Does anyone else HATE exercising?



  • metzgvi
    metzgvi Posts: 2
    I absolutely hate exercising but I used to love it. I cannot figure who when the change tookplace from love to hate . . . :(
  • thoroneil
    thoroneil Posts: 96 Member
    lol tie something that you really like doing into your workout. Yes most people dislike working out because it doesn't show much progress.. but finding something too tie in that you like too do in to your workout helps you find it more fun.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Jillian videos got me started and I had fun doing them. I then ended up running and I listen to talk radio or an audio book, before you know it, It's been an hour and you're so in to what you're listening to that you really want to continue. I hate stopping, such an inconvenience. Before I started running, I would walk inclines while watching the first few seasons of Dexter and the 2 seasons of Rome and Carnivale. Before I knew it, I was running and wearing a headset.

    Find what you like and what you like to listen to or watch.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    If you find an activity that you really enjoy, you won't hate it. On the contrary, you'll have trouble stopping yourself from doing it. Don't feel compelled to do what everyone else is doing either.

    ^^This...if you're doing something you hate you won't be doing it long. If you like to dance....make time to dance around the room like a lunatic every day, or take a walk after work, climb a tree if that's what floats your long as you move!
  • jonelaw
    jonelaw Posts: 28
    It doesn't make you feel good? Energized? Relaxed and happy afterwards? If it doesn't, then maybe you're doing the wrong thing or (in all honesty) not pushing yourself hard enough.

    Sorry, I'm shaking my head over here, exercise makes me feel like a million bucks and I can't understand why anyone would hate it. I will admit that its sometimes hard to get started, but you never regret exercising.

    Hope you can find something you like.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    We definitely have a love hate relationship
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I hate being fat more.
    So I find a way to move my butt: gym, DVD, getting outside.

    ^^ This ^^

    Find something you enjoy doing. You don't have to sit on a treadmill counting down from 60 minutes. Walk around the mall, take flights of stairs. Anything that causes you to MOVE MORE!! =)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I used to hate exercising till I found something I loved to do and started working out at home with dvds. When you're having fun, you look forward to the workout instead of looking at it like a chore. And you can get just as great results, even better if you do the right program, at home as you do at the gym!
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I haven't had a car in over 3 years. I walk everywhere which counts and I live in a hilly area. I try to get faster. Also trying to get into cycling.

    I can't afford a gym membership either. But I do workout videos at home. I also have dumbbells and have just started using them to do the stronglifts 5x5 programme. I do the mini challenges on here and also do other calisthenics as well throughout the day. I like it cos I can do them while watching telly. As I get bored easily this is a good option for me.
  • You and I are in the same boat. I did about 30 minutes of just stretching. I also can't afford a gym or a car.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Nope, I don't hate it. If you hate it: you're doing it wrong.

    Find something new and different. There's deals on Groupon or Living Social for various classes like Martial Arts and Zumba (to save $$ and not join a gym).

    There's also specials out there for gyms. I landed a great deal for a gym in February ($30/month) and that's a RARE price in the Boston area. That includes unlimited classes.

    There's also plenty of things you can do that are FREE. Go on a hike. Volunteer at a program locally (teaching kid's programs or games--maybe through a local rec department).

    Keep it interesting and you will not be bored.

    Also, if you have Netflix instant (cheaper per month compared to the DVD one) you can watch endless DVDs--including fitness DVDs you can do at home). :)
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    If I don't find it entertaining, I won't stick to it. You have to find exercises that you LOVE. I started off using my Xbox 360 Kinect. I have a huge interest in video games, so it was a prefect fit for me. I believe I lost about 35 - 40 lbs using that on and off over a years time.

    When I got a new job they offered a deep employee discount at the local YMCA and I saw that Zumba was a free class, so I decided to try it. I freaking LOVE it! I've been doing it for about two months now and I've lost about 12 lbs.

    I'm a big believer that you have to enjoy exercise or you'll eventually forget your goals. I hope you find something that you really enjoy doing! Good luck on your journey!
  • jonelaw
    jonelaw Posts: 28
    I can't undertstand people who love to exercise! I do feel good when it's done but have never been one of those people who can't wait to get to the gym or crave exericse! Maybe I haven't found what I like yet but I don't know what else to try at this point!!
  • marybess79
    marybess79 Posts: 12
    I hate exercising because I get bored. While exercising the time goes by sooo slow.. but I do want to lose weight so Im trying my best to do cardio every day. :smile:
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I wouldn't say I hate exercising, but I get bored easily. I also have trouble focusing and wind up losing interest.
  • burritonobeans
    burritonobeans Posts: 1 Member
    Well, exercise is something you do everyday, wether you're walking somewhere or running up the stairs because you really have to pee. You just need to do something that you enjoy (like dancing, running, or climbing) and just keep doing it. After a while you get used to exercising and your body starts to feel weird if you don't do it, that's what happens to me!
  • Zoesmum025
    Zoesmum025 Posts: 37
    I'd love to exercise! Whenever I see adverts for that 'Insanity' workout it reminds me that once upon a time I would have been able to do that (seriously) but since Rheumatoid Disease even if I was as thin as a stick most days I wouldn't be able for it all.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    Change things up and you shouldn't get bored. Being overweight and self conscious feels way worse than working out!
  • laurak56
    laurak56 Posts: 14
    I am not a fan. But I do it. I need to do it. You don't need a gym. The hardest part of exercising is getting your foot out the door. Or getting up off the couch. Walking is amazing. You can listen to music or hear the sounds of the city or smell the countryside (err..maybe that wouldn't be so sweet!). Once you get up and get out the door just keep going. You will find that you feel so much better when it is over and I am sure a smile will ensue. And it doesn't cost a penny! Good luck!
  • TallyGal97
    TallyGal97 Posts: 80 Member
    I don't enjoy gyms at all. But I love taking my evening walks along the water, so peaceful.