it is fun! It has really helped in my stomach with building some muscle which helps slim my waist some. I use muscles in Zumba senato that make me sore- when even heavy weight training doesn't even make me sore anymore! (deadlifts, barbell rows, bench press, squats, etc)

    Believe me, I have many friends I've met on MFP with PCOS who have found success as well. It's nice to know I'm not alone. I don't really know people in person who have PCOS besides myself. So, I encourage you to find some others you can add on here for support and to trade tips with. Be patient, persevere, and be consistent. You WILL be an example of "Success with PCOS"! :)
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    I have had PCOS since my young teens, and I have lost over 100 lbs, and gone from a size 24 to a 12. It CAN be done. But unlike the doctors told me, it has not gone away with weight loss. That's ok, though. I know I am living such a healthier lifestyle. I have a lot of the unwanted symptoms and side effects unfortunately. Excess hair, especially on chin/neck; borderline fasting glucose but my A1C is normal; cysts (one found end of June is much bigger than any before, and complex cyst :/ ; and the most dreaded carry my weight in belly typical of PCOS. I've been upped to 1000 mg 2x per day of metformin As of last week. I had taken 2x 500 mg a day for about 2 yrs until now.

    The good news??? My doctors finally are trying to HELP me with my side effects. Like the hair, cysts, infertility. They blamed my weight before and said weight loss would make that stuff subside. They never did ultrasounds to look at my they finally took it serious enough to check into it. I'm glad they did since they found a very large, solid, complex cyst. They also took my irregularity seriously and upped my metformin, to help in getting me to ovulate. I want to start trying to conceive in the next 2 years and before, when I mentioned my innovulatory cycles, again they would say lose weight. Now, they are offering to try metformin increase as well as adding clomid in the future. It was so frustrating that my weight was always their answer. Despite the fact if developed PCOS when I was young and thin. Now, they listen. That is such a breath of fresh air to me.

    As far as how I've done it? Consistency. That is the magic way. We might have a lot working against us with PCOS, but I promise, if you are consistent and work hard, you will get results. Definitely take pics and measure. Bc of my body type, at first it was hard to see my progress in my stomach...especially at my top weight. I'd have to lose 30 lbs to drop a pant size. However, the pics and measuring helped me see the progress. Now, 10-20lbs is a size..but at first it wasn't, lol.

    As far a very consistent with your logging. The quality of food definitely played and still plays a part in how much I lose. I can't eat my allotted calories full of refined carbs and sugar and lose..some people can, with PCOS I can't. If I keep my carbs to mostly fruits, veggies, and whole grains I see much bigger losses, as well as feel better. I try and eat higher protein and healthy fats, and less of carbs when eating meals. I don't count fruit or veggies as carbs though in that sense. Lifting weights has been awesome for me. I've done it since I was at my top weight, and am soooo glad I did. I maintained and built a little muscle. My shoulder muscles now show and it's super sexy if you ask me, lol. I love in Zumba how my arms are nicer than the tiny girls. Even my size (pants-waist, butt, etc) is the same or smaller than friends that weigh 20-30 lbs less and are similar height. So, lift weights! It boosts your calorie burn- and you can eat more calories at the same weight as others bc ur muscle will burn more than their fat. :)

    I work out 6 days a week. Sometimes I benefit from throwing in some lower impact stdf like walking. I go all out when I work out most of the time, so I think my body loves me for the lighter days haha. I try to mix it up, keep my body guessing and my mind engaged. I started replacing some days on gym cardio equipment with Zumba and I LOVE it. I burn just as much and more calories, and it is fun! It has really helped in my stomach with building some muscle which helps slim my waist some. I use muscles in Zumba senato that make me sore- when even heavy weight training doesn't even make me sore anymore! (deadlifts, barbell rows, bench press, squats, etc)

    Believe me, I have many friends I've met on MFP with PCOS who have found success as well. It's nice to know I'm not alone. I don't really know people in person who have PCOS besides myself. So, I encourage you to find some others you can add on here for support and to trade tips with. Be patient, persevere, and be consistent. You WILL be an example of "Success with PCOS"! :)

    Wow that's so awesome that you proved your doctors wrong! I love that. Because most of them just try to give you the pill, push you out the door and tell you to lose weight. I remember a few years back when I heard of Spiro as a treatment for some PCOS symptoms, I had to go to multiple doctors because they just didn't believe in prescribing anything for the symptoms besides metformin! But now I have gone all natural, I am off the pill and metformin. I am using vitamins, herbs, and cinnamon to treat my symptoms. I have been cutting out carbs, but I am glad you said that you don't really count carbs from fruit and veggies, because honestly I have been too afraid to even eat a piece of fruit because of the carb count.
    I think one of the biggest mistakes I made early on was doing all cardio to try to lose, but now I have added in strength training and resistance exercises and that is making a difference in my measurements for sure. I love Zumba and do it all the time, but unfortunately for me in particular it hasn't done much to take off the weight.
    Thanks for your in depth explanation of everything you have done, sounds like you have worked really hard and that is awesome!
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    I have PCOS coupled with Hashtimotos (a auto immune disease of the thyroid) I do not take anything for the PCOS and only take synthroid (+ some supplements) for the thyroid. I have lost 62 pounds in 5 months. I eat a modified Paleo lifestyle ( I say lifestyle because this is not a's a way of life), I do cardio 5x a week and strength train 3x a week. Feeding my body the right food coupled with the exercise and a positive mindset has made ALL the difference this time! I have tried to loose weight before and always ended giving up......not this time!!! You can do it too!!!


    Wow congrats on your weight loss so far, that is awesome! I feel for you having to deal with two medical issues that impact your weight, that must be really difficult. But you are so right about the positive attitude, that's where it's at :)
  • Hey everyone. :) im  Bri I Just joined this site today and came across this post. It's nice to hear from people with pcos too it's comforting to know other people are also  dealing with the annoying symptoms. I'm 20 years old 5'6 and at my absolute highest weight i was 250lbs. It was horrible going into high school and putting on weight like it was nobody's business I kept trying to diet and excercise but I just kept gaining  eventually I found out I had pcos and went to an endocrinologist they had me doing some shot thing into my stomach twice a day (usually used for diabetes like most pcos treatments ) it was such a pain in the *kitten* and didn't work then they put me on metformin and spiro I took them regularly for 5 months but they made me so nauseous and I still wasn't able to lose weight ( i didn't realize then that apparently they take a while to really work. So I stopped taking them and pretty much gave up for 2 years didn't lose or gain. It was in late February this year that I really decided to give it my all and not give up. I started really dieting, concentrating the most on cutting down on my carbs. Ive been on adderall for 12 years so I've never really had a big appetite but I did notice when I did eat way to often it was mostly carbs. So I majorly cut back on carbs and calories ate less than 1000 (which I know isnt good I'm going to start a healthier diet soon now that I lost a good chunk of weight) I started eating One good meal a day. I work at a seafood restaurant so ill get something like grilled mahi with some rice and veg then I'd eat half of it during the day and half at night. Another reason I've been doing this is like most 20 year old women starting out on their own I'm broke as a joke and eating healthy is expensive as hell hahah. 

       Along with dieting I started excercising more at first I started running and also using an exercise ball which was working but quite honestly it wasn't fun and i had to force myself to do it. And then I found hula hooping it sounds funny but hula hooping is now becoming A big thing in fitness there's tons of fitness hoops out there and you can burn 420 calories or more in an hour! So I ordered a hoopnotica hoop off amazon it's 40$ which sounds expensive but it's collapsible which is convenient because its huge and it comes with a DVD with basic tricks. It's the funnest workout ever you just blast some music and go to town! There's so many amazing hoppers on YouTube it'll keep you inspired to get better and better. There's so many great trick tutorials on YouTube too it keeps me working out all the time because I wanna learn and get better at more tricks. Unfortunately I don't live in a big city so there's not really many hoopers that I know but in bigger cities there's tons of hoop troops and hoop fitness classes. As many of you with pcos know, pcos does a big number on your self esteem between tackling unwanted hair and fat. So a big plus of hooping is guys totally love it they think it's so sexy and you'll feel hott doing it. :)

    I've been working my *kitten* off and have lost 65 lbs. I went from a size 18 to a 12. from 250 to 185. buying xxl or xl to a large or medium. I've got prescriptions for metformin and spiro again but I haven't started taking them yet since they make me so sick but I think I'm going to start and see if it helps. :) I just wanted to post this because I wish I would've something like this read this when I was younger, when it felt so impossible it wasnt worth trying to lose weight with pcos. I still have a lot more to lose but I'll make it happen. It's definitely not easy at all and I've had more than my fair share of breakdowns during this time haha but nothing is better then constantly hearing how good your looking from friends, coworkers, and family. not to mention the increased attention of the opposite sex haha but of course the best feeling is being proud of yourself and knowing you're more than capable of achieving goals you set for yourself even though in the beginning it seemed like an impossible task. :)
  • I've lost 30lbs with PCOS. My starting weight was 226 but I am only 5.4 and a half. I went to a weight loss Dr twice but thought 1,000 calorie a day diet sounded ridicuously hard. I managed though for a little while. I went from a 38BMI to a 32.4bmi. I'm still considered obese. The GOOD news is I get periods again. EVERY MONTH! Before loosing any weight I wasn't getting them at all. I'd go 6 months without one and get a prescription from a doctor to force it. Then one day it came and has been a coming ever since! I'm happy because after being engaged for 6 years..we defiantly know we want children. I want to be more ready as far as $$. but I needed to get my body together more.
  • Did Clomid help you conceive?
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    I just want to put my one half a cent in... I have PCOS and was dignosed about five years ago.... I wonderously had my daughter before my PCOS dignoses. I know it is possible to have another child and I have a good amount of weight to loss. I honestly hate taking my metphormine.... but I take it to keep my blood sugar spikes in check. I don't take it for the ovulation pluses.... cause I don't do that. I know once I'm in balance hormones and blood sugar and weight I is possible. I just wanted you all to know I had my daughter with my PCOS with no assistance from Dr's so it is possible. :wink:
  • It sounds like everyone is still doing rather well with losing the weight. Ive been stuck at 40 lbs and this October will be 1 year since I decided to start this lifestyle change. I could use some help if anyone would like to add me :) Ive been on metformin for 8 years now and I take 1000 2x a day. I do a lot of cardio but not a lot of strength training. My downfall is I crave the junk food and its soo hard to resist it.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I've lost 44 took me about 4 and a half months. It came off relatively easy, especially after I started taking 1500 mg of Metformin a day. Success with PCOS is possible, I am still losing and I hope to have a baby one day. My biggest thing that is really freaking me out is that my hair is falling out and thinning, which is a symptom and it sucks and I am sad.

    I Have had PCOS for years and I have tried to take Metformin but it hurts my stomach so bad. It's like a harsh laxative to me. Did you have the same problems and if so did the side effect eventually stop or lessen... I really want to take the medication but I'm scared to. :frown:
  • krmullig
    krmullig Posts: 43 Member
    One of my girlfriends has PCOS, she fluctuates occasionally (pretty much only when she isn't really paying attention to dieting) but definitely is able to lose AND looking quite fantastic right now if I might add! She has definitely lost at least 50lbs. She and her husband are still trying to have children but she recently had to go on BC to regulate everything menses-wise. Good luck!
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I just want to put my one half a cent in... I have PCOS and was dignosed about five years ago.... I wonderously had my daughter before my PCOS dignoses. I know it is possible to have another child and I have a good amount of weight to loss. I honestly hate taking my metphormine.... but I take it to keep my blood sugar spikes in check. I don't take it for the ovulation pluses.... cause I don't do that. I know once I'm in balance hormones and blood sugar and weight I is possible. I just wanted you all to know I had my daughter with my PCOS with no assistance from Dr's so it is possible. :wink:
    I agree! I had both of my kids before my PCOS diagnosis and they are only 13 months apart. I was in my 2nd trimester with my son before I found out because I didn't hardly have my cycle anyway so i didn't notice when I didn't have one.

    I do have a question though... does anyone else with this diagnosis have problems with swelling? I swell so bad from head to toe and the dr claims he dont know why. Even since I have cut my sodium i'm still swelling!