1200 cals this way works...



  • BVannillie
    BVannillie Posts: 140
    I find it funny when people start the OMGZ DATS 2 LOW UR GONA LYK DIEE!!11 rant. I net less then 1200 a day, I am healthy, full, happy, losing weight and my Doctor has said it's fine. Just because it is someone's opinion that it's too low and unhealthy doesn't make it true. And I really don't give a **** about people saying they 'just want me to be healthy'. I AM healthy, and even if I wasn't it has zero to do with all you busy bodies sticking your nose in all the time. Get a hobby that doesn't involve being a nosy *kitten*!

  • 57silverfox
    57silverfox Posts: 56 Member
    Yes thats my target number also Imake sure protien eggs meat in my daily routine with spicy veg blue berries and 100 cal treats drop in when needed working good so far . Im always getting i need more cal below my daily log because of my cardio but its working if it not broke dont fix it lol
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I agree with you completely. 1200 is not that much food, but it also depends on the choices made. I am on a 1200 cal myself, as per MFP suggestion, and am seeing results already (I started about a week ago). It is a good way to lose weight at a safe rate without feeling deprived, but as you pointed out, choices matter a lot when you restrict yourself to that amount of calories. I don't understand those people on here - and everywhere else - who think 1200 for a woman is too low an intake... ask any doc... it is a safe rate. But anyhoo...
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
  • Soccermama81
    Thanks for the post...Love it...that helps me!:happy:
  • TonyaBtrfly
    TonyaBtrfly Posts: 118 Member

    I'm 5'2 and id starve or kill someone on 1200 calories. I feel sorry for all the people on here who are gonna gain all their weight back after working so hard and starving themselves because its impossible to maintain that lifestyle for any real length of time!
    But i'm sure i have no idea what im talking about so no problemo!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    I'm 5'2 and id starve or kill someone on 1200 calories. I feel sorry for all the people on here who are gonna gain all their weight back after working so hard and starving themselves because its impossible to maintain that lifestyle for any real length of time!
    But i'm sure i have no idea what im talking about so no problemo!

    They probably feel sorry for you having to spend the next year or two creeping toward your goal at a snail's pace, feeling like you have some Get Out of Jail Free card for maintenance.
  • yostefee
    yostefee Posts: 1
    Just curious about the topic of 1200 cals a day. I just started this program today and it put me at 1200 cal a day in order to lose weight. Is that what most everyone gets - 1200 a day?
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    why do people chose to eat less when they can lose weight while eating more? do they just not like food? :noway: i like food too much to eat 1200 but that's just me. my body is loving every ounce of the 1850 calories it gets and the scale is moving...but even better, my body comp is totally changing....no skinny fat here.

    and i don't like this assumption that just cuz people are eating more means they're eating fast food and junk. :huh: most of my meals are home made and are a good balance of some kind of meat/whole grains/veggies. if i find that i'm short a few calories, i have a protein shake or have a handful of almonds....not grab the fattiest, most calorie dense thing i can find.
  • nilesbollinger
    nilesbollinger Posts: 86 Member
    why do people chose to eat less when they can lose weight while eating more? do they just not like food? :noway: i like food too much to eat 1200 but that's just me. my body is loving every ounce of the 1850 calories it gets and the scale is moving...but even better, my body comp is totally changing....no skinny fat here.

    and i don't like this assumption that just cuz people are eating more means they're eating fast food and junk. :huh: most of my meals are home made and are a good balance of some kind of meat/whole grains/veggies. if i find that i'm short a few calories, i have a protein shake or have a handful of almonds....not grab the fattiest, most calorie dense thing i can find.

    Love this... glad we are friends juliebeannn!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    why do people chose to eat less when they can lose weight while eating more? do they just not like food?

    3500 calories = 1 pound. That's why people may choose to eat less. They want to get their weight down in a reasonable span of time.

    People might think they lose more at 1800 than 1200 but it's scientifically impossible. What they are is more patient at 1800, if you ask me. And probably more likely to track accurately. Maybe more likely to move a little more without 'eating back' each trip to the mailbox.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    why do people chose to eat less when they can lose weight while eating more? do they just not like food?

    People might think they lose more at 1800 than 1200 but it's scientifically impossible. What they are is more patient at 1800, if you ask me. And probably more likely to track accurately. Maybe more likely to move a little more without 'eating back' each trip to the mailbox.

    slow and steady wins the race -- not to mention, happier with more food :bigsmile:
  • juls0515
    juls0515 Posts: 1
    Thank you for sharing, that is a very easy and doable eating plan. I definitely agree high fiber and protein is the way to go.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    But some people are perfectly happy at lower intake levels, too. I just hate to see the 'it's dangerous' posts. Both are valid paths.

    A lot of people, and most diet authorities, believe you can learn to maintain without tracking each bite forever. So the urge to get the weight off and end the tedious tracking stage can be motivating. I think a lot of the 'slow and steady' fans plan to track forever, it seems like.
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    That is FANTASTIC. I wish that I could restrict myself like that! You seem to be having a lot of success, so do your thang!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I'm going to get a bag of popcorn before reading on to page two.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    I was eating 1200 cals a day when I first started and lost 20lbs within 3 months. Then I hit a plateau. I recently got advice from people on the board to up my calories based on my BMR and TDEE and I'm now at 1600 cals and losing weight again! I have to admit, I was so used to 1200 so it was hard for me to consume so much (still is), BUT I know now I was eating too little calories FOR ME. EVERYONE is different. So as much as we argue about what is right for EVERYONE, I don't believe there is just one "right" thing. So what may work for someone may be totally detrimental to someone else. If I have learned one thing from these forums, it's that! lol.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Ahh the same argument in another thread...

    Short answer: Yes, it is possible in a safe manner.

    Reality: Most people do not do so in a safe manner.
  • Sharon909
    Sharon909 Posts: 46 Member
    Agreed. I am on a 1200 cal a day diet and while I fluxuate between 20 cal over to 300 cal over (on the weekend when I have a couple of beers with friends) I always eat the calories I burn and I exercise 5 - 6 days a week. Its coming off sloooowly but I'm okay with that because this is something I can maintain for the long haul. No quick fixes ever work.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I love these threads. It's like watching reality TV.

    I'm 4'11", net less than 1200 per day, and feel fine, healthy, etc. You wanna feel sorry for me because I'm gonna gain it all back? Okay. Have fun with that. I dieted once before this 6 years ago, when my highest weight was 171 (at 4'11", that's pretty much really bad). I haven't been over 140 since then. Not even once. I went through a period in 2009 where my social life exploded and I found out that going out a lot = a lot of confrontation with food, all the time, and I went from 115 back up to 140. This is my second weight loss journey, same principles, and I've met with the same success only this time I've learned how to diet around people.

    So, for anyone who feels bad for restrictive dieters, hold your breath til I'm 170 again, please. Oh and you have 6 years of breath-holding catch up to do. ;)