How often do you weigh yourself?



  • davlaur
    davlaur Posts: 34
    every sunday morning
  • I weigh. Myself every morning at the same time of day each day. You need to use this as a tool, to see how things effect you. But do not get down if it goes up. I have been on my journey since January 16 th and have lost 88 pounds but trust me there has been good days and bad, e good days out shadow the bad. Keep up the good work and you can get there..
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    I used to weigh-in once a week but I found that if I did well for a couple weeks I'd "treat" myself which would turn into a couple weeks of eating junk. This time around I'm planning to weigh-in (and do measurements and progress pictures) once a month and really place the focus on my workouts and eating clean rather than the numbers of the scale.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I also weigh most days, always first thing in the morning and always more towards weigh-in day... I guess its just the nature of the beast. I do not get upset if I do not lose (been having that struggle for about a month now) because I am determined to do this thing. I will be a winner for a change!!
  • anewme517
    anewme517 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh myself on Wed. and Sun. I use to weigh everyday but then I changed because of the ups and downs then I would become happy or sad so I changed. I do feel that the scale indiciator is a success for me :bigsmile:
  • bsnmomtomany
    bsnmomtomany Posts: 24 Member
    everyday even though I see fluctuation with hormones and such it keeps me in line to check every day
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Friday is my log day but I like to monitor the ebb and flow throughout the week as well. As was stated above, it is going to fluctuate.
  • Jenajones
    Jenajones Posts: 3
    Okay so I weigh myself everyday at the same time before I eat breakfast. I only record it on Friday's though. I do this everyday not to see the scale go down, because it will not go down everyday some days it will go up, but because I feel like my weight is my a person with diabetes or high blood pressure. They have to check it at least once a day sometimes more to make sure it is under control, so I check it once a day. I do NOT let it drive my emotions for the day, if the scale is up it is up, if it is down it is only counts on Friday!! =)
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I've only been on here a couple of weeks but i decided to only weigh in once a week. My father in law weighs himself several times per day and announces his results. It drives me bat**** crazy so i vowed that I wouldn't do that. I also thought it would be more encouraging to see intermittent results (hopefully successes) rather than daily fluctuations. Just my $.02.
  • asayyar
    asayyar Posts: 7
    Once a week. I am not freeing myself from addiction to food just to become a slave to the scale.

    Hear Hear!
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    I weigh myself every morning just for the little boost it gives me and to let me see what works and doesn't work (if I eat closer to 1200 calories after exercise deductions I lose, if I go a bit over or am way under I stay the same). It gives me a better Idea of what my body is needing and what I need to do. On the other side though, I don't take it too seriously. I haven't gone up yet but if I stay the same I don't sweat it, I know more will come off tomorrow. Good luck on your journey and do what feels right for you.
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Usually right after I wake up daily but I average them out at the end of the week.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    When I was losing weight, I started off by weighing myself daily and it drove me insane. It was just too much. It took me a while to be able to weigh myself once every few days, but I did eventually get to that point. Weight fluctuates from day to day so I don't believe in weighing myself every day. I now weigh myself a few times a week or once a week on Sunday. I think once you hit maintenance mode it's okay to weigh every day just to keep tabs on how you're doing.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I am so glad someone brought up this topic. I have been super curious about this lately! I totally weigh myself EVERY DAY! :blushing: I cannot help it. I know it is a bit OCD of me, but I like it. I tell myself that if the scale goes up, to cut back on the sodium as it is mostly water retention and it helps me keep in mind what foods are going to cause that more than others. If my weight goes up a bit and stays that way for more than two days, then I do a weigh-in. I always weigh in when it goes down. :tongue:
  • I weigh every morning as soon as I get up. It lets me know if I did ok the day before and it's good to see even a couple of ounces gone.
  • Lalee975
    Lalee975 Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh myself several times a week, but I only record it once a week on Fridays, my official WI day.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I weigh myself and update my weight ever day, but in my mind Sunday is my official weigh-in day.
    I find that keep track of my weight daily helps to motivate me - if the number goes down I know something`s working. If the number goes up, I push a little harder :)

    I do exactly this
  • I've just joined today...but I have been weighing myself everyday....then I get angry with myself.
  • Onyx1991
    Onyx1991 Posts: 3
    I used to never weigh myself because i was scared but thats when the weight gain began. Now it is daily so i can take note of small changes and keep on top of weight gain
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    I get weighed once per week when I go to my medical weight loss group class. If I check my weight more than that I will drive myself nuts analyzing every single pound. I love the build up of excitement and anticipation and then as soon as I weigh in, I send out an official tweet and blog about it. It's a lot of fun for me that way. :-)