Hi! Trying this out because WW is too expensive. :/



  • stacey522004
    stacey522004 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me for support! :)
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    Nana gave some very good advice there. Add the sodium option to your diary because that is not automatically added to it and speaking of sodium just a heads up, the Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines are loaded with sodium. Also as she mentioned the info on here is added by other MFP members so if you doubt the information that is entered, be sure to check it out. I was also a WW member but the reason I left is because I hated going to the meetings and I did not like the group recognition, just felt when I lost weight and got recognized, it was the leaders job to do it and the group had to applaud because they were there... I love the individual encouragement I get from my friends here on MFP. Good luck with your journey and hope you find it as motivating as I have. :smile:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there !

    Sorry to hear that WW wasn't working for you ...... better luck here, of course ...... remember, we get out of it what we put into it !

    Happy losing :drinker:
  • stargirl11
    stargirl11 Posts: 2 Member
    hi everyone!
    Call me Mona. I am from Toronto, Canada. In my 20 somethings.

    A newbie on MFP! So far loving it. Just something about it, and can't help but love that it's FREE :D
    Am going to be ditching WW actually.

    Starting off on a new journey in rediscovering myself. I need all the friends and support that I can.
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    Good choice. At the end of the day, WW exists for profit . . . if everyone lost the weight, WW would go out of business ;)

    ^^^ Winner for the post of the day goes to ^^^
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    Welcome!! Im new too, add me if you want a work out or support buddy!
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    Hello. :) I'm Jeanine. I have been on WW since the new points change for a month and a half now and can't seem to get over the 5lb mark... This is the second time I've given their new Points Plus program a shot. Before they changed the system and I tried it a few years ago I was able to lose weight easier with the original program. I'm following it exactly but it just doesn't seem to be for me anymore.

    Plus, it's $40/mo just for the meetings and e-tools! I also buy their snacks at every meeting and even the Smart Ones dinners sometimes so that adds up to quite a lot also, considering I'm 19 and money is tight for me.

    So here I am, after hearing so much about MFP. I am hoping that I can track and start to lose the weight without having to spend so much money that I really don't have right now.

    Does anyone have some tips for me about this program? I tracked my food for the day... Today was a bad one. But I still managed to stay under even though the food choices suck.

    I used to use WW too; but this is even better and the support you get on the message boards are better too. Best of luck!!
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    MFP it to WW as Google is to Microsoft
  • macsgirl526
    Love it here.I droppped ww as this is much easier than the points.PLUS now my huub has joined and uses this site and is losing weight.He wouldn't do ww as it was too confusing for him. I am down 8 in less than a mth and he is down 15. :)
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    You have read from a bunch of us here on MFP that we dumped WW as well... this site is WW and more.. except you don't get all the whining! I love it here.. have made some GREAT friends and plan on hanging on for years to come.. Even WHEN I am done with my weight goal. I too, was only in this for a few pounds.. and lost them.. now I am venturing further.. It's not all about weight loss as it is about lifestyle.. You can log in EVERYTHING.. or not.. it's up to you.

    Find a good group to join up with... have fun... relax and ENJOY...
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    My recommendation to you is find some friends who are going about weight loss the right way and stay away from the ppl who are consuming too few calories. Also, everybody's and "expert" on here but the bottom line is you gotta figure out what works for YOU. And keep it simple! I just came from a forum post and how many cals someone is supposed to be consuming and even I got confused and I'm an old pro at weight loss! I lost my weight in the 80s, gained a little back with a failed pregnancy in 1996 and have kept it off since! Welcome and I'm sending a request! :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Good choice. At the end of the day, WW exists for profit . . . if everyone lost the weight, WW would go out of business ;)

    ^^^ Winner for the post of the day goes to ^^^

    AGREED!! ^^
  • rocketqueen81
    I did the same. I started with WW, then I used both for awhile, then eventually just transitioned to MFP all the way and cancelled WW. I was apprehensive at first, but after using both I found I like MFP much better, and it has given me much better results. It is SO much easier and quicker to track foods, you can find almost ANYTHING in the MFP database. Also logging exercise is much more motivating with MFP than with WW, as you can really see the calorie effects when you work harder, where with WW it's pretty unclear. It has worked great for me, and the info and support here is much better. Plus you can't beat free. :happy:
    Good luck!
  • Disneyfan05
    Disneyfan05 Posts: 38 Member
    I have done WW a million times. In 2007 I lost 20 pounds. I know everyone says if you work the plan the plan works, but I am going to give calorie counting a try. I just need to be consistant with my tracking. I couldn't pay the 42.95 since I lost my job. That made me feel depressed and I just didn't care anymore. Now I have a new job starting this fall and want to lose some weight before then and continue on from there.
    I need all the support I can get too.
  • reteed
    reteed Posts: 22 Member
    I also am a former WW member. After a friend recommended this site to me, I quit WW and used that money for a family membership at our local fitness center. WW is a wonderful program ..... but I am doing so much better with MFP.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I've done this for over 330 days. On a budget and started when I was unemployed. Lots of friends were doing medical weight loss and meal plans, no cash for that for sure. Joining a gym was totally out of the question, so I made do with what I did have, which was a new pair of tennis shoes, an iPod, and the will to change the way I felt.

    I invested in myself, through research, and watching the changes in my body and on the scales. I would add foods about every three weeks, see if they made a change in weight. Because I'm a volume eater, I picked foods that I already liked and could eat a lot of that didn't have a lot of calories.

    Check out my blog in May 2012 for all of the things I learned over the almost year I've been sticking with MFP. I haven't missed a day in logging since I signed up, and really I would be lost in the details if I didn't have this wonderful service---FOR FREE!

    Best of luck to you! Eat smart!! :) You can do this! Really you can do this!
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    Oh, you guys are so awesome... I am overwhelmed by how fantastic the advice and support has been just in the hour since I've joined! I think I'm gonna like it here. :drinker:
  • jskill88
    jskill88 Posts: 5
    Welcome! I did weight watchers a few years ago and it worked, but like you the monthly fee just really seemed to be adding up. I am down 17 pounds since May 22 on MFP. The community on here is very supportive and it will work it you concentrate on your food choices and exercise. I think you will find everything you need here, the calorie trackers, exercse trackers, group support, and motivation....all for free! Yeah!
  • sunnybug90
    sunnybug90 Posts: 58
    this site is great! I can track my calories and see where I go wrong and what to cut out and it helps me make smarter choices and its all free!

    I tried WW with my mom once and I couldnt stand it. I'm glad I have this place, I've only been here a week and I've lost 4 pounds :) good luck! you can add me for support if you'd like
  • Sharlene113
    Sharlene113 Posts: 52 Member
    I never tried ww because it's expensive. I weigh for the first time tomorrow so wish me luck. I really like this site and it keeps me accountable, not only to myself, but my buddies. Good luck! Exercise seems to be the key. I LOVE Zumba! Dance/aerobics works for me, and love the music with it. I usually drink more water during the day while exercising, too. You'll do great!