Ok........What the heck?



  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    People who work in offices have nothing better to do then to go around and see what everyone else is doing so they can tattle on them. When I worked in an office there were several old biddy busy bodies who made it their job to keep track of how long I was away from my desk. One even went so far as to write down when I left for linch and came back. Mind you when I worked there I got in well before she did and picked up the slack for everyone on my team.

    Unless your direct boss has a problem with it ignore her. There will always be people like her no matter where you work. Sorry. :(

    Man, you are so right on the "office worker" disease. This same lady walks by my office door, man, I don't know how many times a day. I call them "drive bys" to see if I'm here, etc. Some people just SUCK!

    Which is really funny because the more time they spend walking by your door to check on you, the less time they are spending doing THEIR job lol

  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Ask her when her surgery is...

    to remove the stick from her butt!!!!
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Who is she to say whether or not other people would feel comfortable in your office. Is she jumping to conclusions? How do you get along with the other people you work with? I know my bosses office is a good size and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable in there at all. But we have a good relationship.

    ^^ I "feel" like I have a good relationship with the other girls in my office. My BCW (best co-worker - instead of BFF...lol) is a marathoner - so I KNOW she's okay with it! The others are three older ladies that are, yes, overweight and also got mad when I suggested fruit and yogurt for our office meetings (instead of the regular donuts and muffins). So, really, when I think about it - it probably doesn't matter what I do - they will always dislike my actions/suggestions/etc. Oh well.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Ask her when her surgery is...

    to remove the stick from her butt!!!!

  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I think she's jealous that you're so committed to your workout. My coworker and I are both exercising and watching our food to lose weight. We have the same size office space (mine only seems smaller because I do more of the paperwork side, and I'm taller than she is) but she has this app on her phone that you do push ups to, she started it and seeing her do it, encouraged me to start so we take time during the day to do our push ups. We found some ab/backside exercises that can be done in the office and we are planning to bring that into our daily work workout.

    That's awesome!!! Yay for supportive co-workers!
  • apmilano
    apmilano Posts: 2
    She's just a mean *****. I can't believe she is so stupid that she would say this and not realize its her own guilt. She's probably ugly too!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Some people are never happy! I have somehow ended up on someone's **list** for unknown reasons. She talks smack behind my back and is generally unpleasant. She had bariatric surgery, and I think it ticks her off that people praise my running and working out and my results and no one compliments her weight loss. Granted, I didn't have near the amount of weight to lose as she did, but people just don't compliment her. That makes me the new bad guy in the office.

    Shut your door. Do your workouts and ENJOY the rewards of your hard work. If the Veep doesn't mind, the office manager really can't do much about it!
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Jealous hater! It's going to feel that much better when you are at your goal weight, looking all FINE! Eff her!
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Who is she to say whether or not other people would feel comfortable in your office. Is she jumping to conclusions? How do you get along with the other people you work with? I know my bosses office is a good size and I wouldn't feel uncomfortable in there at all. But we have a good relationship.

    ^^ I "feel" like I have a good relationship with the other girls in my office. My BCW (best co-worker - instead of BFF...lol) is a marathoner - so I KNOW she's okay with it! The others are three older ladies that are, yes, overweight and also got mad when I suggested fruit and yogurt for our office meetings (instead of the regular donuts and muffins). So, really, when I think about it - it probably doesn't matter what I do - they will always dislike my actions/suggestions/etc. Oh well.

    well, there ya go! I bet these "ladies" have the same problem with your bcw??? something to think about.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    I would have replied "oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that exercising in an office which was provided to me, and not by choice - to take care of myself, ultimately making me a better employee with fewer sick days and a positive attitude would be a bad thing".
    But I'm a smart *kitten* like that :tongue:

    There's always someone in the crowd to try and rain on your parade !!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Is this woman overweight? I think she isnt jealous of your office, she IS jealous of YOU. Not your problem, she just made herself look like a total nutcase! When I see people work out, it makes me smile!

  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Your lunch hour = YOUR time, you can do whatever you like on it. Your office, same deal, she's a "negative nancy" and not worth wasting your frustration on. I am a graphic designer and once had a coworker (who was older and had been here longer) constantly say "gee...I sure wish I had time to try new things" whenever I did something "cool" (ie:better than her.) Just insecurity. I only have a half hour lunch, so I work out 3x a day, once in a 15 min burst outside my office, once for 30 mins at lunch, going up and down the stairs and once at 5:00 at the gym. You gotta do what you gotta do FOR YOU. Don't care one whit for the whiners.
  • Sounds like a power and control issue. If you have the green light from your boss - no need to stop what you are doing on your time. People......
  • Sounds like a case of jealous co-worker on a power trip. She sounds like a passive-aggressive b-word. I would say just ignore her if she doesn't have any direct jurisdiction over your job or your work space.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Some people are never happy! I have somehow ended up on someone's **list** for unknown reasons. She talks smack behind my back and is generally unpleasant. She had bariatric surgery, and I think it ticks her off that people praise my running and working out and my results and no one compliments her weight loss. Granted, I didn't have near the amount of weight to lose as she did, but people just don't compliment her. That makes me the new bad guy in the office.

    Shut your door. Do your workouts and ENJOY the rewards of your hard work. If the Veep doesn't mind, the office manager really can't do much about it!

    Well - you SHOULD be complimented on your success! You actually WORKED FOR IT! I'm sorry - I don't want to offend people that have had bariatric surgery - but to me it's the lazy way out! It does nothing to change your "lifestyle" at all. I have a friend that had the lap band and got down to a size 6. 2 years later she is almost back to her original weight before the procedure. It just won't work if you don't change your surroundings, choices, etc. Good for you though - being on someone's list just SUCKS!!
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Jealous hater! It's going to feel that much better when you are at your goal weight, looking all FINE! Eff her!

    OMG......I can't wait to get to my goal weight! Then I'll really be in TROUBLE! ;) LOl!
  • safhundos
    safhundos Posts: 1 Member
    Two oft used quotes for the 'office manager' 1) Life is not fair. 2) Sucks to be you.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I would have replied "oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that exercising in an office which was provided to me, and not by choice - to take care of myself, ultimately making me a better employee with fewer sick days and a positive attitude would be a bad thing".
    But I'm a smart *kitten* like that :tongue:

    There's always someone in the crowd to try and rain on your parade !!

    Oh, I wish I could say that! I think I'd really be in the dog house though! LOL! It's so true though!
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Your lunch hour = YOUR time, you can do whatever you like on it. Your office, same deal, she's a "negative nancy" and not worth wasting your frustration on. I am a graphic designer and once had a coworker (who was older and had been here longer) constantly say "gee...I sure wish I had time to try new things" whenever I did something "cool" (ie:better than her.) Just insecurity. I only have a half hour lunch, so I work out 3x a day, once in a 15 min burst outside my office, once for 30 mins at lunch, going up and down the stairs and once at 5:00 at the gym. You gotta do what you gotta do FOR YOU. Don't care one whit for the whiners.

    Look at you getting your workout in! Love it, I just hope nobody complains about your use of the stairs! LOL......:)
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Sounds like a power and control issue. If you have the green light from your boss - no need to stop what you are doing on your time. People......

    Sounds like a case of jealous co-worker on a power trip. She sounds like a passive-aggressive b-word. I would say just ignore her if she doesn't have any direct jurisdiction over your job or your work space.

    I totally agree! Thanks! :bigsmile: