Coffee Creamer Substitute?



  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    Uhh, why go for a substitute? I am using the Land O Lakes low fat half and half... 25 cals per 2 TABLESPOONS! Yummy in the coffee.

    This is what I'm doing too. I was pushing 1000 cal daily on coffee mate. I've cut back on the coffee and also drink some black now but my first cup is with the lol ff h&h and it's sooo good. I tried the almond milk & keep it on hand for cereals but the h&h is what I want with coffee.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I've tried everything. Half and half is still the winner. I do use Splenda for sweetness, and that keeps the calories down, and sometimes I use the coffeemate flavored powdered stuff. I wish there was a lower calorie option, or that I liked it black. I drink a lot of coffee!
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Powdered Skim milk works great without cooling the coffee off too much like refrigerated milk does. for added flavour like some of the really tasty creamers have we sometimes stick some cinammon sticks and/ or vanilla beans whole in with the grounds when we brew our coffee. This really makes it taste special, the skim milk poweder is low in calories and still has the nutrients of regular milk so you can not worry about using a couple tbsp and the flavour is great enough that usually people seem to use less sugar/ artificial sweetner.
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    Your non dairy creamer is 10 calories per tsp.

    There are 3 tsp to a Tbls.

    Half and half has 20 calories per Tbls or 6.66 calories per tsp.

    I would use the real deal over the fake creamer and you get to consume less calories.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I switch back and forth between the Blue Diamond Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk and the Silk Vanilla Almond Milk (with 3 tbsp of sugar in either). I had a coffee addiction back when I began my journey and I was drinking an unhealthy amount of sweeteners in my coffee (International Delights French Vanilla & 4 tbsp of sugar per cup). Changing my coffee habit was pretty hard but now I'm happy I did it. If you don't think you can switch your creamer, you may have to sacrifice calories elsewhere to make up for it.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    You may want to consider switching your coffee instead. If you have really good, quality coffee you won't need to add anything to it because it tastes great black. Buying whole bean and grinding it yourself is the best. :bigsmile:
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I use Silk Light Soymilk because that is what I drink/eat and it is handy. I use a tiny amount so it is about 30 calories for 2-3 big cups of coffee to have "cream".
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I gradually reduced the amount of creamer I use but I love my coffee & creamer so I just work it in. I use 1 tsp sugar 15 calories & 2 tbs flavored creamer 50 to 70 calories. I know it's a lot but compared to how much creamer I used to put it it's great.

    I did get some Vanilla Almond milk yesterday to try in my coffee & totally forgot about it this morning! !
  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for posting the info about the land o'lakes. I didn't know that. Of course, I would be tempted to pour that stuff straight on my cereal. I have a weakness for dairy. Sounds yummy, though.

    If you have a hankering for a smoothie the lol ff h&h gives you some real bang for the calories. I mix with almond milk and everybody here likes the texture and flavor
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    Creamer seems to be more of an American thing i think. In the UK we have it but most people just use milk.
    I did buy the low fat coffeemate creamer and it was awful, so went back to milk.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    All depending on what we have will either use Coffeemate or International Delight, only use about half to one tablespoon tops - Coffeemate = 35 cals International Delight = 30 and good flavors too. Using Caramel Macchiato right mnow
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    If you live near a Trader Joes they have a fat-free half and half. Great macros: 2T 3gcarbs 1g protein

    I have found that as I get further along toward healthier habits, that my need for all this type of stuff has dropped off. I hardly bother creaming my coffee ever anymore.

    Now that it is summertime, I sometimes use this in smoothies if it needs some lo-cal creaminess.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I use whole milk. 1/8th cup.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    I'm hoping somebody has some ideas. My mom uses up 200 calories just with her creamer. I always ask her if she'd like a little coffee with her creamer. Haha. :) I'd love to be able to give her some suggestions.
    I was the same way as your mom! Now I drink it black! I can't believe it myself. I NEVER thought that would happen. I just decided I wanted a healthier me more than I wanted the sweetness and creamer.

    ETA: As someone ese mentioned, good coffee really helps. I drink less now, so I don't mind spending a little more on what I do I'm saving money not buying creamer. :) Also maybe try flavored coffees. I love highlander grogg (many different brands sell it. I buy from Jungle Jim's (in Cincinnati, OH) or online from Amazon. It's difficult to describe, but almost has a chocolate undertone...a little like coffee with Bailey's.
  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    A lot of my calories are allotted to coffee creamer too. I switched from fat free to regular (counter-intuitive, I know), but in testing the amount of creamer I need to reach the desired color and creaminess I found I use less of the full-fat version, ultimately saving calories.
  • MammaSher
    MammaSher Posts: 1
    I use Silk Organic unsweetened...
    80 calories in a cup
    5 calories in a tablespoon
    1.66 calories in a teaspoon
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I use SO Delicious dairy free French vanilla coconut milk creamer.
    Calories 20 for 1 tbsp
    Total fat 0
    Total carbs 4g
    Protein 0g

    It is delicious:drinker:
  • UDTsunamiSurfer
    UDTsunamiSurfer Posts: 21 Member

    THREE things you should NEVER, EVER put in your body...
    1* artificial creamer of any kind - liquid or powder
    2* margarine - no such thing as "heart healthy"
    3* Cool Whip or any whipped "topping"

    ALL of these things turn to SLUDGE in your gut & your arteries which builds up on the walls of your intestines & blood vessels causing incomplete evacuation leading to malabsorption diseases & cancers. Margarine is 1 molecule away from plastic. Dump a tub of Cool Whip in your backyard & it'll still be there next year - bugs & animals won't eat these things cause they know they're NOT FOOD!!!

    I'm not sure how you would even make "fat free" half & half as it is by it's very nature Half Cream (the pure fat from whole milk rendering what's left skim milk) & Half Whole Milk (fat & all). Almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk are good substitutes but like another mentioned I shy away from things with ingredients I never heard of. Like ice cream for example cream, milk, eggs, sugar & it should become completely liquid at room temperature!

    SO while I'm at it... MSG... everyone knows it's bad for you but do you know why (aside from allergies & triggering migraines)? It was invented to study obesity. It was specifically engineered to make rats fat... when given to laboratory animals it MAKES THEM EAT UNCONTROLLABLY. It is found in EVERY flavored chip or cracker & most powdered mixes.

    Next ...
    EQUAL, Nutrasweet, the Blue stuff of any brand... turns to FORMALDEHYDE at 86 degrees fahrenheit, it slows metabolism, has been proven to cause neuroleptic seizures, renal failure, & DEATH.
    SPLENDA is as close to sugar as a cedar stick but to my knowledge has not killed anyone... YET... however it triggers your body to CRAVE SWEETS & therefore, causes overeating.
    STEVIA is a plant from which they basically make a tea then evaporate the water leaving the "sugar" crystals. 100% natural but is commonly diluted w/dextrose for measuring purposes because it is highly concentrated. That being said Truvia & Purevia brands add alcohol sugars (which greatly increase caloric content & sabotage weight loss) w/only a tiny amount of stevia. Not all brands are created equally as some companies "recycle" leaves (like using your herbal tea bag more than once) or use the less sweet parts of the plant to save on production costs. Sam's Clubs sells the sweetest packets I've found & it's located in the supplements isle near the calcium & such or order online.

    Your body will Thank You for learning & heeding the warnings. XoXo Ursula
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    I use non-fat milk and sweet -n- low.... I drink a lot of coffee and never add more than 36 calories a day from it
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    The poster who mentioned good coffee means less creamer is correct, so might want to try that. I know when I'm at my dad's, which is rare all depending on the K-Cups he has I'll drink it black over 3/4 of the time
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