Highschool JERK... revenge?



  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Just let it go....time to grow up and move on. A good, happy life is the best revenge.

    Agree 100%.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    ok, and then i actually read the thread.

    seems to me like you've let people like him twist you into a bitter person. your external beauty isn't the be all and end all.

    there is nothing bitter about what I said and I am far from a bitter person. Don't make a fool out of yourself and assume something about someone based on one forum post :laugh: give me a break
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    If you feel like saying hello, go in and do it. Kids do a lot of stuff in school before they see the light and grow up (unfortunately, some never do). I am wondering why he didn't go to college if he was planning on attending Harvard. Even if he didn't get accepted, if he had any motivation, he should be in another college. If it were me, I surely wouldn't go out with him if he happened to ask.

    PS Don't be a jerk. Don't let someone being an *kitten* make you into one. :wink:

    Edit: Oops, here I am trying to give good advice to someone who is obviously trying to get someone to agree with her. Okay, go in and call him a p***k if it will make you feel better.
  • Virtech2k3
    Virtech2k3 Posts: 14
    I think you secretly like this guy, even years later. Come on, you know you wanna see that belly jiggling! 0_o
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just let it go....time to grow up and move on. A good, happy life is the best revenge.


    I was the least popular person in my school. Just about everyone made fun of me. I was on the cheer leading squad. The other cheer leaders were nice to me during practice, but wouldn't talk to me during school. During one basketball game, three people shot spit wads, gum, and ice at me the entire game. To say I was bullied is putting it lightly.

    But, that was a long time ago. I'm now friends with some of the people who were mean to me in high school. People do stupid things when they're young. Generally, they grow out of that immature behavior and become decent adults. I have some great friends now because I was willing to look past people's high school behavior.

    High school drama is stupid enough when you're in high school. Don't stay hung up on it once you're an adult.
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    High school drama is stupid enough when you're in high school. Don't stay hung up on it once you're an adult.

    This. I know so many people that still act like they're in high school, it's ridiculous.

    As for the OP.. When I reached my goal weight a few years ago, I ran into a major jerk from high school at a going away party for another friend of mine. I tried to avoid him, because I really couldn't stand the guy. Unfortunately he saw me, but the double take and "Holy ****. Melissa???", followed by an obvious full body glance, was enough for me. I don't know if he even remembered being such an *kitten* in hs, and I really didn't care. It felt great.

    Revenge never feels as good as the initial thought. I agree with posters that have said to basically show him, and forget anything hurtful you could say. It's fun to think about, but wouldn't you rather take the high road?
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My old "bully" from high school, middle school, and elementary. Yes, the same boy pick on my my whole schooling, sometimes he had his friends join in. On Facebook, I joined a group page for my graduation class. He chatted with me on Facebook a little. Nothing bad, but I straight up asked, "Why did you hate me so much?" " He said,"I Never hated anyone I was just a stupid kid". lol yea you could have fooled me buddy. I just let the past be the past, just be happy :-)
  • idealbody
    idealbody Posts: 25
    Invite me with you... that's a complete package. LOL
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I wouldn't recognize most people from high school. I was on a whole lot of drugs.

    LMAO Best response!
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    There was this kid in high school that I had the biggest crush on. When he found out I liked him (I think my best friend at the time let it slip) he called me fat behind my back. For years I loathed him for that, especially when he was nonchalant to my face. One day in my "goal book" (a notebook full of dreams and goals I want to fulfill) I wrote "Make Dakota Jealous."

    He's in the air force now. I'm thinking at our high school reunion my wish will be fufilled :)
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Stop giving him head space.

    During high school I got picked on a lot, I was too skinny(95 lbs), too tall (only 5'7"), and I was not Jewish(the school was about 97% Jewish). I have ran into quite a few people who were horrible to me (think getting shoved up against metal lockers) but I was polite and kept moving. They are not worth my time, nor are they worth the head space. I have a wonderful life now and that is what matters.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I was bullied mercilessly in middle school so horribly I tried to commit suicide by the end of the 8th grade. The people that made fun of me are currently not doing well, one of them is the father of my cousin's daughter (so we are technically family :explode: ). Taking to the bully-er it turned out he and his crew had domestic issues ( father left them, mother was an alcoholic, mother was a crackhead, etc) so they took it out on the smart kids and the kids with problems that could not defend themselves.

    He's probably not even thinking of you. If you go in and say hi that would be great but acting like a stank bee-yotch to boost your bruised ego from like 5+ years ago is a total lose.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    My advice? Grow up and move on. No need for "revenge". :huh:
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Congrats on reaching your dreams! I think the best thing to say would be something polite, like some small talk. I mean kill him with kindness right? Your success already does most of the talking. :wink:

  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    OK, I just don't agree with all the just get over it comments. I think that people need to be held accountable
    for their actions and just because it was high school doesn't make it ok to be a bully. That's one of the reasons
    that bullies, and abusers keep doing what they're doing. I agree that you shouldn't be mean about it, but I
    think for your own feeling of dignity, you can let the guy know how you remember him treating you and how
    difficult it made your life at the time and that you just wanted him to know and maybe that you hope he has
    gotten better in the way he treats people now that he's an adult.

    Good luck in whatever you do.
  • Southernbelle90
    Girl you got to do this! And let me know how it goes!!! Good luck lady! You're gorgeous!!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I would go in looking all hot, but not say anything. That IMO would be a bit like stooping to his level, makes you look like you are still bothered by what he thinks, and also he may have grown up a lot since then (it was years ago!) He also may not even recognise you.

    If he does, he gets to feel like a fool, no words necessary. If he doesn't recognise you, there's no point even mentioning it, just move on :)
  • Scott
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