My hip hurts when I run. Help!



  • rachelpitkin10
    rachelpitkin10 Posts: 4 Member
    I had hip pain several years ago after the birth of my daughter. I was in the Army and had started back running for PT. It was diagnosed as bursitis. You probably should go to the doctor to have it diagnosed. After reading through the posts, it could be any number of things. If it hurts, there is something wrong and you should give it a rest to let it heal. Pushing through the pain will not make it go away. It doesn't sound like it is just a sore muscle.
  • DorothyLowry
    DorothyLowry Posts: 7 Member
    I did not read through all of the comments here so some of this may be duplication. I am in the process of recovering from a similar injury. My son's physical therapist told me I had strained my IT band. If you Google this, it can cause pain in both the hip and the knee - I just had pain in my left hip. First of all she gave me a stretch to do. In a standing position, cross your legs with your right foot in front of the left. Then move your left hip to the left until you feel the stretch. This was somewhat painful when I started, but with in a fee days, it felt better. I tried to run again when it felt good, but ended right back where I started. I started again and this time when it felt better. I started walking. Slow at first, but within a few days, I increased to a faster speed.. I am still not running, but I have no pain when I walk. I figure another week or so and I will try running again. I also use ice after a work out to help reduce any inflammation.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I know for me, I have IT Band problems. Our family DR is also a Orthipedic Dr and said this is very common for people who walk or run a lot. So I need to remember to stretch before and after I run or I'm in pain (like I am now because I neglected to stretch today...). Might be as simple as that....
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    running tends to give me more pain than other activities, so i try to only do it once or twice a week (i do enjoy it!). i would never run everyday. seems like a recipe for injury. i know every is different though - just is just me.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    foam roller and Chiropractor...i have major hip, and IT band issues...the chiro helps! Dont take ibruprophen before running, its bad for the kidneys! Good luck!!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    It is either the shoes or a medical issue.
  • Chigger56
    Chigger56 Posts: 105
    Actually just went thru that. Went to my chiropractor and my hip was out. He put it back in, took a couple days off to rest, and I am back running.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Stop running NOW!
    Seriously, your body needs rest.
    And see a doc ASAP just to make sure you're OK.
    And might I suggest that you incorporate other forms of cardio into your exercise routines.
    Swimming, biking, hiking, dancing....
    Don't let your body break trying to do right.
    Rest is paramount!:drinker:
  • WalterMom
    WalterMom Posts: 12
    If you are running along a road, run on the "wrong side" of the road- just be very careful of traffic. If you look at any road, the road "crowns" in the middle for drainage with the edges of the road being lower than the center of the road. If I only run on the left side of the road, my hip hurts badly. I run down and back on the same side of the road so that each leg has the "benefit" of the higher impact.
  • suebee03
    suebee03 Posts: 2 Member
    I had hip pain while running and kept going. Halfway through a marathon I stopped becasue the pain was so bad and I could no longer walk. I had a stress fracture of my femoral neck that required surgery to repiar. I was out of commision for 6 months.

    See a doctor.
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    Is it muscular or deep like bone pain?

    It could a million different things; anywhere from a stress fracture to a pulled muscle.

    Whatever it is, you have to back off on the running. Running is hard on the body, and you really need to ease into it.

    Work on strengthening your legs also. It helps prevent injury.

    But for right now, rest and if it doesn't get better, go to the doc.
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    I had hip pain while running and kept going. Halfway through a marathon I stopped becasue the pain was so bad and I could no longer walk. I had a stress fracture of my femoral neck that required surgery to repiar. I was out of commision for 6 months.

    See a doctor.

    This happened to me too, thank God my femur didn't break! Stress fractures are no fun.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have been running/jogging a few miles a day for the past 4 months. About 3 weeks ago, my left hip started hurting when I would run. It got to the point where every time I stood up from sitting in a chair (which is quite often considering I work in an office) it would hurt really bad and cause me to limp for a few steps before the pain went away. It is ONLY in my left hip. I tried jogging yesterday and got to about .25 of a mile before I was noticably limping when I ran. I dont know if I pulled or strained something or if I need to stretch more. I really dont want to go to the doctor because I am afraid that I will need an MRI. Has anyone had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?

    Running is really the only thing that has been getting me results and I would hate to have to give it up :(

    Sad Face :(
    Of course I would not want to underestimate the problem you are having. However this remind me of when I had a similar problem....My hips were "out" chiropractically. There are 3 chiros in the office I go to...I like the lady. I don't like to be "popped" and other than using a "clicker" to adjust and some traction, there is no popping.She's the only one who did it right. I notice I will get that problem if i sit at my computer and cross my legs!!!

    Well, my hip is fine now. But yes, it hurt so bad I wanted to cry...and it seemed to make my whole body hurt, my knee, and everything seemed off.
  • DieselGrrl
    DieselGrrl Posts: 55
    I had this problem a couple months ago, after I really got started running. The pain would run from my right hip, down into my knee and felt like something was pulling when I walked. I found that deep tissue massage and proper stretching helped alot. I have not had the same pain since. I am no doctor, but these were the steps I took and they worked. Good luck!
  • EliseVanca
    EliseVanca Posts: 28 Member
    Agh! Be careful!!!!! I'm in cross country and I have this.

    An apophysis is a growth plate that provides a point for a muscle to attach. When the muscle attached to the apophysis is excessively tight or overworked, it can put increased tension and stress on the apophysis, which results in irritation and inflammation, It is commonly caused by overworking

    Illiopsoas Strain
    Also known as Hip Flexor Injury. The iliopsoas muscle originates from the lower back and pelvis and inserts into the thigh bone (femur). Hip flexor strains most commonly occur due to a sudden contraction of the hip flexor muscles

    Anterior Hip Pain in Runners
    In the adolescent, acute muscle contraction about the hip can result in avulsion of an apophysis (an ossification center at the attachment of tendon to bone). Whereas overuse is likely to result in tendonitis in an adult, it is more likely to cause apophysitis in the adolescent.

    This is what it ended up being.
  • avstubbe
    avstubbe Posts: 2
    Ice, a little rest, and stretch your hips and gluts. I can relate to this, as my right glut/hip often feels strained and tight, especially after a long run. Perhaps a visit to a chiropractor or a yoga class, both really compliment a runner's lifestyle. Rest and ice to start, for sure. It's a bummer, I know, but you're listening to your body, which could prevent a more serious injury.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I had the same problem... also left hip. It felt like a knife was going into my hip joint each time i landed on my left foot. I decided running just may not be for me... I didn't really like it anyway. :P But a friend of mine suggested it could be a strain of the I.T. band. When I looked this up online it suggested the cause is running on uneven ground and therefore straining the joint. Could be.

    I stopped running, and took up other workouts instead, and haven't had much trouble with it lately. The odd time I'll feel a twinge when I'm doing a lot of deep lunges or stretches with that leg, but nothing like when I was running. And if i just ease off the stretch it goes away.

    Good luck! Listen to your body, and try physio if you can.
  • SteelersFan7
    SteelersFan7 Posts: 217 Member
    ok, hip pain has happened to me.

    I had an MRI and they found a labral tear in my hip cartilage. Easy fix with steroid shot. Supposedly that will create scar tissue and the tear will repair itself. My ortho said that it could come back, though. If it does, then they will either reinject or consider a minor surgical procedure (if the tear is worse).

    I always chalked it up as bursitis or something. I let it go on for 5 years. It's worth getting it checked out, even if for a pain shot. Cortisone is your friend...:)

    Same here, but the tear was acutually on the head of the femur and couldn't be fixed with a Cortisone shot(yeah, they tried and it only bought me about 30 minutes of relief. The ortho ended up shaving the entire head of the femur and poking holes in the bone to create a callus to help absorb shock. It's been almost a year since my surgery and i think I'm probably about 85% back to normal. Although, I'm not allowed to run and swimming has become my cardio of choice... also, i can tell when it's going to rain which isn't nearly as cool as it sounds. Please keep in mind that I'm probably a worst case scenario... They actually thought it was an extreme groin pull before the MRI. Best of luck to you.
  • lande002
    lande002 Posts: 1
    I had a similar experience, and like one of the other posters here, my issue turned out to be bursitis. Personally, I would not try to self-diagnose. I went to my regular doctor first, who immediately wanted to have me get a shot of cortisone. Believing that was a little drastic for a first step, I went to a sports medicine doctor for a second opinion. He confirmed the diagnosis, but rather than suggest cortisone, which he saw as a last resort, he had me lay off running for a while and go to physical therapy. My therapist showed me a variety of stretches that I now incorporate into my regular stretching. Also, she gave me ideas about adjusting my car seat, chair at work, etc. After about a month, I started walking/running, and over time, the bursitis subsided. That was about 7 years ago, and I have never been bothered by it since. So, my advice is go to a sports medicine doctor.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Shoes, shoes, shoes.......make SURE they are right. If they're not, you will get injured. Don't skimp and don't be cheap.......get fitted at a running store, let them video tape you running and let them advise you on which shoes are best.

    If you're going to run with any sort of regularity, the right shoes are totally worth the investment.