Weird Little Habits that Help



  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    I weigh and log my food, before I eat it! I weigh myself everyday!
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    I do 10 tricep dips and 10 pushups off the side of the bath every time I use the bathroom (about 10 times a day also!!) I also aim for 25-50 squats while I brush my teeth, I'm sure my family are wondering what the hell takes me so long in there!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    i do some squats while drying my hair in the morning.
    GHUMBEL Posts: 8
    I do Iso Stomach Crunches will driving!
  • I have a couple little things that help me!

    I also take a bottle of water with me when I leave the house, or I take some diet green tea with me. Helps me get my antioxidants in the tea, and either way you get water consumption.

    When I was a greeter (customer service) at a music store I used to stand and do leg stretches, or squats if no one was looking. On my bathroom breaks I'd do some more squats in there. Sitting for 8 hours a day is not good (though I could also stand), and they say you should get up and move every hour if you are sitting a lot at work, watching TV, etc.

    I like to keep a container of plain almonds in my car. If I get hungry while I'm out I can eat some of those and it prevents me from stopping out somewhere or from overeating when I get home.

    I also avoid keeping foods at home that I shouldn't eat...but if I feel I HAVE to eat something sweet I make it dark chocolate, fruit, or a healthy mousse. (Mix low-fat ricotta with vanilla extract, cocoa powder, and sweetener. It's delicious! There are many variations to this: peanut butter, or almond extract, or adding dark chocolate chips.)

    I wake up around the time my husband does and make sure I'm up for a while, drink some water and eat something, and that helps to jump start my metabolism and keep me on a regular sleep schedule.

    Oh! I also make sure to eat a small snack between meals. My metabolism has gotten higher because of this, so I get hungry about every 3 hours. For snacks I eat almonds, string cheese (part-skim mozzerella), Greek yogurt (also good for digestion), or a handful of fruit.
  • theraylene
    theraylene Posts: 20 Member
    I pack a GIANT lunch bag to go to work with--full of water, and several containers of chopped veggies or fresh fruit. My sandwich for the day is in there too, but the idea that I can eat everything in the bag over the course of the day helps me. (I have never eaten everything I've packed)
  • thluki
    thluki Posts: 6 Member
    In the morning when i am feeling the most motivated I will right down what i will allow myself to eat for that day and i do not deviate from it
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I do 10 squats whever I'm alone at home and I stand up to go to the bathroom/get food.

    And I bounce up and down when I'm standing/waiting. Cause I like jumping ^_^
  • EmsyGoal
    EmsyGoal Posts: 11
    At every red light when driving the car, suck in your tummy muscles until you get the green light to go. Gradually increase it so that when you are driving you are holding your tummy in the full journey :)
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    I brush my teeth when I'm hungry, do pushups whenever my co-worker leaves the room (when it's just me and her) I do side leg raises laying in bed before I go to sleep, usually 40 each side and hold them until I can't hold my leg up anymore. I will be adding squats to my teeth brushing and hair drying routine :)
  • vtpixie
    vtpixie Posts: 39
    I think "I don't NEED this. I only WANT it." So the can sits unopened and I look at it and grin.

    ETA: Nothing wrong with diet sodas per se, but the sodium plays havoc with my blood pressure.

    I do that when I go shopping (both clothing and food)...I don't need it I just want put it back. Only treat myself once in yesterday to some new shirts (b-day present to me).
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I march in place at work while waiting to be called in to assist the doctor. I also find myself practicing my balance exercises in the back room as well. It's funny I don't even recognize i am doing it till someone mentions to me or laughs.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    I always take the stairs instead of the elevator if it's under 10 floors. I used to travel all the time for work and would purposely ask for a hotel room at least a few floors up so I could take the stairs and a burn a few extra cals. I also did this in the airports, even if the stairs ran right next to an escalator; I would just pick up my bag and head up the stairs at a nice brisk pace. The other lazy business traveler's would always give me crazy looks as they rode the escalator.

    I also try to walk any extra distance I can. Instead of fighting every other fatty for a parking spot at the front, I park in the back and get a little extra walking in.

    Our society has become physically lazy and I can no longer stand to be that way myself.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Side leg lifts or squats while I brush my teeth

    And also while I'm using the blow dryer on my hair.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    not all weird, just things I do -

    ~I eat off a salad plate, or sometimes bowls. Bowls seem to make food look like more too.
    ~If I don't plan on eating a "sweet" or "treat" right away I don't buy it "for later" -last time I did that was a month ago with a 6pack of hershey bars (full size) and I ate them all in one day. lol.
    ~ I keep treats I can have with little damage - 5 calorie jello and 15 calorie whipped cream
    ~If I am hungry/craving, I eat protein/veggies and wait. Or focus on something else. It goes away.
    ~If I feel like I can't go on with a workout dvd, I'll pause it for a while and then resume in a little bit. I get it all in usually, just not all at once. Rather than give up.
    ~ I think about what I can, and do choose to eat for results and health rather than what I "can't" . There's nothing I "can't" eat but things I choose not to eat or eat sparingly. As the food pyramid says.

    thats all for now. I like a lot of ideas on here.
  • Everytime I am at the copy machine...I do squats...airplane with my arms, or side bends...sometimes I get caught by a coworker but they say keep it up girl...
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    After reading this forum, I am officially going to dedicate myself to 20 jumping jacks every time I go to to the bathroom and squats while I brush my teeth. Also, no more lazy TV watching. I will either practice my CBT or do some kind of core/ cardio work out while I watch.
    Thanks for the good ideas guys!

    And this isn't so much a habit as a tip: chopped red, green, and yellow peppers make a great snack. I try not to eat anything but meat and vegetables and it really helps.
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    I'm with you hands get dry from washing them every hour!! LOL Every hour for sure (I'm sure having 5 kids didn't help in that area)
    love all these weird little habits that help, I am definitely going to start to do some of them. Thanks for doing this!!!