Food tips, to Reach 1200 calories a Day.



  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My calorie budget is currently 1230. That according to MFP will allow me to lose 2 lbs a week. It's been fairly consistent.

    I am also exercising. I hit the ellipticals yesterday for an hour and added 744 calories to my budget according to my HRM. Even with a hard cider during dinner I had to get creative to come near my new budget of nearly 2000 calories. It's because I'm eating proper food again. I need to hunt down some cachew butter as that stuff is awesome and almond butter isn't the tasty nut butter I remembered (that's cachew)

    But a nice calorie boost that is still healthy is Kashi (the 7 whole grain people) make cookies. One cookie and a glass of skim milk is nearly 200 calories and the cookie is fairly big. I have one most nights to try to come to my final budget. I was still nearly 250 calories under yesterday though, maybe only do 45 minutes the next time.
  • It's hard for me too to reach the 1200 net calories a day:

    - I have naturally a very slow metabolism (I don't feel the need to eat a lot)
    - I had an eating disorder in the past and my body adjusted very well to low calories

    Working out is the key, I guess... Especially doing cardio training : it helps a lot to increase your metabolism (and your appetite)!

    And try to have some high-calories and high-nutriments food like dried fruits, bananas, nuts...

    (PS: English is not my first language, so my apologies if there are any mistakes ^^ )
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    this so funny i want to know how people get to stay under 2.5k calaries XD
  • AngelAura777
    AngelAura777 Posts: 225 Member
    any junk food. I mean seriously. a candy bar? 300 calories. Bam. one taco from taco bell? Well that's almost 400. Maybe keep some frozen burritos or hot pockets around for filling up calorie gaps.

    And this is why people get fat in the first place -_- 1200 calories is WAY too low especially when you are exercising and isn't it common sense to eat your calories of healthy food to fill nutritional gaps NOT junk to fill calorie gaps if you want to lose weight??!!
  • enorring01
    enorring01 Posts: 1 Member
    Is that your weight loss so far? If so go you!! how did you get that widget?
  • carholl
    carholl Posts: 44 Member
    My god, I wish I had a problem getting to 1200cals. I can barely stay under 1800! hahahha

    I can so relate to this...wish I had that problem!
  • Also, it's not just "eating too much", could be medical reasons, low muscle tone, or not eating enough which "puts the body into starvation mode"
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    You must eat:


    That is the main way to make you fill up and feel full and happy.


    IT IS ONLY FAT that makes you feel satisfied/full. You will eat a surprising amount of - say - absolutely pure plain full-ccream greek yoghourt, pure cream, and perhaps some butter.

    Obviously, you will never, ever, ever eat even a mouthful of: bread, potatoes, rice, fruits, pasta, and obviously any sugar or cakes/sweets/etc. That goes without saying.

    For sweets, you can basically ONLY EAT strawberries and perhaps raspberries, and perhaps watermelon. As you should know, strawberries are the "miracle" fruit that taste incredibly sweet but have incredibly few carbohydrates -- due to the biomechanics of the way your mouth works.

    You'll have to choose the absolutely leanest cuts of meat, basically chicken breast/pork with no fat whatsoever. (There's nothing at all bad about fat in meat, just that it has high calories, if you're aiming for 1200 or lower.)

    It is VERY EASY to live on 1200 calories, if, you load up on an incredible amount of green vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, broccoli -- everything like that), use fat (typically pure 100% natural extreme full-fat greek yoghourt) so you never feel hungry, and obviously slash carbohydrates.

    You should aim for precisely 72 grams of carbohydrates per day, as Dr Lutz says, and you will never in the slightest feel hungry, etc.

    That's exactly how to do it, with ease, and feel stuffed all the time, and live like a gourmet!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Lara Bars are my favorite calorie fillers. They're just dates and nuts mashed up into a tasty. Gives me a bunch of fiber, good fat, and a decent amount of nut protein.

    I also like to have smoothies. High protein smoothies even out my macros. Scoop of chocolate whey, banana, tbs peanutbutter, milk, and I can honestly convince myself I am shoving a peanut butter cup and a banana in my mouth at the same time.

    I think it's easier for those of us who eat frequently- I eat 5-6 times a day, and if I'm hitting every meal, there's no reason not to meet my calorie goals, which are significantly higher than 1200. ...
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Apple pie and icecream
  • onecutey
    onecutey Posts: 14
    I agree with adding good fats: 1 tsp. evoo (extra virgin olive oil) contains 30 calories.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    any junk food. I mean seriously. a candy bar? 300 calories. Bam. one taco from taco bell? Well that's almost 400. Maybe keep some frozen burritos or hot pockets around for filling up calorie gaps.

    And this is why people get fat in the first place -_- 1200 calories is WAY too low especially when you are exercising and isn't it common sense to eat your calories of healthy food to fill nutritional gaps NOT junk to fill calorie gaps if you want to lose weight??!!

    1200 calories is too low - OP needs to up their calories and look at a strength training program if they aren't already because they only have a small amount of weight to lose.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Up your calories, then you can have like 3 cupcakes everyday. I'm pretty sure that is healthy and an awesome way to lose weight.
  • Having the same problem too. No matter how much I eat in one day I can't seem to hit the 1200 calorie spot. I'm either 995 calories away or 9 calories away. I don't eat junk food at all, except when my bf forces me to eat a hamburger or pizza when I'm with him(which is like twice a week).

    Most of the food you guys listed above I don't even like.'s hard...
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    any junk food. I mean seriously. a candy bar? 300 calories. Bam. one taco from taco bell? Well that's almost 400. Maybe keep some frozen burritos or hot pockets around for filling up calorie gaps.

    And this is why people get fat in the first place -_- 1200 calories is WAY too low especially when you are exercising and isn't it common sense to eat your calories of healthy food to fill nutritional gaps NOT junk to fill calorie gaps if you want to lose weight??!!

    was thinking the same.
    if i ate junk food to fill a gap, i'd definitely binge.
    wouldn't just be ONE taco.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It's pretty simple. If you want to be 100% "clean" eater then just eat more "clean" foods.

    If you're happy with you're macronutrients and have consumed a variety of foods to fill you're micronutrient needs then have whatever you want that gets you to you're calorie target.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    You are not alone! I, too, am having trouble reaching 1200 calories a day. With the exercise I do, I really should be eating somewhere around 1700 calories. But just looking at that number makes me a litle sick! One step at a time, I guess. I really don't want to go back to my junk food days. I like eating healthy food.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    just had 1200 "clean" cals for breakfast. Seriously, not that hard people!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    yeah i never get how people have trouble reaching this number.

    i pretty much had to only 1200 calories to eat today because of a midnight snack i had yesterday before going to sleep.

    i had normal breakfast and lunch for me - a protein shake made with a frozen banana, iced coffee and 2 scoops of cookies n cream protein powder for breakfast then eggs, sausage, half an avocado and side salad for lunch. this only left me with 200 calories for dinner and i had half a serving of jambalaya, a side salad and strawberries.

    definitely not something i'd want to repeat on a consistent basis. i like staying around 1800 calories