SSS Challenge - July 23 - 1st week weigh in



  • lsm0509
    lsm0509 Posts: 19 Member
    Hate that TOM!!! GRRR!! Hopefully it will be back down next week.

    Starting weight (July 16): 153.8
    1st week weight (July 23): 155.6
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost:
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 264

    1st week weight (July 23): 261
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 3 pounds

    Totally gonna rock this challenge!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 176.8

    1st week weight (July 23): 174
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 2.8
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    Starting weight (July 16): 167.6

    1st week weight (July 23): 165.2

    Total lost in challenge: 2.4 pounds
  • eschorre
    eschorre Posts: 185 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 161.5

    1st week weight (July 23): 159.9
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Did an awesome job with exercising and staying active but food was a different story. Today wasn't a good day but after reading everyone's posts am motivated to make it a good week even though I haven't been making good food choices.
  • melivist
    melivist Posts: 4 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 157

    1st week weight (July 23): 155.2
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Have been going in the wrong direction for a long time. Now heading in the right direction. The reality of the amount of work and commitment it takes is hitting me hard. I feel great about moving more, getting active with the kids and getting healthy.
  • jpohoney
    jpohoney Posts: 66 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 201.6

    1st week weight (July 23): 193.4
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 8.2
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    Whats SSS stand for? and can i start a week late?
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Doh! Posted this on the wrong thread yesterday!

    Well done, ladies - everyone is doing great!

    Starting weight (July 16): 152

    1st week weight (July 23): 150.5 (-1.5)
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 1.5lbs

    That's good for me!!!!

    Edited by PJ_73 on Mon 07/23/12 05:36 PM
  • lochearn
    lochearn Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 155.4

    1st week weight (July 23): 152.6
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27

    Down 2.8
  • misslou7
    misslou7 Posts: 42 Member
    Okay so I've only just spotted this so I've got a bit of catching up to do...

    Starting weight (July 16): 181.4
    1st week weight (July 23): 180.2
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total weight lost: 1.2lb so far
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 279.4

    1st week weight (July 23): 275.2
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 4.2 pounds:love:
  • caroleeic
    caroleeic Posts: 2 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 175.8

    1st week weight (July 23): 172.4
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 3.4 lbs
  • tcocci
    tcocci Posts: 5 Member
    Day 2 for me; still feeling good and motivated. Not sure how I lost 3.2 pounds since yesterday, maybe just water weight/something hormonal going on? Oh well, it looks good and gives me even more motivation to keep going. Good luck, everyone!
  • cindy6587
    cindy6587 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting weight (July 16): 146

    1st week weight (July 23): 143
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 3 lbs
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    Yesterday I posted my week one weight. I was retaining like 4lbs of water from my sodium packed weekend (fail!) But Today I am 176.6 with a beginning weight of 176.4 So I believe that most of that sodium has made/is making its exit! Even if I didn't loose last week, I'll be happy if I maintained and lost inches!

    Vacation in September and I cant wait to be slim and sexy on the beach!
  • Too busy yesterday to post, but here it is:

    Starting weight (July 16): 146

    1st week weight (July 23): 143.2 (-2.8)
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total Weight lost: 2.8lbs (mostly water weight tho, thanks TOM! )

    (edit to correct grammar)
  • Starting weight (July 16): 187

    1st week weight (July 23): 186.8
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

    Total lost in challenge: 0.2 pounds

    Ok...not a great start but like one poster said "whats done is done" not a great start today either ;-( but I still have 5 more days to go so I am looking to do better this week! however, I will not quit!
  • ctiedeman
    ctiedeman Posts: 21
    First week wasn't so bad. I am going to try and get to the gym more this week which will help out a lot. When losing this 1.9 pounds it put me at my first 10 pound mark. I have successfully lost 10 pounds, and it has become a real eye opener on how much change can look, feel and be so much better! :happy:

    Starting weight (July 16): 195.7
    1st week weight (July 23): 193.8 (down 1.9)
    2nd week weight (July 30):
    3rd week weight (August 6):
    4th week weight (August 13):
    5th week weight (August 20):
    6th week weight (August 27):

  • asmallermeplz
    asmallermeplz Posts: 125 Member
    AWESOME JOB!! :flowerforyou: