I don't anyone should eat this...



  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    Just for fun, I'm going to buy some of this, make a fake label saying it's chocolate icing, and put in the pantry and wait for my husband to find it.

    you shouldn't say things like that and leave it where i can read it. i almost spit water all over my keyboard.

  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    :sick: :sick:

    I couldn't agree more!
  • lau4491
    lau4491 Posts: 31 Member
    Just for fun, I'm going to buy some of this, make a fake label saying it's chocolate icing, and put in the pantry and wait for my husband to find it.

    this made me laugh soooo hard, haha i could just imagine someone going to think its some treat and THAT coming out LMAO
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    OMG is that real? That poor chicken... Arrrgh. I actually baked a whole chicken this week...
    I can't imagine those poor chickens being shoved into those cans. I guess their putting lube on them first.
    If I had to, I would eat that chicken. I guess I would. I don't know, looking at that picture makes me consider again, being pescaderian. Only eating fish. I go against my own principals when I eat meat.

    ^^^This is a joke, right? Please tell me this is a joke...

    Yes... I was trying to be a bit funny there. To combat how sick that picture made me feel. It does make me consider to quit eating dead animals. You know, the ones that died and were abused, so that we can eat them. Like this poor little guy here. And in the end, we all laugh at him. And decide you wouldn't eat him anyway. Thats sad.

    You do make a good point, it is a horrible waste when you get down to it.
  • DrewLundgren
    DrewLundgren Posts: 18 Member
    The only good thing about that chicken is that it's so well done that the meat falls off the bones. Many years ago, my mom who was a single mother of three trying to make ends meet, would make chicken and dumplings with canned chicken. You plop it in a big bowl and sift through the meat, removing bones, until you're satisfied. The gelatan helps thicken the gravy. She put it in a covered pot with cut up canned bisquits as dumplings. At the time it was darn good. Now it's darn gross.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Look guys! I found a youtube video! My sound effect was dead on.

    Hahahahahahahaha! :::breathes::: Hahahahaha! Wow...
  • clee369
    clee369 Posts: 101 Member
    why are people saying that poor chicken...its not like it was alive when they packaged it...

    Don't come at me about animal rights I'm just referencing this one specific instance
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think that was an ingredient on Chopped once. I'd be pissed.

    Yup! I saw that episode. I think I gagged at the sight of it, lol. The contestants weren't too thrilled either!
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    i just threw up in my mouth
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I sometimes use small cans of boneless chicken for a quickie chicken and noodles. I bought a "chicken-in-a-can" once. The meat was more tasty than the boneless cans of chicken, but it was too much work getting the skin and bones off of the whole canned chicken. I think this would be a good product for people in third world countries who don't have refrigeration.

    Edit: The OPs photo must not have been taken, truly, as the chicken was taken out of the can. The chicken is packed in broth which, from the natural gelatin in the chicken, takes on the shape of the can. It comes out looking like a cylinder.
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I love chicken, but GROSS!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I think that was an ingredient on Chopped once. I'd be pissed.

    Yup! I saw that episode. I think I gagged at the sight of it, lol. The contestants weren't too thrilled either!

    Hey! I saw that one too!
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Oh Ewwwwww!
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
  • Kimikaze79
    Kimikaze79 Posts: 22 Member
    Just for fun, I'm going to buy some of this, make a fake label saying it's chocolate icing, and put in the pantry and wait for my husband to find it.

    OMG that is hillarious!!
    I just randomly burst out laughing at work .. :laugh:
  • ccwadleigh
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I'm really not sure whether to laugh or cry. Or puke.
    Why is it so slimy?
  • CatBrush00
    CatBrush00 Posts: 30
    I have seen that twice today, each time I shiver! It looks so disgusting. And I bet it tastes like it too. I bet it tastes like that slimy stuff around it. EWWW! lool
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    OMG i have never seen anything so disgustingin my life!