chocolate covered zombie elves (questions only)



  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Greg, do you realize you are just as hard on yourself?

    Dawn and Sandy...Did you realize that pic was from the shoulders up for a reason?

    You guys don't have nearly as far to go as me

    have you seen my body and i dont remember? ffs im a fat *kitten* still have you seen my ticker? do you see how much i have left to reach my goal..and its a high goal

    Knock it off with that talk.:mad: Do I have to came and give you a Nooggie?:smile:

    Did you know my ticker doesn't stop at my goal weight?

    can i give you a wet willy in return?
    How did Willy get wet? and Why are you so eager to give him away?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    THAT'S IT!.....j/k...Will you all have a good night?

    I gotta go to Stepsons Playoff game.
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    Greg, do you realize you are just as hard on yourself?

    Dawn and Sandy...Did you realize that pic was from the shoulders up for a reason?

    You guys don't have nearly as far to go as me

    have you seen my body and i dont remember? ffs im a fat *kitten* still have you seen my ticker? do you see how much i have left to reach my goal..and its a high goal

    Knock it off with that talk.:mad: Do I have to came and give you a Nooggie?:smile:

    Did you know my ticker doesn't stop at my goal weight?

    can i give you a wet willy in return?
    How did Willy get wet? and Why are you so eager to give him away?

    didnt he say he was going to go take a cold shower?
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Will you also enjoy your night, Greg?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    THAT'S IT!.....j/k...Will you all have a good night?

    I gotta go to Stepsons Playoff game.
    will you cheer him on for me? will you save me some of that sauce too?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Thanks guys...

    SSSS- Didn't you want a meatball sammich?

    See Ya
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    would it be okay if i have a little sauce dip it in
  • shaynak1
    shaynak1 Posts: 47 Member
    How can they say love is blind but also believe in love at first sight???
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Would that depend on how love is treating them?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Do you believe in love at first site or should I walk by again?
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Would that involve tree bums?
  • phoenix_59
    phoenix_59 Posts: 1,123
    can you crawl by .....real slow?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    What is a bulbous?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    is it something fat and round?
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Would you believe it's an adjective?
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    Would you believe I can only think of one thing that fits?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    How about this?

    bul·bous adj.

    1. Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen: a bulbous nose; a bulbous stem base.
    2. Botany Bearing bulbs or growing from a bulb.
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Would you believe I can only think of one thing that fits?

    Is it the end of a hair follicle?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Did you all know I was asking because Whiskey used it in the story and I had no idea what he was referring to?

    Now I get it!!! :huh:
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Shall we keep going?