Join me for a challenge?



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 20 of the challenge and I can't believe I am still going strong. Only 10 more days left and then it's off to find another challenge.

    Can I just say I am EXHAUSTED!! I worked my little tail off today at the gym. First, I completed my boot camp homework assignment which was to jog for either 2 miles or 4 miles. I jogged for 45 minutes which totalled 3.75 miles and 331 calories burned. According to the treadmill I was averaging a mile every 12 minutes, so, I am happy. Second, I took a kickboxing class at the gym and I'm so sore I don't know what to do with myself. I did a full 45 minutes and according to MFP burned 439 calories. I'm unsure of how accurate MFP is but I know I burned something because sweat was pouring from my body.

    Two of my weekend goals have been accomplished (complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class) and I will be tackling the third one later this evening when I attend my friend's holiday cocktail party (I WILL NOT OVER INDULGE).

    Hoosiermomma, great job with accomplishing your weekly goals. In 2006 when I first began my weight loss journey my goal was to weigh 132lbs but once I reached it I reassess and came up w/125lbs. Due to some medication I regained 11 lbs so my goal is to be 125lbs again and drop at least 5% body fat.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I MET MY GOALS, I MET MY GOALS.....WooHoo, WooHoo. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    First, I went to the gym to complete my boot camp homework which was to jog/run 2 or 4 miles. I jogged/ran 3.75 miles and then headed to kickbocking class. I attended the full 45 minute class and between jogging and kickboxing burned a whopping 770 calories.

    My final goal was harder to attain but I am soooooooooooooo proud that I did. My friend catered her annual holiday celebration and the girl can THROW DOWN. My goal was not to over indulge and I did not. She started the evening off with cocktails. She made Pomegrante margaritas w/the sugar rimmed glasses and everything and I did not have one single drink. I opted for a tall glass of cold water.

    In addition to the drink, she made about 15 appettizers......crab dip, salmon dip, shrimp w/kidney bean puree on a baguette (this was great and actually a very healthy choice....she had whole wheat baguettes and the kidney beans were cooked w/chives and sweet yellow onions), egg plant w/portabella mushrooms, mexican meatball served on a tortilla, flatbread w/bleu cheese and onion, and a whole bunch of other things I can't remember.

    I was so thankful she only offered appetizer sized plates so you couldn't pile the food on and I purposely sat the furthest away from the food so whenever I thought about getting up to get another helping I would take a sip of water and then remain seated.

    I also did not make a "to go" plate although she offered several times.

    I did enjoy myself however fellowshipping with good friends and watching the football game.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Happy Monday all.

    Today was exercise boot camp and as always I had a great workout. I can't believe that next Friday (December 18th) is the last class. The new session begins in January but I haven't made a definitive decision about signing up for it, although I am leaning heavily in that direction. This class has really helped me stay focused and be held accountable.

    Anyway, between 1 hour of boot camp, jogging on the treadmill and weight lifting (back) I am sure I burned well over 500 calories.

    Have a great day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Good morning ladies,

    I am gonna post real quick so I can get cracking on my work assignment. I've completed my workout for today and i'm extremely excited to have it behind me. My boot camp instructor gave us an assignment to complete 30 standard push ups and to jog/run 2 miles. I was able to do 15 standard push ups but because my arms were so sore I had to do the other 15 on my knees. One mile was at a steady speed and the 2nd was to be at an incline. I was able to bang that out in less than 30 minutes and burn a total of 250 calories in the process. In order to meet my other challenge of burning 500 calories a day for 30 days I hopped on the ellipitical machine for 30 minutes. When it was all said and done I had burned 595 calories.

    Although I have been going strong w/this 30 day challenge I can't lie I can not wait for it to end. According to my calculation I should be done by next Thursday which is December 17, 2009. That's perfect b/c boot camp ends on December 18th until the new session begins in January 2010.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    You are AWESOME!!! Good job!!!
    My daughter and I started our challenge, but missed a couple days. Today we are on again.

    So Today is day it is back to day one.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    You are AWESOME!!! Good job!!!
    My daughter and I started our challenge, but missed a couple days. Today we are on again.

    So Today is day it is back to day one.

    Welcome back. It sure will be nice to read some posts other than mine....LOL
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprising did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Based on my previous posts, today is day 23!!!!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I have never been a fan of running outside. I LOVE taking walks outside. Sadly it was -22 with our wind chill this morning. I am going to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I hope to achieve the 20 pound loss the box says is possible. I am excited for this program. I like the way she couples things together.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's day 24 and all i can say is "WHEN WILL THIS CHALLENGE END". I hate quitting but I'm ready for this challenge to be over and I believe this time next Thursday will be the end for me.

    Let me start by saying I really truly did not feel up to working out and completing today's boot camp assignment (jog/run 4 miles). I just did not want to leave the house, however, I struggled out the door and made it to the gym. I decided to do to interval training on the treadmill. I was able to jog/run 4.60 miles in 48 minutes and burn 444 calories. My intense speed alternated between 6.0 -6.5 mph and my recovery speed alternated between 5.0 - 5.2 mph. In order to ensure I met my 30 day challenge goal (burning 500 calories a day for 30 days) I jumped on the elliptical machine for an additional 12 minutes and was able to burn 115 calories. My total for today is 559, so, my goal was met. Thank you God b/c I am just exhausted. Oh, I forgot, my boot camp instructor also wanted us to bang out 30 push-ups. I was able to do 15 standard push ups, took a 90 second break and completed an additional 7 standard with the last 8 being done on my knees.

    I am sooooooo proud of myself for not giving up especially since practically all the original posters have abandoned me. I will stick with it for the next week and then i'm OFFICIALLY DONE!!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's day 25 and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 26 is complete and I am so looking forward to my "rest day" tomorrow. I can't believe I only have 4 days left until this challenge is HISTORY. Since I'm the only one posting there's no need to ramble on. I burned 569 calories today by walking on the treadmill and taking a 45 minute kickboxing class.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am REALLY DISAPPOINTED b/c it appears I miscalculated the number of days I've been participating in this challenge. According to when I posted my first official post today is only day 24 NOT 26 therefore I have 6 more days left of this challenge. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, I was sooooooo looking forward to it ending on Thursday and now it looks like I have to go until next Saturday,
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I tried my little black dress on this morning and I can't believe it almost zipped up. I had the biggest grin on my face b/c my birthday is in a month and it looks like I'll be able to fit into it if I stay focused. I remember when I first tried the dress on back in September and it could barely get past my thighs never mind zip up the back BUT today not only did it move effortlessly up my hips but it ALMOST zipped to the top. I can not believe how much progress I have made and am extremely happy. This may have been just the boost I need to see the 30 day challenge through. WOOHOO.......WOOHOO!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    This thread is soooooooooooooo not fun anymore b/c everyone has dropped out of the challenge but b/c I plan on seeing it through I will post until I complete it. Today is day 25 and I've met the challenge by attending boot camp and burning over 500 calories.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 26 of the challenge. Burned 338 calories on the treadmill and 234 calories on the elliptical for a total of 572 calories burned for the day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 27 of the challenge is complete. I had boot camp today and boy did she BRING IT. Our boot camp instructor gave us her version of "The Amazing Race". We were partnered up and the objective was to be the first team to complete the following exercises: 25 alternating lunges w/shoulder press, 25 crunches, 25 bicycles, 25 toe touches, 25 high knees, 25 butt kicks, 25 jump squats, 100 jumping jacks, 35 step up/knee ups, 150 jump ropes, 30 push ups, 30 partner sit-ups, 25 dumbbell raises, 50 squats, 25 squats w/shoulder press, 30 hip raises w/chest press, 20 burpees, 30 twisting mountain climbers, 25 front raises, 25 lateral raises, 30 push ups (again) and 30 steam engines. There may have been other exercises but I cant remember at the moment. My partner and I came in first so we'll receive our prize on Friday. I'm unsure of the number of calories burned but I'M SURE it was over 500 b/c I had sweat blinding me from it pouring all in my face and my heart rate was elevated the entired time.

    I am proud of the progress I made b/c when we did this a few weeks back my partner and were unable to complete all of the exercises prior to the instructor calling "time". Today, not only were we the first team but we finished in record time.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am short on time today b/c I'm about to head to a meeting but day 28 is complete. I was able to burn 267 calories after 30 minutes on the stairmaster (not the stepper but the actual moving stairs) so I hoped on the treadmill for another 30 minutes and burned 265 calories. My total for today is 532 calories burned and only 2 days left for this challenge.....YIPPEE....YIPPEE....YIPPEE!!!
  • Im just now starting this challenge for myself! I need something to help me not gain weight during this holiday season and this challenge sounds perfect!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 29 of the challenge is officially complete. Today was the last day of exercise boot camp (next session begins January 4, 2010) and we had to do a final weigh in w/measurements and a fit test. So here's the deal, I'm down a total of 5 lbs in six weeks. I would be very discouraged if I hadn't actually lost 4% body fat too. I'm not sure why my weight is increasing but my body fat percentage is decreasing but I have to stay motivated. I know my goal weight of 125 lbs is attainable but this process can be very frustrating at times.

    Now that I'm off my soapbox let me share the great news. I won the "star camper" award which is an award giving to the camper who came to boot camp everyday, gave 100% while there, submitted their food logs on a consistent basis and completed every homework assignment. As a result of winning this award I received $25.00 off my next boot camp session and an "Eating Clean" by Tosca Renos cookbook. My partner and I also won a gift card to Smoothie King for winning the biggest loser contest we had on Wednesday.

    Finally, here are the results from the weigh in and fit test.....drum roll please.............

    Starting weight: 136 lbs Current weight: 131 lbs
    Starting body fat%: 30.8% Current body fat%: 26.8%
    Starting chest: 33 inches Current chest: 31 inches
    Starting waist: 32 inches Current waist: 28 inches
    Starting hips: 38 inches Current hips: 36.25 inches

    The fit test was timed, so, the numbers I'm giving are what was completed in 1 minute

    Initial push ups (knees): 40 Current push ups (knees): 51 (I can now do 20 standard push ups)
    Initial toe touches: 54 Current toe touches: 70
    Initial seated dips: 50 Current seated dips: 63
    Initial jumping jacks: 84 Current jumping jacks: 90
    Initial squat presses w/5lbs weights: 35 Current squat presses w/5lbs weights: 47 (I've since moved to 8 lbs weights)
    Initial burpees: 16 Current burpees: 22

    So despite not losing as much weight as I had hoped I am very encouraged b/c not only is the little black dress beginning to fit a little better but I'm clearly getting stronger and my endurance is increasing......YEAH CHOCOLICKKYSS.

    In addition to this we did some other exercises. Not exactly sure of the calories burned but the way I was sweating and how elevated my heart rate was i'm sure I met the challenge.

    Have a great weekend all.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Despite all the plans I had to accomplish my weekend tasks unraveling and me feeling like the TOM is rapidly approaching (cramping, tired, irritable) I can officially announce that day 30 of the challenge is COMPLETE. Since I missed my Saturday kickboxing class thank to Jiffy Lube being awfully slow this morning servicing my car I decided to take out some of my old kickboxing dvds and rock it out. 70 minutes later I was done and over 500 calories burned. I am sooooo proud of myself for not giving up on this challenge along time ago BUT it is now over and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
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