Weird Little Habits that Help



  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,036 Member
    I take the stairs whenever I can. I keep a pair of flats under my desk for that reason.
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    I work in a home office, so I propped my keyboard on top of a box so that I can work standing up.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I surf the net naked to boost my metabolism.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    I do counter pushups while I cook...

    Whenever I go out to eat, I ask the waiter to put 1/2 in a to go box right away.

    Omg !!! *Idea stolen!* This is so smart!
    I've also taken a lot of ideas that all of you do as habits. Smart ideas here!
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I have WAY too many!

    - Weigh myself every morning! This keeps me motivated.
    - Pack my lunch for work before going to bed.
    - Log my breakfast and lunch for the next day before going to bed.
    - Cut up all fruit and veggies when I get home from the supermarket.
    - Drink a decaf coffee or tea at night while watching TV.
    - Choose the furthest parking spot and jog to the building.
    - Listen to grungy music on my ipod when lifting weights.
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    bump for more ideas!
  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member
    1. When I'm working (teacher) I cook all my meals on Monday and fix a plate for lunches for each day (we're off Monday).

    2. Automatically half meals when I eat out.

    3. Toe lifts while my lunch warms in the microwave.

    4. Eat from a breakfast plate and no refills.

  • bguti123
    bguti123 Posts: 11 Member
    I drink a glass of water as soon as i wake up. I leave on my night table so it is the first thing i do, then hit the restroom.
  • trish1206
    trish1206 Posts: 8
    Sometimes, when I'm craving a snack that I really shouldn't have, I brush my teeth. Something about having clean teeth makes it easier to avoid snacking.
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I'm about to do my first ever (I think)....wait for it......BUMP!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    you go to the bathroom 10 times a day? that seems like an awful lot. I drink a ton of water and I don't even go that much LOL

    My little habbit is that I never leave the house without a bottle of water. My kids have developed the same habbit. Drives my husband batty but it's healthy so he can't really justify complaining ;)

    yeah I was thinking the same thing! I was at a womens health talk a few months back and the lady doc there said using loo for a wee more than 8 times a day was too much, she actually used the word incontinent!! We have to train our bladders to hold liquids for longer and its entirely doable ( I went from having to go every 2 hrs to 4 - good result! and saves time trying to find loos when out and about lol)
  • erinleigh76
    some good ideas here
  • jenneal89
    jenneal89 Posts: 243
    I have a few:

    -Every time I'm standing around (doing dishes, showering, etc) I squeeze my bottom and do standing crunches. It helps a lot. My stomach is flatter and my derriere is perking right up!
    -I run or briskly walk everywhere, even at home. We have a small-ish flat but if I'm going to the the 20 feet from the living room to the kitchen, I run.
    -If I'm feeling hungry I have a large glass of water and wait for 10 min. If I'm still hungry I'll have some veg but I'm usually just thirsty or bored.
    -I put stuff I use a lot high up in the cupboard and do calf raises to get to it
    -Druing tv commercals I get on the floor and do sit-ups. Then next break, push-ups, then leg lifts, then wall sits. Repeat.
    -When picking something up off of the floor, I swan dive down and hang for a bit to get a nice hamstring stretch
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62
    I do squats when brushing my teeth XD

    omg!! i thought i was the only weirdo who did this!!!!? lol

    Ha ha nope, there are 2 weirdos =P At least we know we are not alone.

    ha ha ha i do this too!!! make that 3 wierdo's!! lol
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i work a crazy number of hours, so all my meals/snacks have to be planned ahead.
    i portion fruit as soon as i get home from the farmer's market.
    same with things like baby carrots and hummus after the grocery store.
    menu writing on the weekend for the entire week, down to every snack, which kind of fruit, etc, so when i'm packing my meals for the day (i work 0600-2200) i don't have to think and i won't forget anything!
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62
    I also do bum crunches while driving, i try and go to the beat of the music.!
  • leebs23
    leebs23 Posts: 19 Member
    Pull-up bar in the doorway to the kitchen. Anytime I pass by the bar, I have to do pull-ups to failure. Increased my pull-ups from 0 to 6 so far.

    That sounds like an awesome idea! I'm going to fix my husband's up tonight. Thanks for that!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Some of my weird little habits:
    I do some stretching in bed before I even get up in the morning.
    I enter most of my meals for the day early in the day and that helps me stick to my "plan" for that day.
    After dinner is cleared away I loudly say "The Kitchen is Now Closed for the Evening". Only my cats and I hear this, but its good reinforcement.
    I do crunches, stretches or some weights work on the commercials. It really does add up.
  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
  • dry61ed
    dry61ed Posts: 34 Member
    I have started doing isometics while waiting for the light to change. Also, leg exercises while brushing my teeth and when washing dishes. Every little bit helps, right?