will giving up diet coke really help me?



  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I wrestle with the idea of quitting my diet mt. dew (and occasional diet dr. pepper) habit, too. I typically drink 4 cans a day. Last week I was able to cut down to 2 fairly easily. I want to stop because I know the chemicals are not good for me (although I am not sure how bad I think they are--could find out they are relatively harmless but we could find out they are horrible). I also wonder if they do encourage cravings for sweets. I personally don't think they affect your weight much, if at all, but I do wonder if they perpetuate cravings for foods that do have an affect. Soda is also expensive, so saving that money would be a good thing. On the other hand, I can justify drinking it because it is supposed to be safe, according to many studies. :) My goal is to switch from soda to green tea if I need caffeine. Right now I am just trying to get to one per day and go from there.

    Oh, another reason I wanted to try quitting was to see if it has any affect on my sleep. I usually don't have a hard time getting to sleep, but do wake frequently (but I also have a baby) and am exhausted much of the time. I didn't know if the caffeine was causing me to have rebound fatigue or something. So far I haven't noticed much difference, but my baby has been sick so I am sleeping horribly.
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    I am shocked at all the people telling you to keep drinking it! You obviously are aware of what's in it & that it is just terrible for your insides.

    I used to drink a can a day & then maybe have some when I got home too. I would get home & be ready for bed almost immediately! I was okay once I got myself to the gym but I'd have to psych myself up to getting there. Now I don't drink it at all & I have so much more energy & can actually get home & enjoy my evenings. Personally, I don't see the point of drinking something with no nutritional value, that is damaging you from the inside. You are on a health & fitness journey after all. Good luck!

    I have to agree with this as well. I really don't get the boasting- why are we bragging about how much diet soda we can drink and yet still meet our fitness goals? I think though, if it's about being healthy, the diet soda's got to go. If it's simply about weight loss and nothing else, still get rid of the diet coke. If it takes time, it takes time. My goal is to not just lose weight, but to be healthy. I am phasing out a lot of foods/beverages that are unhealthy, some having more priority than others. Fast food and desserts are more immediate and important for me to cut out than soda, but that's because I eat them more regularly. Once I get where I want to be with those, then I will cut out the sodas and vitamin water zeroes, but first things first. I know it's not going to be a perfect journey, and that going cold turkey on all my bad eating habits would result in a more immediate effect, but I want to be able to stick with it for the long term.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I am shocked at all the people telling you to keep drinking it! You obviously are aware of what's in it & that it is just terrible for your insides.

    Evidence would be nice.

    There's no harm in giving it up if you feel it will help you better meet your goals. But there is no study out there that proves that people who control their food and drink diet soft drink don't lose weight. All the studies hat have been done show that people who drink Diet soft drink tend to be overweight. They don't account for food.

    I drink 1-2L a day. I ALSO drink my 9 glasses/1.5L of water a day. No issues. Make sure you get your water in and you'll be fine.
  • I don't know that it will help your sugar cravings but please give it up! The artificial sweetener turns to fermaldyhide in the body. It causes soooo much permanent damage to your brain/body. GIVE IT UP!!!

    To help reduce my sugar cravings I drink homemade smoothies with NO sugar. The fruit is sweet enough and once I've had a smoothie, I'm good for the day.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I have never seen a single reliable study - or even reliable indicator! - that points to even a single death from diet soda - let alone "more than lung cancer and diabetes combined." As noted above, it's not that I'm a fan of Diet Coke or any other diet soda. I can't drink it. But claiming an enormous death toll from diet soda is just silly.
    I think your sarcasm detector is broken.

    For anybody feeling all healthy and sanctimonious about drinking Crystal Light or Mio instead of soda - Crystal Light contains artificial sweeteners and possibly carcinogenic chemicals also. Mio contains sucralose and/or Ace-K and also propylene glycol, which is also used as antifreeze for cars, de-icing airplane wings, and as an ingredient in hand sanitizers and deodorant sticks. I don't drink soda often, but I can't stand Crystal Light or most of the powdered drink mixes - they all taste like sickeningly sweet, badly flavored water to me. I tried a couple flavors of Mio and it just tasted like a chemical bath. I'd rather drink plain ol' water than either of them.
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm not sure. I hear coke is pretty good at slimming you down. Maybe you should also think about trying crystal meth.

    Oh, wait, you said, Diet Coke? Um, i have no idea.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member

    I gave up diet coke three months ago on the advice of my rheumatologist. She advised me to give up all soft drinks because they MAY contribute to bone thinning and I am already at a higher risk because of the medication I am on. She said it was my choice, but if she was in my position she would give it up. Nothing definitive, but I certainly was not ignoring her advice.

    My sugar cravings at 3pm have certainly been curbed, but there has been no weight loss, but that's probably due to medication side effects.

  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    I heard recently that diet drinks make u actually crave sugar more, something to do with your body realising its not real sugar.

    This being said, I drink diet coke and am not about to give it up. In fact I'm not prepared to give anything up, just be more limiting of frequency and overall amount :)

    Good luck whatever u decide
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not sure. I hear coke is pretty good at slimming you down. Maybe you should also think about trying crystal meth.

    Oh, wait, you said, Diet Coke? Um, i have no idea.

    Hahahaha... as long as the meth doesn't put you over your calorie goal for the day.

    or you can polish a penny or clean the rust off your grill with it. Sounds!
  • hanbro
    hanbro Posts: 5
    Honestly all soda is bad for your body especially diet soda because of the artificial crape put in to make it diet. I am not sure if drinking it will cause you to lose less weight but if you plan on being healthier all around I urge you to give up all soda including diet. As for things to drink you could try crystal light as a treat to drink instead of water or juice. Also if you give up the diet coke your cravings will go away and instead try to get hooked on something healthier like carrots with ranch so you start having healthy cravings instead of sugar cravings.
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    I drink diet pepsi, I love the taste and the caffeine. I do not drink coffee, so a soda in the morning is my wake up juice.

    We all know water is definitely better for you. I have found that drinking more water lowers my craving for soda during the day.
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper and gave it up for about 3 months. It didn't help me lose any more weight. I eat really clean but it is my one vice. I LOVE it and when I am watching every other dang thing I eat it's my one "cheat" food. It just makes me happy. BUT, I used to drink way too much and not nearly enough water. Now I drink 10 glasses of water a day, minimum. I made rules for myself to make sure I am getting plenty of water. I have to drink 2.5 glasses before my morning coffee. I have to drink at least another 2.5 before my Diet DP with lunch and then I have to drink another 2.5 before dinner and 2.5 after. It's rare I have one with dinner but it happens occasionally. The crappy feelings I used to get was from a horrible diet, way too much DP and not even remotely enough water. Now it doesn't seem to bother me.
  • naples89
    naples89 Posts: 33 Member
    Honestly all soda is bad for your body especially diet soda because of the artificial crape put in to make it diet. I am not sure if drinking it will cause you to lose less weight but if you plan on being healthier all around I urge you to give up all soda including diet. As for things to drink you could try crystal light as a treat to drink instead of water or juice. Also if you give up the diet coke your cravings will go away and instead try to get hooked on something healthier like carrots with ranch so you start having healthy cravings instead of sugar cravings.

    I'm not really calling you out personally but you're just the latest to parrot this.

    "Artificial"is a meaningless term and there is NOTHING in diet soda (or really any other diet drink) that causes cardiac problems or cancer. Seriously just go down the ingredient list one by one. There are no secret ingredients.

    Does anyone remember that aspartame study that gave rats cancer? What the study actually did is they injected the rats with such high doses that no human could possibly ingest it. They didnt feed rats diet coke or something crazy like that. But all that gets reported is that ingredient=cancer. I studied this exact kind of stuff for a living and this kind of thinking is something to fight against at every opportunity. Most anything in high doses (crazy high, like impossible to eat that much) can cause cancer. It has no bearing on your life. Drink the diet coke if it works for you.

    If it makes you feel better/have less cravings to quit it then go for it, but lets not pretend that its somehow healthier or safer.
  • Daneece
    Daneece Posts: 16
    I am on a diet with and dr. I'm allowed 24oz of with diet coke or diet Pepsi. However, I can have all the Diet Rite Cola I want and it doesn't effect my weight loss. So if you do like soda you should try it. But I suggest getting the cans and having it in a glass with ice. Out of the two liter it just tastes flat to me.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Honestly all soda is bad for your body especially diet soda because of the artificial crape put in to make it diet. I am not sure if drinking it will cause you to lose less weight but if you plan on being healthier all around I urge you to give up all soda including diet. As for things to drink you could try crystal light as a treat to drink instead of water or juice. Also if you give up the diet coke your cravings will go away and instead try to get hooked on something healthier like carrots with ranch so you start having healthy cravings instead of sugar cravings.
    Please stop.

    Then you suggest CRYSTAL LIGHT. LOL!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Try it and see. Other people's opinions are just other people's opinions. Not everyone's bodies react in the same way to everything. You won't know if giving up diet coke will help you to feel better or have less sugar cravings unless you try it for a few days and see what happens....
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Diet coke won't help with weight gain or loss, but it will definitely help your skin, especially if you are replacing it with water. It will clear it up, make it less dry, less oily, and the chemicals made in it really aren't that great for you.

    Don't get me wrong, I still have one now and then, but like a treat rather than something that quenches my thirst. You're skin and insides will love you for it :)
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    All I can say is that for me it has really helped with my sweet cravings. I don't know if it would have helped if that's all I gave up, but I stopped using any artificial sweeteners. I can't believe the difference it has made!!

    An additional benefit, my teeth have gotten whiter since giving it up! :bigsmile:

    I also notice I now crave water! We went out for dinner last night and I ordered iced tea. I drank one glass. When the server asked if I would like a refill, I requested a glass of water instead. Me??? I did that??? :noway: It was actually quite a nice little NSV for me. :) Not to mention that for the first time in my life I stopped eating when I was full! I actually brought home half a hamburger!
  • lostwisdom
    lostwisdom Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, because there are four pages of replies.. but I highly suggest a big YES!

    Reason; the brain expects sugar when you feed it the kind of intense sweetener found in diet coke, leaving you MORE HUNGRY! Especially for the crappy food! Swap it for water :)

    Source; Science magazines/personal research.

    (the odd one isn't bad for you, but as a whole yes you're better off without!)
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I love it...tried giving it up and failed!!

    Do what works for you, but personally, i crave sweet foods when i don't get my diet coke fix.