Zumba class - anybody takes zumba classes?

Yesterdya when I went to the YMCA for my regular swimming routine. I noticed they were dancing and when I looked at the group exercise schedule the name of what they were doing was a zumba class. I have thought about taking some dancing at home so tomorrow I'm taking the first step and trying to add zumba dance class to my exercise routine. It looks pretty strenous. I hope it's not too hard on my knees. That's going to be my biggest concern.

I'd love to hear what you have to suggest since tomorrow will be first routine and what I should be on the lookout for (i.e. I'm planning on bringing my water bottle to stay hydrated).

Scott :drinker:


  • mhuch110
    mhuch110 Posts: 130 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA!! Bring a towel (you'll sweat like crazy!) and water. Don't be worried about keeping up with the instructor...hardly anyone can, especially beginners. Just do what you can and slow down if you need to. As long as you stay moving, you'll be fine! I hope you love it as much as I do! It's a great workout! Good luck!
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member
    I go to Zumba with my wife.

    I played Hockey, Football and was pretty athletic in H.S.; trying to lose weight now obviously *snickers*

    I find it very challenging, we have a pretty gung-ho instructor, and I think that makes all the difference.

    Yes.. I shake my groove thang and get a massive work out and feel like I've run a 5k after 20 minutes, yet... I do it for another 40 min! *dies*
  • I do! I do!!! And I love it!! They also have Aqua Zumba which might be better on your knees. :) But, yes, it's a great workout. I always enjoy going to classes and leave dripping like I got out of the shower. =)
  • it is AWESOME!!!!
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Definitely a great work out, I do it all the time. I know a woman who is a Zumba instructor. She has stopped doing it everyday though because her joints have been aching. I have been doing it about three times a week. My knees tend to hurt after an hour, So i've decided to cut it down to maybe 30 minutes every other day. I just don't want to hurt my body. Make sure to do the beginners cd's so you can learn the moves correctly. Other than that, Zumba is a wonderful work out. :)
  • Depending on your fitness level, you can burn up to 800 calories in an hour (e.g. higher jumps and lower squats = more calories burned). However, most hover in the 400-600/hour. Like another commentator wrote, don't feel discouraged or embarrassed if you struggle. It takes time and eventually you learn everything pretty well. Every instructor and routine is different, so you may want to try a couple different instructors. I like to mix it in to diversify my cardio and confuse my muscles a bit. Plus it helps when you hit a real dance floor. :) Enjoy!
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    I just started last week and have gone to two classes now, I love it! I am not really once for dance or exercise classes but it is so fun.

    Definitely take plenty of water and a towel. I was a little worried about my knees too but haven't had any issues. You can modify the movements for you as you go along, plenty of people do.
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I have taken my first Zumba class and I looked like an idiot. BUT I WILL GO BACK. Do not worry if you do not keep up, do not worry if you are not on beat, do not worry if you can not jump around like them. My knees are on the tender side because of my weight right now but I had fun. I have heard it takes about 5 classes to get it down. You are there to better yourself and if the others around you can not see that, they can go fly a kite.
    I have had moments of wanting to cry in class cause I can not keep up or because I look in the mirror and see my belly but one day I will look in that mirror and be proud of what these classes have done for me.
    Dance and have fun and go back again :)
  • Lovette_7
    Lovette_7 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, I am a ZUMBA finatic!! I love it! It is fun and you burn alot of calories. My advice to you would be to go at your own pace until you learn the routine. Be sure to take a water bottle and towel. Enjoy!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I spent 30 years of my life REFUSING to dance... until I met zumba!!! I love it! So much fun.

    Take your water, and as someone else suggested- a towel. You will leave drenched.

    It can be very strenuous/ high-impact... but it doesn't have to be. If you can't jump- don't! Just keep moving. As one of my favorite instructor's says: "There is no left or right, right or wrong in zumba. You pick your flavor." (flavor- as in level) Most instructors will dance a low impact version of the moves- and then progress into the high impact for those able/willing.

    HAVE FUN!!!! (You will.)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I've been looking at Zumba on you tube and as soon as I get everything hooked up to my TV I will be doing zumba in my living room.
  • I love Zumba. I had trouble with a knee and did Auqua Zumba last summer before surgery. My instructor tells us how to make the workout harder. You chose what type of workout you want. Time flies by when you do Zumba.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    ZUMBA is amazing! There are different levels so I am not sure how the classes are that you will be taking but I will tell you it is def a workout at any level!

    I have a bad knee and a bad ankle and sometimes they get aggrivated by the routines but I have realized pace is everything if they are doing a move that I know is to much for my ankle as I have bad rotation I will just do something similar. The key is to just keep moving. And moderation is also big for people with knee anle issues. I was doing Zumba 3-4 times a week and I really did myself in. I am now doing it 2 days a week. Mon and Thurs and swimming two days a week as it's low impact with good calorie burn.
    Hope that helps! Best of luck to you!!
  • Love Zumba, you definitely want to bring water and a towel. Also you want to wear good supportive shoes. I have to wear orthotics, but it hurt to wear them for Zumba, so I bought some gel arch support insoles and they helped a lot. When I did Zumba, I wore my knee brace for extra support and that seemed to help.
    I had knee surgery and switched to Aqua Zumba and I love it even more than regular Zumba.
  • dznygrl70
    dznygrl70 Posts: 9 Member
    I tried it for the first time last week and although I loved it, won't be able to go back anytime soon. I have a herniated disk and my back started spasming when I got home from the gym that night. It still doesn't feel "right" yet, although I've been able to go back to the elliptical without additional problems.

    I was so disappointed, it was really fun! Maybe in another few months. Until then, back to water aerobics and elliptical for me.
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member

    I usually bring a towel when I go to the wellness room to workout. Can't believe I didn't think of bringing a towel. Thanks for the advice. I was noticing that several people were not in unison to the instructor and I'll be one of those tomorrow. I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish the whole routine, but if not I'm not going to sweat it (LOL). I loved the music when I was listening to it. I just purchased a couple of other exercise videos today (one by the Biggest Loser and another by Ann Jillian) to add to my arsenal. Between the three different variety of aerobic exercises it's going to be nice to switch off every now and then to stay at home and workout rather than heading over to the Y every day to workout.

  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member

    I noticed on the schedule that there were different instructors. So that should keep the program pretty entertaining and I think they meet every other day. From the sounds of it, it must be pretty good because they've just added an evening class as well.

  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I have but I sweat more on my treadmill and p90x yoga...
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    modify if you need to.. i have bad knees.. i don't do any move that requires me to jump with both feet off the ground.. (jumping jack like things).. i just keep moving doing what i can.. and faking what i cant!
  • caseyjade88
    caseyjade88 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm starting Zumba next week!!! I can't wait. But I don't think we're going to have an instructor. I think it's just a bunch of us gathering in a room, doing Zumba with a DVD. Guess I'll find out! :)