

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: I do love Saturdays,

    Slept in and after hubby fix another flat on his bike we were off to the resevoir, and after 24 minutes he had another flat. So I rode back to the truck and came and picked him up...so a very short ride for us today.

    Hubby is saying he wants to go to the bike store...and I want to go so will have to catch up later.

    Everyone sounds busy. Keep up the good workouts, drinking plenty of water and logging the food it really does make a difference.:drinker:


    Keep Colorado in your prayers, I'm sure you have all heard about the Theater shooting of Friday night. We have been to that theater it's a really nice one, just down the street from Son #2 & DIL's house. So sad for all those people affected. First it's the fires, then the floods now another shooting:cry:
  • petalsandpaws
    Yeah, Saturday and day #12 for me. I still feel good and have more energy already. Sun shinning here on the coast so will play in the yard today. Prayers to all of you will health challenges ahead. We are strong, we women, but it is still so good to know we are not alone in our battles. Stay the course and keep logging in and finding and giving support to each other. This site is my sanctuary and I appreciate each and every one of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    Have a great Saturday and drink your water.
    Hugs, :heart:
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Hi all. I just turned 51 and was doing well with logging and working out until my birthday, 4th of July, mother's birthday, and bible school all hit within 3 weeks. I had lost 16 pounds.....then the celebrations began. I have 2 weeks before I return to school. (I teach special education at the elementary level) My goal for the summer was to get the binge eating under control so I could have some good habits in place before the stress fest of work begins again. I actually have worked out today and logged food. As long as I avoid sugar and refined white stuff I feel so much better. Life is a challenge, but I am worth taking care of. Hopefully I can continue to regain control and focus.:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies
    I have a question for the grand ma`s out there.maybe I`m wrong,but need some feedback.
    We lost our home last aug,due to Hubby`s unemployment of over 3 years.
    We went to live with a friend and she lost her home.So my son and DIL took us in and said we could stay and help out with the bills etc,when hubby got back to work.Hubby has been working a temp job since mar and helping out financially.I have been doing all the cleaning and watching Violet,my grand daughter as much as I can.But there are days when they are off and it`s expected of me to watch her 24/7.
    I know it`s time to move,this isn`t working.I feel like a burden here,and felt so unappreciated since day 1.Dil has made it known on many occasions,this is HER house,tho my son works and pays the bills too.
    I love taking Violet out but after 6 or 8 hours,I`m tired and want sometime to myself,is that being selfish?
    The thing that bothers me ,is there is never a thank you.We have told then thank you for every thing they do for us.
    I do the dishes daily,not one here loads the dishes in dishwasher,no cleaning is ever done.
    I`m sorry for the rant,just feel so unloved.
    Is anyone else been in this situation?
    Glad to see all the new people.We are a great bunch!
    Thanks for listening.
  • lindamr1957
    lindamr1957 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jane, I know exactly how you feel and I live in my own home. My grandkids came to live we us 4 years ago. Their dad is here too but the kids always come to me. Actually everyone comes to me. It gets old but I am glad they have someone that will care for them. I feel sorry for the kids because both their parents put their needs first. Their mother rarely sees them but because she talks to them on the phone once in a while she thinks shes great. I know it would be nice to have my life back but what would happen to them.
    I know your situation is different and I hope you and your husband can get back on your feet and get your own place soon. Times are tough. It took my son 2 years to find a job and it was through a temp service. The place decided to hire him full time, so we are grateful for that. I know he would like his own place too.
    Take care
  • dpdora
    dpdora Posts: 2
    Thank you
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Oh Dora - what a darling little fur kid!!!

  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi -
    Can I join your wonderful group? I'm 50 :happy: and I'd love to have this kind of a support. I love reading all the success stories, but most of them are quite a bit younger. It's nice having people who understand this phase of life.

    My husband and I will be married 25 next March. My goal is 150 which is what I was when we married. I'm currently at 196/195, but working out, watching what I eat and keeping track of things here on MFP.

    We have one daughter (20) who just recently moved cross country. I homeschooled her until mid-teens when she started doing dual credit classes at the community college. We are very close and this has been a sad time. I wouldn't wish her back as I believe that's where she should be, but boy do I miss her. I'm getting better tho.

    Hope you all are having a great weekend.
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi ladies - just stumbled across this thread and it seems like the perfect place to come to when you need a bit of a lift. I am 51 years old and need to lose about 60 lbs. I have taken off 10 since I started and every time I think I am going to give up I find something on MFP like this thread to make me want to hang in there. Not sure exactly how this posting on a thread thing works - but I'll keep checking back and figure it out. Glad to meet you all.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: !!! This is a fabulous group of women, and a fabulous place to get lots of support and motivation.

    I would love to chat longer, however I'm really tired tonight:yawn: , and I have another terrible headache:sick: .

    Have a good night!

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Jane just want to send out a hug that is a hard place to be in don't worry about ranting here or unloading that's what these forums are for a safe place to open up. Hopefully you will find a new place soon times.

    @Dora that is a cute doggie!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another busy day
    having a houseguest is very time consuming.....we went to the local light opera production of "South Pacific"....an amazing production.....then had dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant
    i splurged and had coconut ice cream for dessert.....tomorrow we board the ferry before 8 AM to go to Victoria.....I am very excited :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jane, you have been amazing patient and gracious in your stressful living situation.....we are the perfect people to "rant" to :heart: :heart: :heart: big hugs from me

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, did I miss the latest chapter on SOBSIL......it was good to hear about your lovely time with your grandtwins

    :drinker: welcome to all the new members....keep coming back and never, never never give up

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Linda (Sundance) - one lady at the Humane Society where Vince and I volunteer said "when I die, I want to come back as one of your cats"

    Went to the farmer's market this morning. There was this guy there making ice cream. He had a John Deer motor hooked up to the ice cream churn. I was told to try his ice cream, but, honestly, I didn't think it all that great. Maybe it's because he said he uses a lot of cream, and if I have a lot of fats my stomach starts to say "I don't think so...". Anyway, I just got 1/2 of a portion that he usually gives, and just a couple mouthfuls would have been fine with me. I didn't want to hurt his feelings by throwing away the rest, so I ate it. The man who has good corn wasn't there, he'll be back next week. But I have some of his corn in my freezer, so that's OK. The lady forgot my red okra but she'll bring it next week. However, this one guy had blueberries, he said that he wasn't but evidentally the owner of the farm picked them for someone who didn't show so I bought them. Now I have enough blueberries in my freezer. Got some of these purple peas, they are interesting. I steamed them, took them out of the pod, and will probably have them with a salad. They're different consistancy from other peas. Reminds me more of chickpeas. I cut up a cantaloupe.

    Did an hour of yoga today, tomorrow I'll do some balance games on the Wii.

    Viv - it seems that no matter what I do, I can't go very much below 130.

    Susan - I don't have celiac disease so I really can't help you. But I'm sure that someone on this forum will be able to.

    Rose - prayers for your grandson. AIDupont is a very good hosp, as I'm sure you know.

    Would you believe Vince didn't know anything about the CO shooting until I told him last night?

    Jane - I'm so sorry for your situation. While I'm not in one like it, sounds to me like you and hubby need to move out -- any place. Even if it's just one room. At least it's yours. Can you do that?

    Linda - in the end, your grandkids will see how much you've done for them. It may be a long time, but they WILL see it.

    Timby and wreckedredhead- we'd love to have ya with us. Log in often and tell us more about yourself and welcome!

    Well, off to sleepyland. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • leb747
    leb747 Posts: 4
    I just wanted to say, "I'm part of the group"
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    Bump to read later...
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies! :smile: :smile:
    I am going to pray for all of you that need ,a new situations so that you can be in a better healthier place. For you an your loved ones having surgery. For all of us that need strength to stay focused and on our path to a healthier life.

    I got the night time sweet cravings, but I am drinking my water and just sat and read what you all have posted. I feel more strength to fight these cravings. I do have 100 calories left,but I have fed my body nutritionally, so nothing more is needed.

    I can do this, one day at a time with all of you great ladies! We can do this!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Blessings to all, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Linda(SundanceB) :heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Lots of very interesting posts. I love to read what everyone has to say. I hope everyone has a blessed and healthy day.

    Tired of saying it but my Internet connection is especially wonky today. Rats!

    More sharing than you may want to hear, if so, don't read the remainder of this post. I finally officially hit menopause in February of this year. Since then I've had fewer migraines than in any other time of my life which is wonderful. I've also, again for the first time in my life, been able to say---I'm going to eat this OR I'm not going to eat that----and that's what I do. It's crazy and I didn't realize it at first until I decided to give up my daily fix of regular Cokes and Snickers bars. And I was able to give up both items, cold turkey and never looked back.

    That is the only positive that I can offer about menopause. The hot flashes, the sweats, and the changeable moods continue unabated!!!

    Okay, I'm finished now. Take care everyone. :drinker: :drinker:

  • smartin9912
    smartin9912 Posts: 43 Member
    I turn 51 on Thursday :) would love to join the group!:flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning to all. I've been reading through your posts and this looks like a fantastic group! I'm mourning the loss of another group that I've been part of for over a year. It has been slowly dying and I'm looking for another more active group to join.

    Since I joined mfp, I have lost over 50 pounds and then started gaining again. I'm struggling to get back to the better eating habits that I enjoyed last year. Right now, my challenges are the candy bowls at work and the chip bags at home. I do love my sweet/salty snacks!

    I hope everyone one has a lovely day!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later :ohwell:
