What is your favorite motivational/exercise quote?



  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Here is another good one that I like.
    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. ~Cherokee proverb
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
  • lmroessler
    lmroessler Posts: 29 Member
    Exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you're doing.
  • Being charged with a "DWI".... You just "DON"T WANT IT" bad enough...
  • tigtigs
    tigtigs Posts: 52
    Another of my all time favorites..."It's much easier to get up and work out than it is to look in the mirror every day and not like what you see!"
  • amphora
    amphora Posts: 43 Member
    Marking for later.
  • SalPal03
    SalPal03 Posts: 80 Member
    A year from now you'll wish you started today
  • bethanynovak
    bethanynovak Posts: 16 Member
    Saw this somewhere else on the site and it has worked for me so far. "The only thing I hate more than running/exercising is weighing (insert weight here)."
  • 2moonNback
    2moonNback Posts: 61 Member
    I saw a picture on Pinterest of a little girl who has two artifical legs and a guy who has two artifical legs who are running and when I feel like I am ready to give up I think of that little girl and I keep pushing myself because if they can do it with artifical legs and smile I need to keep pushing and be grateful for what I have and work harder...
  • nmatty88
    nmatty88 Posts: 2 Member
    When I feel like stopping midway during an exercise, I tell myself "Pain is weakness leaving the body..."
    ENCORRALES21 Posts: 21 Member
    my favorite right now is "live for now, because today has never happened" lol its the new pepsi slogan but every time i'm about to stop running i keep repeating it and it gets me through it
  • billmoe92
    billmoe92 Posts: 28
    "Let's start buildin' some hurtin' bombs!!"
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Sweat is fat crying
  • rward007
    rward007 Posts: 32
    Sometimes, when I'm running, I'll ask myself "If I were being chased by zombies, would I be ready to give up?".
  • About RUNNING...

    "It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit."

    "Make it happen, SHOCK every single one of them!"
  • nsanville
    nsanville Posts: 28 Member
    Sweat is your fat crying. I know it's cheesy but my friend and I use it to motivate one another when we are dripping from a workout and want to slow down
  • nsanville
    nsanville Posts: 28 Member
    Sweat is fat crying

    Ha i just posted the same one, I didn't even see yours! LOVE!
  • Sassy9411
    Sassy9411 Posts: 67 Member
    "When you feel like quitting think about why you started."
    LOVE that! I know I'm going to have that running through my head on a hard day.
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    We have on our wall at home "Dreams don't work unless you do!"
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Strive for progress not perfection. The only person you are in competition with is the you from yesterday. A year from now you will wish you had started today.

    And inspirational stories:
    And inspiring stories:
    Staci's story - from strength to commitment to eating habits: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/

    Arthur's story - when you fall down, stand back up; if he can do it I don't have any excuses: