60 plus.

Are there many sixty plus people on the forum? I think we have a few different problems when trying to lose weight. Do you agree?


  • HMM163
    HMM163 Posts: 24
    Yes I agree. Need more support because we have other health issues that younger people don't have.
  • 608peg
    608peg Posts: 24 Member
    64 here and looking for friends.
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    Hi 608,
    What sort of problems do you encounter when trying to lose weight at our age.? I'm 65 and plodding on on this ever t:laugh: hinning footpath (I hope)
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    I am 65 and find it very easy to put on weight but getting it off is getting much harder. After 10 months of denial, lack of exercise and general not looking in the mirror, I stood on the scales. After the shock had gone I joined this site and am determined to lose weight. I am finding it very useful to log my daily food before dinner so I can check if any extras will be allowed; usually not. The more friends the merrier and also more support. Please add me to you friends
  • Joan3048
    Joan3048 Posts: 1
    Hi just started this week. I agree, loosing in your 60's is a lot hard. I'm 63. Would like a support system of friends with the similar issues. :-)
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi I have just retired and one of my jobs is to sort out the house. I am going through each room, all furniture moved, drawer and book case emptied and sorted. I found some photos of me at the weight I want to be. I could be that weight once I CAN BE IT AGAIN but it took me all day to do my bedroom so I dfid not get to the gym. Today will have to make up for it. but sorting out the house is also sorting out my new life.
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    Hi guys, I am sixty and yes, things are very different compared to what I read in these threads. These people seem to exercise all the time, and can burn the calories like nobodies business. I still work, so little time for a lot of other things, as I have two dogs, and a house I have to take care of. Add me to your friend list if you would like, I can always use the help of others with like minds. Good losing everyone
  • Hi, I'm new also, and 61. I'm seeing the weight creep on faster and faster. I'm not having too much trouble with strength training, I work out with weights at home. It's the cardio that's the kicker. I can't seem to get out and walk and I know it would be better if I (we) had a buddy. A treadmill is out of the question, so I'm hoping to get a boost from this diet and forum. Good luck to all of us.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I'm 64 and I have been using MFP since September 2011. So far, I've lost 60 lbs ... plan to lose about 5 more. Feeling better than I have felt in 30 + years and enjoying life.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Hi guys, I am sixty and yes, things are very different compared to what I read in these threads. These people seem to exercise all the time, and can burn the calories like nobodies business. I still work, so little time for a lot of other things, as I have two dogs, and a house I have to take care of. Add me to your friend list if you would like, I can always use the help of others with like minds. Good losing everyone

    I'm 64, still working, I have a house and I spend a lot of time with my 4 grandkids. That being said, I still go to the gym 3 - 4 days a week and workout at least 1.5 hrs each time. The time is there, you just have to prioritize. I figure the more time I spend keeping myself fit and healthy, the longer I am going to be around to spend time with my grandkids, and one day, my great-grandkids!
  • evaishere
    evaishere Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, 62 here and vegetarian so added issues. But I have lost nearly 30 pounds since Thanksgiving but have that much more to go. Mostly just trying not to gain, to maintain and stay healthy. I do have dogs that I try and walk 3 times a week, working up to once a day and then maybe twice a day. i also work a very busy real estate business so time is always limited. Tracking my foods help a lot as I am under 1200 calories a day but don't eat all of them or I eat all the wrong things. i do much better if I can cook my own foods but that seems to fluctuate depending on my work load. Getting home after 8 pm is not good for the dinner hour.
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi I'm 64 too, in 12 months of my new lifestyle (this is not a diet) I have lost 40lb I'm now trying to maintain/ loose a few more lbs. Its getting harder the nearer to my goal and maintaining. can do cardio no problem but don't do weights.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I am only 35, but i am posting on behalf of my mom, because she's just startring on this site, and i am sure she wont see this post:

    PomsMom46 - she's 65 and i know having some some encourging buddies in their 60+ ages will be great for her! :smile:

    ps - feel free to add me too if you want! i always like having encouraging buddies of all ages :happy:
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    Hi everybody,
    Everyone is welcome but I believe we could develop a topic for the over 60. We tend to take longer to lose weight and bad food habits are more deeply programmed than those of younger people.
    I am not the brightest with a PC but I will keep on trying. I take hoodia gordoni to suppress my appetite. This was my greatest problem. I now weigh every mouthfull. Shall we exchange daily menus on this Board. I just cannot get the hang of the diary.
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    I have a notebook and weigh everything ( well almost!) then log it in the evening. I am widowed and my children have left home so often evenings are on my own, it is so easy to just graze all evening and that is how the weight went on. I find if I go to the gym about 6 then I do not get home until after 8 hot and sweaty ( not a nice sight) By the time I have showered I do not feel that hungry. At the moment this is how I am kick starting the programme. The gym also has a vibration plate machine so I do 10 minutes Monday to Friday in the hope this also might help the flab shift. I am not sure if it has any effect but I can certainly feel the flab move.
    I have various mini targets, mid August and mid September and it would be nice to be slimmer for these.
    I went on a bootcamp last summer and they gave us the recipies they used. I have made up batches of the main meals I liked and frozen them so I have my weeks main meals sorted out, I just need to add green veg or salad. The meals are based on turkey or butternut squash with a bit of chili and are quite filling at about 350 cals a portion
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I’m 67 and a lifetime of abuse has left me with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hypertension, sleep apnea, Atrial fibrillation, knee problems (resulting in an artificial knee) foot problems, etc., etc., etc.

    Like a lot of you, I’ve fought the weight battle for decades and it gets harder each year. My cardiologist placed me on a diet of 1800 calories a day, low fat and low sodium. The sodium thing really screws things up because I find it very difficult to eat my 1800 calories (and more after a big exercise day – 726 calories burned yesterday) and stay even close to 1500mg of sodium. I can’t get my calories from sugar because of the diabetes.

    So I’ve had to make health priorities and make a lifestyle change. My first priority is to get my diabetes under control, and completely eliminate it. That means cutting out processed sugars and eating only fresh vegetables and limiting my fruit. My second priority is to limit my salt intake because too much sodium seems to set off my Afib and increases the blood pressure. I have completely eliminated added salt, and seldom eat any processed food. I try to stay away from any meat that has additives.

    I lost about 70+ pounds dieting with about 80 to go, and finally started an exercise program. I joined a gym June 1st and, except for a two week cruise to the Baltics, have been to the gym five days a week, five days cardio and two days heavy weight lifting with a personal trainer.

    For me, finally getting healthy is like overcoming alcoholism or tobacco (which I’ve done). You have to reach a personal low before (if ever) the light comes on and you finally see what these things are doing, and you have to correct it or you will die. Then it has to become a lifestyle change which is permanent, not a diet, which is temporary.

    I have found that I have to log every bite and track all my macros as well as the sodium. If I don’t, I easily slip back into my bad habits. Doing our own cooking with fresh, unprocessed ingredients help greatly in tracking what we eat, knowing how it is cooked, and what goes into it.
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 60 and have been with MFP for 6 months. I don't think you should concentrate on your age, you need a support network of all ages - weight loss is weight loss. Getting bogged down in why your age is stopping you doing something is not a good start.

    MFP is wonderful, I feel so much better and I know I have changed my lifestyle - totally due to my friends and MFP.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:

  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I don’t think this is about getting bogged down in self pity about your age, its discussing problems with other people that may experience the same or similar issues. I don’t have much in common with a 23 year old hard body perky pet that does Insanity, 30 Day Shred, and Zumba, all before breakfast.
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    I'm 60 and have been with MFP for 6 months. I don't think you should concentrate on your age, you need a support network of all ages - weight loss is weight loss. Getting bogged down in why your age is stopping you doing something is not a good start.

    MFP is wonderful, I feel so much better and I know I have changed my lifestyle - totally due to my friends and MFP.

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:

    Too right. We over 60 have a whole heap of age related problems. I would tell ALL younger dieters, to get the weight off NOW and KEEP it off. If they do so they will not face our self made problems when 60+
  • MaryPhilomena
    MaryPhilomena Posts: 31 Member
    I joined MFP 6 months ago. Then I had achillies tendon problems in both legs and could not walk 50 yards - I now walk about 5 miles a day without problems. I have lost 48 lbs and 8 inches each of my waist and hips. My BMI has dropped by 8 points and I am down 3 dress sizes. I feel so healthy and have more energy and my BP tablets has been reduced by half.
    I have 26 more lbs to go and aiming for a BMI of 22 .
    I bless the day that brought me on here and my wonderful supportive MFP friends (of all ages) into my life. Please add me if you would like a friend to cheer you on and share in your inspiring story :D