

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello there, happy hump day! :smile:

    How fun reading about what everyone's up to. Me, well, I'm up to my ears in weeding, harvesting and processing vegs from the garden. I put all 10 gallons :noway: of boysenberries in the freezer for jamming this fall, but Nancy, now I want to go buy a flat of strawberries since reading that you made several pints of strawberry jam. It's just the best! Oh, I did make 3 quarts of boysenberry brandy :love: that'll be ready on my birthday in October. It'll be a rip-roaring party :laugh:

    Happy to report hubby started back to work yesterday, :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thank goodness. It's a temp job but still, it's something. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief.

    Down another pound this week, 8 to go to reach my goal. Yesterday I gave a hug to my neighbor lady who said, "You're so skinny! I can feel your ribs!" Ha. She didn't hug my fanny, though :laugh:

    Welcome everyone new :flowerforyou: Eat less, move more, and don't forget - If you wanna be lean, eat your greens :wink: Drink drink drink your water :drinker: and keep a positive outlook. Little fumbles along the way are just part of the journey, try not to beat yourself up.

    Good day to all :happy:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello ladies :happy:

    I have been trying to get caught up on all the post. I am at work now. I took my friend Doris home after I got off work last night , she was in the hospital , and had surgery for cancer. she is doing ok , but I worrie about her being alone. However a ladie from her church is suppose to look in on her this morning.

    I realy blew it , I was so hungry when I got home and I was just worn out . I should have gone to bed and not ate a all , but no I ate ,ate and ate , so to day I am drinking lots of water and sald for lunch and very light dinner. also trying to get in some extra walking .
    Hope you all have a wonderful day :wink:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump day - Wednesday,

    Just checking in before I tackle all my quarterly and monthly reports that are due on Friday :huh: Not my favorite thing to do.

    Weighed in and stayed the same as last week so that was good considering how last weekend was with family, BBQ's and restuarants:blushing: Taking it one day at a time and when I have a week like this past one I have to look at my ticker and see how far I've come because it's seeing that and wearing the clothes that I couldn't wear last year that keep me going.

    We got in a bike ride last night when I got home and having had a rest from riding my legs felt great and boy did we do the ride around the resevoir so much faster. Saw 11 deer but only one buck...and that's one of the reasons I like to ride over there:love: seeing the wildlife.

    Hope you all have a great day. Robin the wedding picture looks wonderfu:happy: l. jb- happy for your hubby getting a job even if it's temporary...my hubby is still unemployed and his unemployment runs out the end of this month unless there is another extension:ohwell:

    To all of you walking through illness with family and friends {{hugs}} your support is what they all need:flowerforyou:

    Must get to the work.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.it`s also my hubby and my 19th anniversary.
    JB,glad about hubby`s job.My hubby was out of work for 3 years.a few temp jobs along the way.He is contracting for a co now and has been there since mar,not sure if they will take him on permanently.But a job today is great.After loosing our home last year and living with family etc,hoping things get better for all of us.
    Laura,hope hubby finds work.It`s hard when you have skills and education but for mine,his age seemed to play a big part.
    Going to spend the day with the girls,DIL,granddaughter and daughter as hubby is working.Another hot one,gonna take the little one to a movie and hope to get swim time in.
    Glad to be part of this group.:drinker:
    hugs jane
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Another sunny day here, and DH is working, so J-boy and I are home alone. Well, J’boy is sleeping. That’s what 14 year old boys do. :ohwell: I did get the laundry done yesterday! Yeah. :drinker: Today it’s clean out the fridge and sweep the patio. I have to make lists for myself! Oh, it’s a gym day too, I I’ll be off to throw heavy things around for a while.

    Two AFD (alcohol free days) in a row for me. :happy: Today will be another.

    Go Linda! :drinker: Another three pounds down is great.

    Hello CarolALeBrun, I knew without looking at your profile that you are from Calgary, who else would say “Now that Stampede is over…”:happy: . We’re just west of you in Creston, BC. Have fun at the gym, those clothes are calling.

    Barbie, I hope the holiday with BIL is going well and you not missing too many classes.

    Good to hear from you Kackie!

    JB – Boysenberry brandy????? :noway: Wowzer.

    Happy Anniversary, Jane.

    Hasta pronto,


    Big picture: Learn to relax without wine. Apply the same self-discipline with alcohol that I have learned to use with food.
    Plan what I eat - eat what I plan. Every day.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.
  • hollywallace58
    Thank you for the welcome. The photo is actually not of my guys. It was taken at a clients home where they felt their two dogs, a 1 year old spring spaniel and 6 month old golden and their daughters 9 month old pit bull were out of control. I was working with all the dogs off leash and they got so excited they started snapping photos. I do have three dogs all shelties right now. One is retired at age 13, one is 8 and learning competing in agility and the third is a 7 month old with more energy than anyone one creature should ever have!

    I am not having a great start up on the weight loss goal. I have not gotten to the store to get the right foods due to a pipe bursting in my ceiling. ugh However I will try to at least try not to constantly munch until I have all the right foods to eat.

    Hope all is well for you and I would love see photos of your furry kids.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon everyone:flowerforyou:

    Wow there are a lot of posts!!!

    Robin:smile: , Olivia`s picture is precious!!!! Congrats!

    wordsmith728:smile: , congrats on not having cake!!! No more baggy shirts, they make people look bigger!!!!

    hollywallace:smile: Welcome! You said drive throughs were an easy choice, could you maybe get a salad? I usually take a protein bar with me, I just really don`t like fast food. I love dogs too, I have a 7year old Bichon, shes my baby:heart: !

    megblair:smile: , I know about the sodium, if I have too much my hands swell. Glad you had fun at Aventureland, I can`t imagine hiking in heat like that though!!!:noway:

    rpphillip:smile: How wonderful of you to look after your friend, she`s very lucky to have you. I`m glad her surgery went well.

    Linda:smile: , I too eat whatever I want as long as I have the calories for it. Congrats on the 13 lbs!!!!

    luvmyflpflops:smile: Congrats on getting started!!! You`ve taken that all important first step!!!

    Gardengail:smile: Welcome, start your goals now!!!! Even if you only decide to drink more water, or take a walk!!!

    CarolALebrun:smile: Your clothes are yelling at you, I LOVE that! I have a few that are getting a bit vocal too.

    Lin:smile: Internet problems ICK. Sometimes cyber space eats my post, don`t know what is up with that!

    Jen:smile: Yay vacation!!! Have fun!!!

    Barbie:smile: Have fun with your company! I`m sure the people in your line dance classes will be missing you!!!

    Rose:smile: My prayers are with you and your family!

    lizmil79:smile: Krispy Kreme YUM! Congrats on just having one!!!

    Kackie:smile: The wedding photo looks beautiful!!

    jb2011:smile: 10 gallons of boysenberries WOW!!! Congrats on your hubby getting some work!!!

    Laura80111:smile: I love wildlife too, there are several deer that come up to dine in my yard, I love watching them, especially the babies, they are so cute!!!

    janemartin02:smile: Congrats on 19 years!!! Happy anniversary!!!

    I hope I didn`t miss anybody, if I did I apologize:blushing:

    I`m having dinner tonight with my beautiful granddaughters:love: , and daughter and son in law. I`ve already figured out what I can eat to stay within my calories, grilled salmon, sounds yummy.

    I hope everone has a great night!!!:flowerforyou:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. I'm sorry this will be short and not really personalized... it has been one crazy day.

    I was scheduled to go to work to grade senior presentations, then go to the nursing home for a care conference for my dad. I thought they were at 12 and 3....BUT when I got up (at 8:05) I decided to look at my work calendar on line just to see what room I was in (I wasn't planning on stopping in my office to look) and YIKES my meetings were at 9 and 2!

    Holy buckets! Work is all the way across town, so I really booked it. I ended up eating a mc muffin for breakfast, but not the potatoes, so that wasn't as bad as it could have been. Then my meeting went way long and I had to run to the nursing home (again, all the way across town) so I got a subway and baked chips. Again, not great, but not horrible either. No mayo or oil. Then I had to run all the way across town AGAIN to pick up a wreath I had custom made and which was finished the day before we went on vacation. They had called me multiple times when we were gone. UGH

    So now I have a headache LOL. I'm going to take a nap. So excuse the brevity. I hope everyone is having a great day and staying on plan. Drink that water! Take care, Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    I am not having a great start up on the weight loss goal. I have not gotten to the store to get the right foods due to a pipe bursting in my ceiling. ugh However I will try to at least try not to constantly munch until I have all the right foods to eat.

    Hope all is well for you and I would love see photos of your furry kids.

    Holly, when I started on MFP, I was eating up all the food I had in my house before I bought special stuff, so my first goal was to plan my meals for the day and stick to the plan, no matter what. It worked for me. My first weeks were full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on very fat bread, cheese ravioli, and other foods that today I would not allow in my house.....it helped me establish good habits and and learn to say to no to any food that was offered to me by other people no matter how benign or well meaning.

    My current profile picture is my frisky poodles, Brandy and Sasha

    Meg, success is inspirational, disaster is educational. I'm sure you learned a lot about planning meals ahead of time and reading your calendar the night before
    lessons that will go far to improve the quality of your life.....every day I am grateful for the opportunity to learn important lessons that I couldn't have learned any other way.

    My BIL's flight was cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow so I got to go to line dance this morning but we'll have to reschedule the trip to Victoria that we'd planned for tomorrow....my friend coming from Texas is flying in this afternoon so we'll be picking her up today and BIL tomorrow.

    DeeDee, grilled salmon and steamed veggies is my usual order when I go to a restaurant (of course that doesn't work at Chinese or Mexican :laugh: )

    Nancy, I've been making lists for myself for years and it has made a huge difference in my life.

    jb, congrats to your hubby on getting a job....if we life one day at a time, then everything is temporary

    Laura, for those of us who have been gaining weight for decades, having the scale stay the same is a great victory

    Time to head for the airport

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member


    Happy Anniversary
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Still no word on when I'll receive a service call on my Internet issue but I'm on right now so I'm hoping I can finish my post.

    Barbie - I believe I do the same thing you do. There are definitely things I just don't want in the house because I cannot assure that I'll control myself around them. I'm quite strict with myself because I'm really trying to be healthier.

    Happy Anniverary to Jane.

    I love all the pictures with doggies in them. I adore dogs.

    And I see my router is a no go right now. Hope I can post this.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Raysfan - your job sounds absolutely wonderful. Something that I'd really like to do. But I realize that not a whole lot of people can do that. How awesome for you! Keep bringing those guys home!!!!

    marthajgGiffo - happy birthday. You're right, just get right back on track as soon as you can. It is so easy to fall into the trap of "oh, I'll get on track tomorrow", as Nike says "just DO IT"

    Rose and Linda - we used to live in Kennett Square, PA

    Yesterday (Tues) I did speed intervals on the treadmills, 30 seconds at 5mph, 30 sec at 4mph, all at 1.5% incline. Today is water Aerobics. Tomorrow (Thurs) is a Jari Love Ripped Slim & Chiseled DVD

    lizmil - the closest Whole Foods to me is in Winston-Salem. Went there once, they have a good variety and, honestly, I didn't find the prices to be that outrageous. I was afraid they might be. You're so lucky to have one opening near you.

    jo3y20 - great results at the doctors. Prayers for your friend. So glad the operation was a success

    cjspensley - we need to start regardless of when our vacations are, too bad your son doesn't understand that. what if you had waited to start after this vacation, what would have happened when your next vacation came up? What would he say? "Oh, you're on vacation, so don't worry". No, this is a lifetime change, and life sometimes throws us curve balls, we have to work with them. Good for you doing all that exercise! Sometimes it's good to change things up (like a "bike to nowhere" versus a 'real' bike)

    petalsandpaws - I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. Can you take something with you to his chemo and leave it in the car while he's having his treatment then bring it into the fast food place with you? You might be able to much on some grapes or baby carrots on the way home.

    joy2320 - welcome!

    Amanda - you're getting there, not having a taste for "bad" foods. It feels good, huh? Woohoo on the no cigaretts! That's a great accomplishment! I hear ya about how hard it is when your kids are in a different country. How I wish Bryan was on the same continent as me. I don't care if he's in the same time zone -- the same continent would be great. But I don't see that happening in the near future.

    hollywallace - welcome! Stop by often and tell us more about yourself. What profession are you in? Remember that a person can be fit and fat. So is it really about how one looks?

    megblair - I loved the movie "the Bridges of Madison County". How wonderful you got to see where it was filmed!

    wordsmith - welcome! We're so glad to have you

    Jen - I have never heard of "grapevine running" in the water. Is that basicaly doing a grapevine in the water? Sounds interesting

    Rose - so sorry you've been having family problems,

    lizmil - oh, those Krispy Kreme tours! And you get to eat them right off the conveyor belt! I just try to avoid that place, but it can be hard.

    kackie - happy birthday to you DH

    Don't know what happened, but it looks like Bonnie got into something, and she is SOOOO matted. Vince and I tried to get the mats out yesterday, we tried cutting them out, but were afraid we might get her skin. Today she's going to a groomer, she'll probably have to be shaved.

    Had bunco here last night. Had mahjongg here Mon night, maj'd 5 times, then played yesterday afternoon and maj'd twice. Then bunco (which we really played Mexican Train Dominoes), I tried to be good about what I ate, had some of this one lady's broccoli salad, some shrimp, 1/4 of one lady's pulled pork sandwich, and some of my cheese sausage balls. Then I had some of the key lime cake I made because I needed to try it since I replaced all the oil with yogurt and instead of 5 eggs I used egg substitute for 4 of them and only one egg. Actualy, it was quite moist. You are supposed to poke holes in the top and drizzle the icing on. I'd read in Cooks Illustrated that a meat tenderizer isn't as good as a meat mallet for tenderizing meat, so I was going to give away my tenderizer. But I wondered how it would work to make small holes for the icing. It worked, so I might just keep it!

    After water aerobics, senior bowling.

    The hardest problem I find with logging my food before I eat it, is that sometimes I forget what it was that I was going to have for a vege or whatever. Well.....could be worse.

    jb - that's wonderful that your hubby is working again. I'm so happy for you. Congrats on the weight loss. I like your saying "if you want to be lean, eat your greens". I'm going to remember that. Somehow, I don't think you're referring to key lime cake which is green....lol

    janemartin - happy anniversary!

    Well, we picked Bonnie up from the groomer. As expected, she is shaved down to almost the skin. It's funny, when we brought her home, all the other cats really sniffed her. Right now she reminds me of that cat that mimi-Me had in the movie.

    Gonna take a shower, then watch Dallas. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for the wishes.Love the one from Barbie.
    had a nice dinner with hubby,saw DIl and spent time with the girls.
    Exhausted,even got to the pool.
    Have a good night!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Having gone totally news free since June 11th, I just learned in conversation with a British woman at the campground laundromat that there were mudslides on the Going To The Sun Road at Glacier National Park yesterday. We were planning to drive it tomorrow. I just looked online and part of it is still closed. Trying to decide what to do, and hoping that they get it open. Mostly thanking God that we weren't there yesterday! Hope all of you are doing well! Mary, the wanderer
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Just a quick post to whine a little before going back to bed.

    Was on track with food and activity. Making step goals or close to it most days.

    Hastening to clear off my desk and get ready leave Friday for Women's retreat. No time to pack a lunch the past 2 days so bought a big tuna salad yesterday. Finished all the veggies but there was so much tuna I only ate half and put the other half in the fridge for today.


    Ate the tuna with my home packed veggies about 3.

    About 5 the disaster struck. :sick: Cramps, runs, cold clammy sweats, whole kaboodle. Pal gave me some immodium-d so I could make the 15 minute drive home, where I promptly lost the rest of the tuna from the other end. How is it that you can throw up 3 times the amount of badstuff you ate? :sick:

    No line dance class for me tonight:sad: , and over calories with gingerale and chips trying to settl things down.


    Way far behind on the postings, will try to catch up next week.

    Hugs to all,

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    July: EVERY DAY: 3 fruits + 5 veggies, at least SOME mat work, average 10K steps, let it be. Really. and no hooch til the weekend!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    matminutes: 18=32 17=23 16=30 15=27 14=0 13=0 12=7 11=20 10=30 9=22 8=0 7=0 6=28 5=18 4=0 3=20 2=20 1=33

    steps: 18=6400 17=14374 16=10335 15=5911 14=10642 13=12786 12=10772 11=8960 10=8331 9=8875 8=10082 7=10020 6=9799 5=9705 4=11083 3=9913 2=12201 1=4561
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello all, sorry this posts is a little bit late came in from work very late ate dinner and fell asleep in my reclinder.

    @megblair I hope you are feeling better headaches yuk.
    @Barbie have a fun time with family

    @Holly welcome

    today went ok it was very hard and long so pretty tired right now. Just wanting to say Hi I hope everyone had a good day, I really look forward to getting on each day to see how everyone is doing. So this is short and sweet. Wishing you all a a wonderful day tomorrow
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @DeeDee--thanks. I hope you had a fun time with your family tonight.
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    So, the vacation is almost over...we drove 12 hours today, from Gulfport MS to Paducah KY. Tomorrow the rest of the way to Chicago and home. Hopefully that's only 6-7 hours. I have knit a complete pair of socks on this trip...I'll finish the last few rows and bind off tomorrow morning. Then I have a sweater to work on.

    It's hard to eat well when the hubby wants to go to Arby's (found counts on MFP) and Olive Garden (they were most helpful...provided a complete nutritional listing for their entire menu), and I did ok. He thinks this is a good thing I'm trying to do. He's been encouraging in that he's interested in how the MFP website works, the information it contains, etc. But it's like he just doesn't GET IT about what I'm really trying to accomplish. He could certainly benefit from doing the same thing I'm doing. I'll just have to learn to manage this within the parameters of the places he chooses to eat. Just about anywhere has a salad...I think it will be easier once we get home and I am cooking meals...I have a lot more control then...he'll eat what I prepare.

    Worked out in the pool again tonight...I miss my bike! Our youngest will be home for a few weeks, and we can ride bikes together. That will be fun. Of course he's in tip-top shape, having just completed Basic Training and Tech School for the Air Force....hopefully I can keep up with him!
  • BabaluluOR
    Hello, great to find a group of ladies that I can relate too! July is almost over but not too late to seek future support & friendship!
    I'm 64& striving to stay active, mobile & continue to live a healthy life.
    I would like to be involved with your group & join in your challenges.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    My goal for July. To get off this plateau and back losing again but doing it intelligently.
    I'm glad this message thread is here! We women who are over 50 and who have chosen to get ourselves where we want to be with hard work and determination deserve to have a message thread. And to meet good people from all over the place who are in the same or similar boats to us.