*December Shredders*



  • I finished day 9 of level 1 today! I am excited that tomorrow is my last day with this. I am ready to move on to level 2. I am running every other day also. Today was only 2 miles on the icy roads after yesterdays storm! I wasn't going to use that as an excuse. I am so determined. Jillian really makes me want to to better!
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, didn't have time to post yesterday, but I did day 2 of level 2, which was my 11th day total. FYI, no matter how hungry you are, don't eat beforehand!! My dinner came up and then I came back and finished shredding! lol I also did an hour on the gazelle.

    Thanks for the link to the other page, maybe I'll post todays exercise there tonight.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, I'm also posting on the other shred now too.

    Today was my 12th day, 3rd day on level 2. I also did an hour on the gazelle.

    My high point today came when my hubby was poking at my tummy (which I hate and always tell him to stop) and he said that it's firmer and he could tell a difference! Yay for him noticing results! (even if I can't)
  • Today will be level 1, day 8! I've now lost 2lbs this week. YAY! Feel so much better about myself!
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Day 13, and day 4 on level 2. I also did the gazelle for an hour and walked who knows how much at the outlet mall.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    So, sadly, I did not get to shred yesterday. I was super busy and also had a Christmas party to go to, so I wasn't eating well either. By the time I got home, it was 10pm and I was too tired to do anything. I did however manage to squeeze in 20 mins on the gazelle. I'll do better today.
  • I didn't get to shred yesterday. :( But I did ice skate, so I wasn't that lazy! Today will be level 1, day 9! 2 more days on level 1!
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Did the shred and did 40 mins on the gazelle, only cause it's getting late.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, so last night was Day 14 total, Day 5 on Level 2. I also did the gazelle for an hour.

    Looks like the other thread is locked. I'll continue posting here, for accountability sake.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Yesterday was 15th day shredding, Day 6 on level 2, and did an hour on the gazelle.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, so I've been on vacation since Friday and this is the first day I could work out. Only did the shred. I unfortuantly haven't been able to eat right either, but I'll deal with it when we get back home
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, so I've been away for Christmas for a while and yesterday I jumped back on the wagon.
    It was my 17th day total, Day 8 on level 2. I also did the gazelle for an hour.

    I didn't shred completely last night, I mostly skipped out of the strength training. I've noticed a change since shredding, but it's been mainly muscle and not weight loss. This is great, except I am on a WEIGHT challenge that ends in February, so I think I'm going to exclude strength training until after I win this competition!! I'll worry about muscle later! Anyone have any specific advice to help with weight loss? I just wish I was seeing the numbers, hoping that will change when I stop the strength training.
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, so what is it, day 18 total, day 9 on level 2. I did modify tonight and did extra abs and cardio during the strength training. I previewed level 3 (from my couch!) to see if I might be ready for it, but since I had about a 2 week break in the middle of level 2, I'm not ready yet. I'll need a few more days of level 2 before I get to level 3. I also did an hour on the gazelle and I am ready for bed! I sleep much better when I'm exercising, and feel much better. I love it.
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