Anyone eat Coconut Oil?



  • ready2tryagain42
    If you actually mean coconut water, it's excellent for you and very tasty. But if you mean oil, as you said, it is not at all good for you.

    This could not be more wrong.

    Get the Extra Virgin Coconut oil (organic is best), it smells and tastes delicious and is really good for you. Actually aids fat loss. I use it as makeup remover, sometimes in my hair and in the shower as a moisturizer for my body after I wash. Just don't use it on your face...oh boy.

    I also eat it, it is DELICIOUS in Quinoa, just 1/2 tbsp in 1 cup of quinoa. Haven't tried it on popcorn yet but I hear its good. It's good in a baked potato too... It's just GOOD!

    Ok I am going to have to get some and try it in Quinoa. Sounds great!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Bump...For reference later...
  • darkchocolate68
    I just recently started using coconut oil and I love it. I bought the Nutiva virgin, organic, unrefined coconut oil. I use it from my head to my toes, it is a great moisturizer. I have only used lotion once and that was when I was away from home. I need to find a small, secure container so the coconut oil doesn't leak in my purse. I have never had such soft skin. I put very little in my hair, so I can't really comment there.

    I also put about 1/2 tsp - 1 tsp. in my coffee and it is much better than I thought it woud be. I put it in smoothies/protein shakes, on top of my sweet potato, in my yogurt and cottage cheese. I have also made the coconut bark with cocoa and ate it that way. I haven't cooked with it becasue it is expensive and I want to make sure I don't waste it. I still cook with olive oil.

    I have excema on the outside corners of my eyes and the coconut oil has helped that. I also use the coconut oil to remove my eye make up. Anything other make up removers caused my eye lids to swell and cause dry patches around my eyes.

    I cut my finger and the coconut oil has helped it to heal faster than previous cuts/burns to my hands recently. I bake and cook a lot, so I am accidently burning my hand on the oven grates occasionally.

    I read about coconut oil last summer, but never bought any. I now wish I hadn't waited so long.
  • NaomiDollar
    NaomiDollar Posts: 49 Member
    My husband take it for his athletes foot and my daughter takes it for her acne. They take it in pill form.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The only things that I have done with it so far is to mix it with my oatmeal (with a little ground cinnamon and flax seed) and used it once when cooking onions & peppers on the stove. I'd love some other ideas of what to do with it, though.

    Bulletproof coffee!

    And it's just great in general for just about anything that calls for an oil that olive oil can't do.
  • peacheznlace
    peacheznlace Posts: 23 Member
    I used to use it in place of butter or oil when I was on a lower carb lifestyle. Even though I'm no longer on the lower carb bandwagon, I'm still using coconut oil in some meals like when I bake or when I make stir fry.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Moderation is the key word here. It's a saturated fat. But supposedly it's also good for you. I use it on my hair and it's great for the scalp. And I use it on my face once in a while. I apply it, leave it on for a couple of hours before my shower. Then I wash it all off in the shower. Seems to smooth my skin, maybe helps with flaking skin, etc.


    Many things come and go and are the fad of the month, year, decade, but then they find out it wasn't so great after all. So, who knows? But I do consume it once in a while, not daily certainly.

    Coconut oil is different from other saturated fats in that the fat in it is lauric acid, a medium chain triglyceride. This provides different benefits than long chain ones, including raising HDL ("good") cholesterol.
    I use it on my son's skin. However, I don't cook with it. I have thought about it but the fat content is way too high for me. My container of Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil has 14 grams of fat per tablespoon (13 grams of saturated) and 130 calories. Not enough studies proving to me that it is a "good type" of saturated fat in my opinion.

    Lauric acid greatly increased total cholesterol, but much of its effect was on HDL cholesterol. Consequently, oils rich in lauric acid decreased the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol.

    I've also found that a tablespoon is a huge amount when cooking with it. More like a teaspoon can grease a pan (it thins out dramatically when heated).
  • Samstudent88
    Samstudent88 Posts: 135
    My mom is going through the "change" and she using it because it is supposed to help.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    In terms of food, I use it for cooking eggs and stir fry, in my protein smoothies (when my macros allow for it), a teaspoon as a quick pre-workout "snack" or in hot water with lime juice first thing in the morning. For those that have a hard time eating it by the spoonful, I recommend mixing a teaspoon in hot water, which makes it easier to take down and moisturizes your lips at the same time! :wink: I add the lime juice to help stimulate digestion. Plus it's a good flavor combination.

    Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up.... :tongue:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Coconut oil is FANTASTIC for you! Your hair, skin, and ever internal organ benefit from it. It helps with vitamin absorption among other things. And has 0 cholesterol. Don't let anybody who is ill informed tell you that it is not good for you. :flowerforyou:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    As oils go, it's one of the healthier ones. I'd only actually eat it straight if I was really short on fat one day for some reason. I use it for cooking all the time, though.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    I swear by this stuff now. My nutritionist has been encouraging me to eat 2 teaspoons of it a day plus use it on skin, hair, and in cooking. It's better than olive oil to cook with because it withstands heat where olive oil does not. I melt it on popcorn mixed with a bit of butter. I've melted it on asparagus instead of butter. Scrambled eggs are awesome in it! Cocnut oil is so good you in so many ways. This of course is direct from my nutritionist's mouth but given the weight i've lost following his advice, I think it's safe to say that he knows what he's talking about. :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    The whole heat thing is a myth. Coconut oil has a smoke point of 350 degrees. Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point of 405 degrees. I still prefer extra virgin olive oil. Especially when I consider the fact that a coconut tree can make either coconuts, or coconut oil, but not both. I'd rather have the whole coconut instead.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    The whole heat thing is a myth. Coconut oil has a smoke point of 350 degrees. Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point of 405 degrees. I still prefer extra virgin olive oil. Especially when I consider the fact that a coconut tree can make either coconuts, or coconut oil, but not both. I'd rather have the whole coconut instead.

    I could be wrong but isn't olive oil made from olives? Wouldn't you just rather have the whole olive instead? I know there is much more that goes into it, but I feel like that makes your whole "coconut or coconut oil, but not both thing" a little off. I'm going to buy some coconut oil this weekend actually, I guess i'm buying into the so called fad!
  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I have used coconut oil in place of other oils like olive, sunflower, groundnut oil and sometimes even butter.
    Honestly haven't noticed anything significantly different asides from flavour.