Foods You'll Think Twice About Now



  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    :huh: some REALLY good food choices being nixed for the sake of calories in this thread...

    olives, pinto beans, and bananas should be anything but avoided IMO (unless allergy or other medical reason).

    (in fact I may pop open a can of no sodium added pinto beans in honor of that one).

    I don't nix any of the food that I listed. I just change things around when I want them. I like my 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat percentages and it's my goal to eat within my calorie limit and keep those percentages.

    Then again, I try to be mindful about what I'm getting out of everything I eat.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Just throwing this out there:

    Every food that you all pointed out as "thinking twice about" are all healthy for you:

    Avocados, beans, olives, bananas, nuts.

    How about something like a turkey burger with extra blue cheese and fries? A chili dog? Thick crust pizza with everything on it? Lets get real here and talk about foods that you really should think twice about.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    you guys do realize fats and cholesterol are critical for health?

    Moe critical then the carbs you eat.

    You're certainly right. Fat and protein cannot be replaced by anything in our diets, however we can use fat as fuel.

    Cholesterol is also essential but constant high cholesterol in our diets are not good for us. That's why I typically avoid eating shrimp and eggs on the same day. Not a bad idea, you know?
  • EellaK
    EellaK Posts: 16 Member

    I don't think twice about any of them. I eat it all. That's what running is for.

    I like your style.
  • tygwyn2
    tygwyn2 Posts: 3
    Well I've been on MFP for a few months now and I starting to see calories in a slighty diffrent light.
    Calorie coutnting - keeping under the daily allowance, worked well at first but then my weigh loss slowed down and I had to look at my diet in another way.
    Just as there are 'good' and 'bad' fats, then I see good and bad calories.
    If its calories from a 'unpocessed' food, such as Olives, Dates & Butter then I'll let myself consume more, than if its from a processed food.

    Some foods may be high in calories but the benifits nutrion wise make them worth having.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Huh. All the foods listed here so far are what I would consider healthy! Butter and olives and avocados and bananas- really?

    I think differently about some foods- cereal for example is a treat for me now, not a meal. Peanut butter needs to be measured carefully by weight- but I still eat it every day. The only real surprise I found was that splenda isn't calorie free- it has 3.8 cals/packet. If you're like me and you took calorie free to mean dump 12 packets in a large coffee- several times a day- that came as a harsh reality. No more splenda for me!

    Edit- and I agree with FutureMaleStripper- running forgives a lot of indulgences! WILL RUN 4 DONUTS!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Any drink with more than 20 calories, except my low cal starbucks that I won't give up :)
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Peaches. I had NO idea they had that much sugar. Nothing like discovering that eating a peach consumes most of my daily sugar allowance. Youch.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714

    However...I am pleased with Bacon. Funny how I used to not eat bacon when living an unhealthy lifestyle and now that I'm losing weight and getting fit, bacon is a big part of my diet lol. So I guess bacon is what I thought twice about :-)
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    MMMMMMM... butter!

    The only thing I think twice about is sugar.
  • blasiansrus
    blasiansrus Posts: 151
    Funny how most of this thread has been healthy foods...

    Foods I'd think twice about are:
    -anything at restaurants (1000+mg sodium? no thanks)
    -peanut butters like Jif w/sooo many added ingredients (I love brands like MaraNatha though)
    -Nutella (more sugar than cake icing. Healthy kids breakfast add on, say what??)
    -most cereals
    -jams, jellies, and syrups
    -cheesecake (which I will still enjoy on occasions:3)
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm much more careful with restaurant can be very deceptive. I got a salad that I thought looked like a healthy choice, only to find out it was over 700 cals!! I try to research beforehand if I can.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    great point- I squeeze foods like those into my routine- I think twice now in this way:
    Instead of a meatball sub- I get the subway club- and avoid other "fast food" chains- subway being a better choice on the go.
    Instead of crackers or other empty calories- I think twice and grab fruit as snacks.
    Instead of a cup of pasta - I think twice and do 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta and plan that way less than I plan lean meats and salads.

    I think twice early in the day so I can coast thru it- not wasting calories and not having to 'save up' too often either. If I pause and plan- I can just enjoy and not obsess. Thinking twice eventually turns in to the 1st thought Im glad to say.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Peaches. I had NO idea they had that much sugar. Nothing like discovering that eating a peach consumes most of my daily sugar allowance. Youch.

    This go around in my journey Ive decided to never limit fruits and veggies - if I HAVE to eat- I will grab a peach over a bag of chips or cookies.

    I want the final answer on this- sugars from fruit count as 'bad sugar'? I dont buy that- anything grown in nature is geared for our bodies like breast milk is for a baby- cutting fruits because they are high in 'this or that' - I just cant believe thats the better choice- even over not eating. Not eating leads to frustration -when a peach would lead to a satisfying sweetness and no cheating or quitting... no?
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    Generally burgers in restaurants. some of these places are 1,000 calories and 80 grams fat. Just insane.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Rice, pasta, cupcakes, ooh and deep dish pizza :0(

    When I really want one, I plan to do a good workout before or after. Can't deprive myself but a little extra work makes it worth it!
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    potato chips is the number one. I've completely cut them out. Chocolate is another, but I still eat it. Just very limited. Any type of fast food/ or eating out. Pasta, potatoes, rice, bread. I try to keep those limited.
  • MinglewoodBlues
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    Peaches. I had NO idea they had that much sugar. Nothing like discovering that eating a peach consumes most of my daily sugar allowance. Youch.

    This go around in my journey Ive decided to never limit fruits and veggies - if I HAVE to eat- I will grab a peach over a bag of chips or cookies.

    I want the final answer on this- sugars from fruit count as 'bad sugar'? I dont buy that- anything grown in nature is geared for our bodies like breast milk is for a baby- cutting fruits because they are high in 'this or that' - I just cant believe thats the better choice- even over not eating. Not eating leads to frustration -when a peach would lead to a satisfying sweetness and no cheating or quitting... no?

    Sugar is sugar is sugar, but you shouldn't worry about sugar intake unless a) you're diabetic, b) your doctor told you to or c) you know you're addicted to sweet things. If c) - stop eating candy bars. Fruits are far better for you... fiber, potassium, vitamins, etc.
  • AMC4x4
    AMC4x4 Posts: 37 Member
    Just started with the clean food this week, but things I will probably miss:
    Pizza, McDonalds, potato chips and other snacky treats (was never one for sweets, but I loved chips, cheetos, etc.)
    Things I will have as a treat:
    Ice Cream (on a nice summer's night out with friends/family), Coffee (trying to kick the habit, mostly so I can avoid the sugar & half-n-half)

    Might edit this as I think of more, but those are the big ones.