Low Carb Makes me Dizzy...

While I haven't exactly stuck to a diet for too long, I did try doing the whole 'low carb' thing a while back, because everyone seemed so sure it was something healthy to do. Well, after trying to put up with it for two/three weeks, I finally have to give up that idea because it seemed that if I didn't have some sort of grain in my diet, I'd get dizzy or feel like I was going to hurl during the day :(

What are some of your thoughts on the manner? And is it just grain-y carbs you cut out, or even ones in fruit? (cause i have a hard time believing that fruit will ever be a bad thing for me) Or do you say the low carb is just a big hoax?

I worked at a hospital for a while, and talked to the dietitian there. She informed me that low carb does help lose weight, but it's mostly lean tissue, that it was not a healthy life style to go for.


  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137
    It's called the carb flu and it basically is your body changing fuel sources from carbs to fat and protein. It will eventually pass if you can hang in there. For some it lasts a couple days, for others a couple weeks.

    I cut out grains and legumes but I eat some fruit every now and then. I don't think it's a hoax as my progress indicated below is a testament to a low carb lifestyle change. Some like myself swear by it, others not so much. Truthfully, you should do whatever works best for you.

    I've never heard of low carb making you lose lean tissue; lean tissue being fast twitch muscle right? The only complaint I've really ever heard of was "All that meat will cause cancer,high blood pressure, diabetes etc." which I don't believe at all.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    If you don't feel you can do low carb, but are concerned about how many carbs you are eating, then go for lower carb. I get about 100g/day and focus on fruits and vegetables with a few lower carb substitutions for tortillas, bread and baking mix. It works well for me and others I know. You just have to find what works for you and what you can live with forever.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I did the aitkins diet once and got so sick...wanted to get sick all the time...it was horrible...so I know how you feel, I still watch my carbs but make sure they are good, I've cut out bread for the most part but still eat lots of fruit .....i've cut out all pasta , muffins, bread and still feel good! :) then again I think I'm gluten intolerant so I feel better not eating grains. when i eat grains I feel horrible too. :P
  • super_b_star
    super_b_star Posts: 48 Member
    Is there a number or anything that you try to keep your carbs around or under?
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Your body (especially your brain) needs glucose to function. For most people there is nothing wrong with consuming carbs in the form of whole grains, fruits and veggies. Baring allergies or other food sensitivities, I personally don't believe in eliminating entire food groups from my diet.

    A balanced diet is a healthy diet.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    In the end, you gotta do what's best for your body.

    It could be the keto flu, as ipag said, and you'll get it again if you fall off the wagon. Your body, after a lifetime of eating carbs, is getting shocked. Give it time to get adjusted. I promise, if you'll keep on, it gets TONS better.

    In my experience, low carb is the best option for me. I was well on the way to inheriting my family's diabetes because I am a carb addict. Sugar, breads, even mass amounts of fruit were the things I constantly binged on. After the first few weeks of the change of my diet, it got better. Everything "clicked," and I no longer crave those things. HUGE pro, I no longer over eat. With the amount of fat/protein I eat, I have learned to pay better attention to when my body is satisfied. I no longer eat until I hate myself. HUGE drawback for me: I'm not sure if I like beer that much anymore. And I just started homebrewing in January >.<

    Anyway, I've been in ketosis for 51 days straight! Just drink plenty of water, and you'll be fine.

    If you feel like you are hopelessly addicted to carbs like pasta, bread, and sweets, keep giving it a try. If you aren't able to eat a cupcake without fueling a day long sugar binge (like me), it might be the best thing you could do for your body.

    If you feel like a low carb diet isn't sustainable (gotta have your whole grains and eat fruit), then PLEASE don't do it. Don't lose all that weight if you're just going to go back to carb happy lifestyle. You will gain it all back.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Is there a number or anything that you try to keep your carbs around or under?

    I keep mine under 20g a day.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    couple of years ago i went low carb,the only carb i allowed myself were fruit and veggies.i lost 30 pounds in 3 months.But then i have 10 pounds to lose now,i dont seem to be able to survive of low carb.i do a 45:35:20-carb to protein to fat ratio now,i am able to sustain this for long.going lower than that makes me dizzy and nauseous and then i binge-to avoid that i just found a comfortable spot for my body to sustain easily.
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    Seems like a ridiculous diet to me. Carbs = fuel. You need carbs, if you don't get enough carbs, you are depriving yourself of energy. To get energy your body has to burn fat or eat its own muscle and bones to make up for it. Why would anyone in the world do that? It is called starvation. Grains and legumes are exactly what you should eat. Complex carbs are good for you. The only carbs you need to cut on are simple carbs. 20g a day? I would be worried about my health.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Seems like a ridiculous diet to me. Carbs = fuel. You need carbs, if you don't get enough carbs, you are depriving yourself of energy. To get energy your body has to burn fat or eat its own muscle and bones to make up for it. Why would anyone in the world do that? It is called starvation. Grains and legumes are exactly what you should eat. Complex carbs are good for you. The only carbs you need to cut on are simple carbs. 20g a day? I would be worried about my health.

    Actually, you receive fuel from your fat stores while in ketosis. And you're right about the body needing to burn fat or it'll burn muscle. That's why you need to have more fat in your diet. Cool side effect of more fat? Easier to stay full longer, therefore easier to stay in a caloric deficit.

    It's not just a OMG BACON CHEESE diet. It's taught me that I need to eat LESS processed junk and MORE dark, leafy greens. How is that unhealthy? :D
  • super_b_star
    super_b_star Posts: 48 Member
    Has anyone here ever talked to a doctor about this type of dieting? Or was this adventured on your own?
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    It's recommended by doctors for numerous things: diabetes, hypoglycemia, IBS, and in some cases, seizures in children. It's not for everyone, though. If it is working for you, then that's up to you and your doctor to discuss. Mine thinks that it's a step in the right direction, even after thinking initially it was unhealthy. Bloodwork can't lie!

    ETA: If you're a redditor, look at the /r/keto subreddit. Very inspiring!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    If you don't feel you can do low carb, but are concerned about how many carbs you are eating, then go for lower carb. I get about 100g/day and focus on fruits and vegetables with a few lower carb substitutions for tortillas, bread and baking mix. It works well for me and others I know. You just have to find what works for you and what you can live with forever.

    ^^ This. I try to stay around 100g per day.
  • isinc2003
    isinc2003 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a degree in Nutrition and Alternative medicine as well as working on my medical license in Oriental Medicine, this does not make me an expert at all. What I can tell you is the diets that work and the ones that don't. First off I believe that the wheat in our diets is garbage! its Genetically Modified and the Ill effects are only now barely being realized. There will be no studies anytime soon to prove this theory.. big Corps are too powerful for that.. Now a low carb of 100grams a day can come from just anything not processed... so of course no pasta, pizza, etc.. but there will be cheat meals! so let it be just one Micheal a day.. don't go over board. I cheated one day in my efforts and have not lost any weight in a week! I'm down 15 with about 20 or 30 to go.. Now if you want amazingly fast results you will lose weight like crazy with weight training and keeping your calories in check here.. More fats will need to be brought in as well as protein from all clean sources, Headaches after no gluten (wheat) are very common .. u may even be allergic and not know it. Rice , potatoes , beans of any kind will be great. Just no Wheat ! fats should be from nuts of all kinds .. Almond , sunflower , pistachio.. are just yummy.. Your vegetables can be a great low carb source.. Squash is my favorite in season now.. Cauliflower , salads. etc.. If your really interested in clean eating.. consider a diet similar to the Chinese .. ! they have been doing it right for thousands of years!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Seems like a ridiculous diet to me. Carbs = fuel. You need carbs, if you don't get enough carbs, you are depriving yourself of energy. To get energy your body has to burn fat or eat its own muscle and bones to make up for it. Why would anyone in the world do that? It is called starvation. Grains and legumes are exactly what you should eat. Complex carbs are good for you. The only carbs you need to cut on are simple carbs. 20g a day? I would be worried about my health.

    Glucose/Ketones = Fuel.

    Strictly speaking, ATP = Fuel.

    And your body can make enough of it naturally without cannibalising lean muscle or bones.

    The brain needs glucose (which the body will fulfill quite happily) and everything else runs just fine without it.

    To the OP, add in some salt to your diet ... a broth kind of thing. It'll pass.

    Grains and legumes are exactly what you should eat? Don't get me started on leaky gut syndrome and auto-immune diseases ...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Has anyone here ever talked to a doctor about this type of dieting? Or was this adventured on your own?

    I would imagine that if I talked to the average doctor about coconut oil they'd spout off about it being 'high in saturated fat and it should be minimised'.

    Nah, I think I'll just listen to my body thanks.
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    Sounds like you might be hypoglycemic
  • icanhaztp
    icanhaztp Posts: 23 Member
    If you're on low carb and you find yourself feeling dizzy, it is usually due to low electrolytes (salt, potassium). A sprinkle of salt with each glass of water will usually do the trick.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Read what Lyle Mcdonald has to say.
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    Has anyone here ever talked to a doctor about this type of dieting? Or was this adventured on your own?

    Yup. Just this week. On week 4 of low carb... I was working out 2 hours a day in bootcamp, eating 1600 cals a day and the scale never moved. I felt deprived. When vacations came up, I freaked out at what I would eat. I had rollercoaster rides during the day as a teacher at work after eating all my healthy, low fat low cal meals. Horrible. And no, my fasting blood sugar was not high. It was high-normal. But still... normal.

    The first two weeks of low carb, I felt like CRAP. I mean CRAP. I was always tired, my workouts were horribly difficult... But it my eating did not suffer. I enjoyed foods I would have never eaten and started to lose weight... even when I would over-eat my calories.

    Most of what comes off at first is water weight, since the sugar binds to water. You pee it out. I started feeling EXCELLENT week three. Then went to a bday party and are cake. I was sick feeling, instantly bloated and gassy. Decided to throw in the towel and have some pulled pork nachos and a candy bar. Felt even worse. Had to take gas x, couldn't sleep. For two days I felt horrible. Then all those symptoms I had in the first two weeks came back. In the end, not worth it to cheat. I ate the cake so I didn't seem weird... but now I know what sugar and carbs do to me. For me, it's going to be a health choice.

    Anyway, my doc was fine with low carb. Told me to make sure I eat plenty of meat. FYI, if you don't eat high fat you WILL burn off muscle. So I eat plenty of fat... including coconut oil. I always feel satisfied and I noticed I can now eat MORE calories and not gain weight. Now that that water weight is gone, I am losing a lb a week - which is perfectly fine with me and seems healthy. All my carbs are from fresh veggies for the most part. Sometimes berries.

    Everyone has a different body. There is research backing up low carb. There are doctors that hate it. I tried Atkins when I was 19 and passed out. Now I just aim for any carbs I want and my daily total is under 30. I no longer crave junk food. It's the best thing that has happened to me with food... no more guilt and obsession!

    With this being said, I get very very tired in the first few weeks and I get very very sick feeling when I workout. But today we did all cardio for a long time and I felt GREAT!! My body adjusted to burning the fat I eat, and now it seems I am way more even keel and my workouts are usually a tad bit better! Not to mention... my muscle definition is AMAZING since I started low-carbing. It's almost like it builds faster or something.

    Not everyone will agree with what I said, but it's my story. I even have blood work being done to make sure all is good and well. I'm pretty positive that it will still be good (it was good before low carb, too).

    Add me if you want... diary open to friends. :)