New To MFP. Looking To Spread Advise.



  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    That was quick. He deactivated.

    I'm honestly not surprised..
  • ClareRae
    ClareRae Posts: 153 Member
    Aw, it makes me sad tho. I was enjoying everyone destroying everything he said...
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    dinos, youre my hero for this post!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Heh. I love newbies who know it all.

    I eat red meat (not all the time, but probably a few times a month), I drink caffeine EVERY single day and OMG.. I eat sugar.

    I'm maintaining a healthy weight, have excellent blood work and other tests to back it all up - so, you do what makes YOU happy and works for you. I'll do what makes ME happy and what works for me.

    Oh to be 18 and know it all again.
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    The negativity from the community on this post is appalling.. :-(
    Sure maybe the wall of text was an annoying format to read and maybe this guy didn't know everything about everything.. but being ****s about it isn't helping anyone.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    The negativity from the community on this post is appalling.. :-(
    Sure maybe the wall of text was an annoying format to read and maybe this guy didn't know everything about everything.. but being ****s about it isn't helping anyone.

    I completely agree.. 'Pack Mentality' .. that's all I saw.

    There are ways to be polite, kind and understanding.. there are ways to use tact and thoughtfulness at someone's possibly naivety.

    He was naive and enthusiastic, and in my mind got shot down in flames.

    Nice supportive community spirit.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    The negativity from the community on this post is appalling.. :-(
    Sure maybe the wall of text was an annoying format to read and maybe this guy didn't know everything about everything.. but being ****s about it isn't helping anyone.

    I completely agree.. 'Pack Mentally' .. that's all I saw.

    There are ways to be polite, kind and understanding.. there are ways to use tact and thoughtfulness at someone's possibly naivety.

    He was naive and enthusiastic, and in my mind got shot down in flames.

    Nice supportive community spirit.

    Agreed. "I'm 18" should've been a help to us in understanding how to approach it. But he was systematically and rudely torn apart. Now this young, enthusiastic kid has left MFP after a truly foul experience with what WE like to consider a supportive community.

    Very sad.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    wow, is 125 your goal weight at 5' 10 being a male? this is concerning.

    I think he just meant in the peen area.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    this is all I see


    I don't even see the code any more. All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead...

    Also, I don't take advice from people who can't spell "advice".
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    Way to take away the excitement away from someone that is on here trying to help in the only way he knew stating what worked for him. I mean isnt that what all of you do? Try to tell people what works for you or has worked for you? He posted that this morning and already deactivated his account. Great supportive community.
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    lol, I'm with you :noway:
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I'm now 18 and 5'10. August 2011 is when I realized that I need to get back into a healthy lifestyle. At that time I was 175 lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. I cut out all soft drinks and now drink only water, with the exception of herbal tea and smoothies. I haven't had caffeine in over 8 months now.
    Caffeine isn't detrimental to weight loss. In fact scientific study shows it helps with inducing it.
    These are just a couple of the things that allowed me to drop down to 125 lbs.
    If you're 5'10 and 125lbs at 18 you're underweight. At 5'7" and 18 I looked really skinny, which is why I worked to gain weight.
    Then there was the diet changes. I eat a small meal every 2-3 hours, and this is something that I highly suggest. Never starve yourself! That is the worst thing for someone trying to lose weight. When you do finally give your body food, it will just store most of it as fat, because it doesn't know when it is going to get food next. So, that is a big rule.
    Starving yourself isn't good, but you DON'T NEED to eat every 2-3 hours to avoid starvation.
    Another thing to do is to cut down on ADDED sugar! You get plenty of healthy sugars from fruit and vegetables, there is no need in adding dangerous amounts of unhealthy sugar into your body. And when you cut out this extra sugars your taste buds will respect the natural flavors of foods so much more. Rutabagas and sweet potatoes are great vegetables that do not need any additives. They have plenty of flavor all by themselves.
    Sugar whether from food or processed is broken down the same way by the body to it's simpliest form. It's the total amount of calories that matters more.
    The next important step is eliminating red meats. Saturated fat is so dangerous. It scares when I see how much of it people are putting into their bodies. Lean meats and fish much better forms of protein. And if you are a vegetarian, beans are a great option (try to make use dried beans, try to avoid eat from a can. sodium is also dangerous).
    Red meat is fine in moderation. Saturated fat isn't DANGEROUS since you need some of it to live. It's the overconsumption of it that's the issue. And sodium is really only an issue if your sensitive to it or have high blood pressure. Please stop making unsupported claims.
    I'm tired of hearing the excuse that healthy food is expensive. That can be true, but it doesn't have to be. A meal at a fast food joint is $7-9 dollars on average. I can get a bag of dried beans that lasts me 20 servings for $1.00. Fast food is definitely more expensive when you factor in the future medical bills. I lost 50 lbs just by changing my diet. I rarely set aside time for exercise. I just try to incorporate it into my semi-active lifestyle. If you are serious about getting healthy, I am here to give you the advise you need and to possibly learn from you too. I am currently working on building some muscle, which is kind of a challenge since my acid reflux gets worse when I do a vigorous workout. I am saddened by the fact that people don't feel that they have the ability or will to get healthy, so that is why I'm making this post. I want to help everybody live longer. So contact me if you want to join me.
    It's good to give advice if what you're stating is factually true. What you're advising worked for you (although the BMI scale states you're underweight along with other weight parameter charts) and not something that all would actually benefit from.
    But IMO you need to bump that weight up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ALL of this.
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    I think there's some good advice in this post.

    People should stop being so negative in their comments when someone post something that worked for them.
    It's understood not all advice is good advice, but no advice is worst.

    The OP found something that worked for them and wanted to share with the world.
    Let see what your advice is. You'll find that your wrong too, for some reason or other. No one is allowed to be right on MFP.

    Food science isn't even a science if you consider all the facts.
    What works for one may not work for another, but it may be the tip someone out there needs.

    There aren't any good quotable food tips because there's always multiple sides to the argument.
    All food science is "bro science" in a way.
  • k9runner1963
    k9runner1963 Posts: 108 Member
    Threads like this are exactly why I don't post much! Especially any advice!
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    this is all I see


    I just snorted my iced tea up my damn nose. Too funny.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Way to take away the excitement away from someone that is on here trying to help in the only way he knew stating what worked for him. I mean isnt that what all of you do? Try to tell people what works for you or has worked for you? He posted that this morning and already deactivated his account. Great supportive community.

    AGREED! I can't beleive all the negativity -- and the mentality of some of these posts, are we back in Jr. High here where we have to feel better about ourselves by putting others down? I normally just ignore comments like that, but this got a little out of hand.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,633 Member
    tl,dr; nice effort OP, but you do come off as condescending. and the lack of paragraphs make my head hurt.

    also realize there are many ways of going about getting healthier. yours is one way, but not the only way.

    Owns more shoes than any man should.
    Leaps miniature buildings in a single bound.
    Knows the difference between loose and lose.
    Can mix a filthy martini with his eyes closed.
    Keep the signature!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition