Insanity Progress Pics ~ 6 weeks in (I would have quit)



  • Awesome job girl ! Keep it up ! I tried Insanity and it IS insane. I think I staye on the Dig Deeper Fit Test for like a month just to try and keep up wtih it lol your inspiring I need to break those DVD's back out and start up again ! I'm doing the all natural / organic Zeal Weight Management System and snacking/eating every 2hrs to keep up metabolism and REALLY need to add more cardio. So thanks for sharing (and motivating) & CONGRATS for not giving up !
  • Girl - you are making terrific progress!! Great job =D
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    That is awesome! Congrats on having the motivation to keep going! It is hard, but good things come to those who wait (and work HARD!)!!!

    I am in week 4 of P90x, and I too got discouraged by the lack of weight melting off. (Only down 3ish pounds) - But the measurements and the endurance have helped me stick with it. Even, inspired my hubby to join in the fun. :)
  • Good For You!!!!! That's great motivation! I hear people talk about it all the time. I join all of the classes at my gym because I can't wimp out in front of anyone. I'm afraid of working out at home, I may sit and just watch from the couch!!
  • First off, i commend you for not quitting. The results will come, just hang in there and give it your all. It's very typical to see results in the 2nd phase of the Insanity program (and P90X). I can definitely see your results. I am currently doing Insanity. I'm on week 2. This is my 2nd round of Insanity. I did the program the latter part of 2011 and received awesome results. I've decided to give it another round. i know what to expect so it's a little easier (mentally) this time. This cardio workout challenges you like you wouldn't believe and that's what I enjoy most. Currently, I'm a two-a-day'er; Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in the a.m. before work and Insanity when I get home in the evenings.......OMG, amazing results thus far; it's only been 2 1/2 weeks.

    Keep up the good work and DIG DEEPER!!!!!! :-)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    I can definitely see the difference!!! WOW :)

    Keep up the amazing work and most of all the amazing attitude!!!

    I am just starting a program, literally on Day 2 today, and I am hoping I can do half as well as you are doing :)

    Thanks and good luck. Just take it one day at a time and you'll be looking back at what you've accomplished before you know it!
    You look great! I want to start doing Insanity too, but it's so intimidating!
    Oh.Em.Gee. It is STILL intimidating! It took me a full year to bite the bullet and just do it.
    I looked at your pictures and though, "Seriously? She can't see a difference?" because they were blaring obvious to me.

    If you can say, "I am healthier today than I was last week, and last month, and last year" then in my book you have success. Once you complete the program you can always redo it if you want. Just be proud that you are so close to finishing something that so many people quit!

    I think it's because I'm looking at me everyday and aren't we are own worst critics? I am already planning round 2. You are so right - I am so much stronger, can actually do some push-ups, my endurance has improved, etc! Thanks again for the feedback!
    I definitely see a difference!

    I got to day 1 of month 2 of Insanity and had to stop due to a wrist injury. :sad:

    Bummer about the wrist injury! I have to wear wrist supports with all of these ridiculous different types of push-ups Shaun T comes up with!
    Way to go!!! I can totally see a difference! And I love the poster you put at the bottom. We are all here to reach our goals, and every step can be a struggle! So keep up the great work. I don't ever see myself being able to complete Insanity. I took the fit test, and although I suprised myself... I felt shaky and old and exhausted after it!

    Thanks! And that's about how you feel after each workout. And then you feel like, hey, I really just did that! :happy:
    I think you look great and I can definately see the progress. If you cant, girl you are CRAZY! :) I know how you feel with the frustration because I would have quit right along with you if I did not take before and during pictures, as the scale just does not move.
    Just keep going and keep digging, you got this already.
    And thank you for your motivational post. It is good to know someone shares the same frustrations that I do with this.

    Ha, thanks. It is so frustrating! I tell everyone - no matter how much you hate them, take pictures!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!
    You are CRUSHING this!
    Man - I have to kick it up a notch!

    Ahhhh! Thanks!
    I can see a big difference....good job girl!
    Amazing progress! Congrats on sticking to it and thank you for sharing!
    :flowerforyou: You have done a wonderful job girl! Proud of you

    Thank you guys so much!
    Huge mad props to you for your bravery! I can totally see the difference in your body. You are an inspiration!!!
    You are AMAZING and BRAVE and INSPIRING!

    And you may have convinced me to try Insanity too. :wink:
    Wow. Thank you for those words! This pumps me up even more! And DOOOOOO it!
    BIg Difference! Congrats! I added you, we have the same body type.
    I feel your pain! I'm on week 1 of month 2, and you're are right. It is a beast! I too was getting discouraged because I gained 4 lbs in the first month (forgot to take measurements). But I decided to hang in there until the end as a lot of people have indicated that they didn't lose weight until they were in the second month. I'll see how it goes....

    Keep it up. I can absolutely see a difference. Great commitment!

    Thanks. I always think it helps to see people with similar bodies. We'll knock this out!
  • Seriously, it's just that you see yourself every day. I, too, can see a nice change in your pictures. You *are* making progress, I promise. Good Job!

    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow as I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate up with my regular gym classes right now; I need to change up my workouts.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    yu can defately see a differne on most areas stomach and definately the back angle- maybe your not seeing it so much. Insanity is an amazing workout- I loved it so much and am looking to do it again. I did insanity followed it like a bible and the change in my stamina and body was amazing. I dont have a 6 pack (far from it) but my tummy looks so difference to before you can see i've lost a fair bit of excess fat. In total I lost 10lbs but 14.5cms, so please keep with it. Just think how much fitter you will be after pushing your body to that extreme.

    I am now on phase 2 of p90x, the intensity is alot less as I felt insanity was a sweat fest (i felt pysically sick after some of those workouts) p90x is more for inches loss/ toning but I am hoping to start to define my body shape.

    Great working girl- keep up the good work!

    Thanks! It's like you can actually watch yourself get better and stronger!
    You are looking great! I know what you mean though, over the winter I lost about 30 pounds but *I* couldn't see it, because it was so gradual. Looking at photos I can tell, but just me looking in the mirror every day, no, I can't really tell. Unfortunately I let myself slip up the past several months and gained back about half what I had lost. So now I'm here, seeing great motivational posts like this! Thank you for having the guts to post 'so far outside your comfort zone' !!
    *mad props*
    Girl - you are making terrific progress!! Great job =D
    I can totally see the difference! Thank you so much for all your encouraging words to us out here that are struggling. I feel just like you did. But I did not take any before pics. I guess I should start taking them so that when it is my turn, I can encourage folks just the way you did! I am so encouraged by your pics Thank you!

    Thank you all! And definitely take pics now; they help!
    Awesome job girl ! Keep it up ! I tried Insanity and it IS insane. I think I staye on the Dig Deeper Fit Test for like a month just to try and keep up wtih it lol your inspiring I need to break those DVD's back out and start up again ! I'm doing the all natural / organic Zeal Weight Management System and snacking/eating every 2hrs to keep up metabolism and REALLY need to add more cardio. So thanks for sharing (and motivating) & CONGRATS for not giving up !

    That is awesome! Congrats on having the motivation to keep going! It is hard, but good things come to those who wait (and work HARD!)!!!

    I am in week 4 of P90x, and I too got discouraged by the lack of weight melting off. (Only down 3ish pounds) - But the measurements and the endurance have helped me stick with it. Even, inspired my hubby to join in the fun. :)

    Thanks. I am definitely about sticking to it.
    Good For You!!!!! That's great motivation! I hear people talk about it all the time. I join all of the classes at my gym because I can't wimp out in front of anyone. I'm afraid of working out at home, I may sit and just watch from the couch!!

    Yep, that's me. I :love: BodyCombat at my gym and miss it like crazy! I wasn't sure about sticking to this because I'm such a gym-goer. My ultimate goal is to actually train to teach BodyCombat, and I hope Insanity gives me the endurance and push to get there! (set a resolution to do it in 2012!)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    First off, i commend you for not quitting. The results will come, just hang in there and give it your all. It's very typical to see results in the 2nd phase of the Insanity program (and P90X). I can definitely see your results. I am currently doing Insanity. I'm on week 2. This is my 2nd round of Insanity. I did the program the latter part of 2011 and received awesome results. I've decided to give it another round. i know what to expect so it's a little easier (mentally) this time. This cardio workout challenges you like you wouldn't believe and that's what I enjoy most. Currently, I'm a two-a-day'er; Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in the a.m. before work and Insanity when I get home in the evenings.......OMG, amazing results thus far; it's only been 2 1/2 weeks.

    Keep up the good work and DIG DEEPER!!!!!! :-)

    Oh, thanks! I am thinking about doing a hybrid of Insanity and Brazilian Butt Lift for my next round. Congrats to you!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Seriously, it's just that you see yourself every day. I, too, can see a nice change in your pictures. You *are* making progress, I promise. Good Job!

    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow as I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate up with my regular gym classes right now; I need to change up my workouts.

    Thanks and good luck to you!
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    You are doing awesome. Keep pushing play & dig deeper girl because there is a definitely a difference. You should definitely be proud. Great job sticking to it. We can do this.
  • amylou1977
    amylou1977 Posts: 41 Member
    your tightening up I can see it
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    You are doing awesome. Keep pushing play & dig deeper girl because there is a definitely a difference. You should definitely be proud. Great job sticking to it. We can do this.

    Thanks. We've definitely got this!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    your tightening up I can see it

    appreciate the feedback. Hoping it all comes together over the next couple of weeks!
  • rachelleygirl9009
    rachelleygirl9009 Posts: 8 Member
    I literally just ordered it. I'm so nervous about trying it. How well do you do on the nutritional part? That's the part I always struggle with.
  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    Great job! I can definitely see a difference. You'll be even more awesome when you finish! Props to you!!!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    keep up the great work! it is paying off!!
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Great job!!!

    And I love the quote at the end!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Of course I can see the difference! You're doing amazing! I'm so glad you didn't give up and just think about how proud you'll be of yourself when you've finished and you can say wow, I did it.
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