Hobbies; What are yours?



  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I love taking pictures. I have a really nice camera and I loooove getting the perfect picture, and being able to please someone by taking great pictures for them. :) And I love editing them. I've been using photoshop since about 12, and I love it.
  • wootsbr18
    wootsbr18 Posts: 30 Member
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    Aviation from the early birds to the fast jets of today.
    Terrorising American Airport security (or as we call it in Europe Plane Spotting :-) )
    Cooking, but not as much as I used too, to much accountability now and use of scales, oh for the days of I think that will work in there to how many calories will that add (taken all the fun out of it)

  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I draw, work with clay, and I make plushies. I also love music and dancing. :)
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    thanks for all the lovely comments on my drawing :D
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Reading. I could read a good book all day. And I occasionally bake. :]
  • Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Working.lol., Reading, and Cooking.
  • rexzmumu
    rexzmumu Posts: 95 Member
  • RunnerLisa1
    RunnerLisa1 Posts: 84 Member

    I also like geocaching.

    Googled it. Holy crap that looks like fun. I'm gonna try to get husband on board.

    It's fun and gets you outside to new places. I suggest beginners just sign up for the free basic account and use one of the free Droid or iPhone apps (c:geo is the free version I used to use). The GPS on phones isn't the greatest, but you can use the satellite imaging to nail down ground zero. My handheld GPS died a long time ago and I haven't bothered to get a new one because the imaging on the maps is so good. If you do like it, the premium membership is only $30 a year, and it's much better for sorting by distance and creating lists.

    ETA- If you do create an account, I'm katie_mae on there :)

    We should start a geocaching group on MFP. I'm going to friend request you on gc.com, my name is OneidaNDN. :smile:
  • I'm a beauty and fitness blogger. Add me as a friend if you want to know my sites! :)
  • RunnerLisa1
    RunnerLisa1 Posts: 84 Member
    When you're not focusing on health or busy working, what do you like to do?

    I love books. Any kind of book. I'm a book *kitten*.
    I also like geocaching, something that makes most people say "WTF is that?"
    After geocaching, I grab another book.
    Cooking, via a grill or smoker makes me very happy. Especially when I have to buy a book on different techniques.

    That's all I've got. What's your happy thing?

    Holy Hell!!!! I thought my fiance and I were the only ones that enjoyed geocaching. We actually just started, unfortunately haven't found any yet. Can't find a good app for it. Any suggestions?

    I have a handheld GPS that I use but I also have the GEOCACHING App from Groundspeak on my iphone & it works great!!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    - Hair. Looking after it, loving it, experiementing with it, researching about it, looking at it. I'm a member of the LHC and it's one of the best forums ever ^_^
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Fishing-but not the boring sit in one spot kind
    Autox/Solo 2
    Soon to be M/C
  • LisaH1967
    LisaH1967 Posts: 332 Member
    Playing with my 3 Yorkies!!
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Photography Nikon D300 here ready to upgrade, riding ATV's or motorcycle, camping, and wood working once I get my shop back.
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Never heard of geocaching but with so many of yall talking about it I googled it.

    Whaaat? Is this like high tech hide and seek? Sounds awesome, leaving work now but going to be spending tonight reading up on this.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    In no particular order.

    Amigurumi, baking, gaming, Tumblr. ;P
  • I do rowing, running, cycling and battle Terius on facebook :L but like photography too and get paid sometimes :) and baking!!
  • jgardner38
    jgardner38 Posts: 70
    Hunting, fishing, shooting, guns, knives, four wheeler riding, riding my cruiser up and down the road, 4x4 TRUCKS, riding my horse, grilling, cooking, video games, SEC footbal (Roll Tide!!!), anything military, camping, hiking, and these are just for starters ;)
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    Bagpiping. I saw that some others here also like geocaching. I've enjoyed doing that and also have a few caches I've placed.